The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1890 Mirror Therapy (Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day)

The bosses in Karazhan are so willful. You must kill me within a certain period of time, otherwise I will kill you.

This BOSS stage is not obvious. He alternates between two stages repeatedly. These two stages have three same skills. One is Void Burning, which can theoretically be avoided by blocking vision and can be resisted.

The King of Qin walked around the pillars. He could not avoid the first day of the lunar month, but he would also avoid the fifteenth day of the lunar month.

Void Burning only needs to block the vision for the Void Ghost Dragon to hold back the fire.

And because the skills can be resisted, Lu Li asked March Rain to give everyone shadow resistance. Void Burning looks like a fire skill, but it is actually shadow damage.

There is also a void zone, which randomly selects a target and casts a circle of void zone under its feet that lasts for 15 seconds. Anyone within its range will suffer one thousand shadow damage every two seconds, which is similar to 4DK Woman's Black Water and Forbidden Demon. The skills of the final boss in the prison are similar.

This damage must be avoided, otherwise the number of troops will be reduced in minutes.

The last step is strengthening, which increases its own damage by 100% and cannot be dispelled. It usually appears in the first few seconds of each Void Gate stage.

The violent skill of the Void Ghost Dragon appears frequently, and you must be highly concentrated to fight this BOSS.

The Void Gate stage lasts for about 60 seconds. There is a Void Gate point on the left, right, and directly opposite the room entrance. Whenever this stage is entered, these three points will each refresh a Void Gate of a different color, and at 10 Seconds later, three lights of corresponding colors will be emitted from the three doors at the same time towards the BOSS.

It should be noted that although the positions of the three gates are fixed, the colors may change during the next Void Gate stage, giving you less than 10 seconds to react.

The three colors of light will produce different effects of BUFF when they hit the BOSS and the player. The same thing is that the BUFF is superimposed one layer per second, with a theoretical upper limit of 99 layers; when the player is out of the ray and the BUFF disappears, the name Players will receive a DEBUFF called "Void Fatigue", which will prevent them from absorbing light of the same color for the next 90 seconds. Other colors will not be affected.

Three colors of light, one of which is red light, is called perseverance. After hitting the BOSS, each layer will reduce the damage taken by oneself by 1%. If it hits a player, the player will become the current hatred target of the BOSS, and each layer will reduce one's own damage. Damage 1%, improve defense skills by 5 points.

This color must be blocked, otherwise the BOSS will be unable to fight if there are too many layers on it.

There is also a kind of green light called Tranquility. If it hits the BOSS, it will restore 4000 health points for each layer. If it hits the player, it will increase the healing effect by 5% for each layer and reduce the skill consumption by 1% (including the loss of mana, anger and energy). , reduce the upper limit of mana value by 200 points.

The last one is blue light, called domination. If you hit the BOSS, each layer will increase the BOSS's spell damage by 1%. If it hits the player, each layer will increase the player's spell damage by 5%, reduce the amount of healing you receive by 1%, and increase the amount of damage received by the player. Spell damage 8%.

After sixty seconds, it enters the exile phase, which lasts for about 30 seconds.

The portal will disappear at this stage, and the Void Dragon is in an exiled state and cannot move. However, players who are too close will still suffer physical attacks. The Void Dragon can still be attacked at this stage.

The unique skill at this stage is Void Breath - randomly select a target and breathe in a cone-shaped range in its direction, causing 4100-4800 damage to players within the range and knocking them back 30 yards.

Cast 4 times per stage, this skill is limited by vision.

The exile phase ends after 30 seconds, and the BOSS returns to the Void Gate phase again. At this time, the hatred list is reset, and healers and DPS must be careful about OT until the red light appears. Strictly speaking, this stage does not last exactly 30 seconds. If the BOSS happens to be casting Void Breath when the time is up, the time will be slightly extended.

Based on the characteristics of the three types of light BUFF and DEBUFF, different professions should be responsible for receiving different colors of light.

Generally speaking, tank professions are responsible for red light, because red light gains hatred, reduces damage and improves defense. Other professions can easily be killed instantly.

The healer is responsible for the green light, and the long-range DPS is responsible for the blue light.

However, due to the characteristics of light, it is difficult for players to withstand the entire stage of exposure alone, because this will cause the BUFF to be superimposed to more than 50 layers. Starting from the 31st layer, the red light will make the tank's upper limit of health less than the original, while the blue light will increase the additional damage the player takes by 240% after 30 seconds of exposure, which means that the aura effect will affect the tank every 5 seconds. Inflicting 3,000 points of damage, except for a few professions, most people will have difficulty sustaining it.

Therefore, alternating exposure to light has become a more common solution.

Lu Li had a reasonable plan in mind. The only problem was that he had to "research" this plan into a reasonable one.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

In fact, even if he doesn't act, it's only a matter of time before he figures out this set of rules.

To put it simply, after entering the door first to trigger the battle, three points will refresh the void door at the same time, which means that the light will be emitted in 10 seconds and must be in place within this time. At this time, all DPS should not attack first and let the blue sea breeze After pulling it up, Canmeng used misdirection to help stabilize the hatred. The three players responsible for receiving the light began to adjust their positions to ensure that when the light was emitted, it could shine on themselves, not the BOSS.

10 seconds after the battle starts, the MT will take over the first red light, which will last for about 25 seconds and then be replaced by a healer, which will continue for another 25 seconds. This healer should obviously be a knight or a druid.

Lu Li pulled Yese in, so that there would be two healers and two MTs to block the red line. As a backup plan, if the person blocking the red line died, it was actually acceptable to switch to a hunter.

This is maintained until the end of the first Void Gate phase. During the second Void Gate phase, since the Void Fatigue DEBUFF of these two people is still there, the second tank should step forward to take over the red light. After 25 seconds, let another healer take over. At the same time, the DEBUFF of MT disappears during the third Void Gate stage, completing a rotation.

The hatred list will be reset every time this stage appears, and the red light has not yet appeared, so you must be careful with OT, and as soon as the red light appears, you can use full DPS.

If the player is responsible for receiving the current light, and the BOSS happens to cast Void Zone, remember not to move left or right, only to dodge forward and backward, and must not let the light escape from you and shine on the BOSS.

It is best to agree on the method of taking over in advance. Generally speaking, it is enough to directly block the light by passing between the currently illuminated player and the void door, and the previous player must see that the light has been taken over before leaving.

The player currently illuminated by the green light must always pay attention to his mana. When the mana is 0, the green light will directly ignore him. If no one takes over at this time, it will shoot directly to the BOSS, which is very fatal.

In any case, it is necessary to ensure that the green light cannot come into contact with the BOSS. The three healers must strictly implement the regulations when taking over. If there is an emergency, DPS such as thieves and warriors can also take over. His mana-consuming effect will have no effect.

The Void Ghost Dragon is very difficult, and that is for the land reclamation stage.

Any team that has fought it several times can easily beat this boss with their eyes closed.

The BOSS fell, and some players got skill points. This is the charm of the first kill. In the case of non-first kill, it would be good if three BOSS can get one skill point. If you are unlucky, there will be no skills in the entire dungeon process. point.

The stone has a piece of healing called Mirror Healing.

Bind a teammate as your own mirror image. Every time the healing profession treats the target for a certain amount of treatment, the mirrored player will get an instant recovery opportunity.

It is a very good special effect stone. There is really no need to waste such a good stone on ordinary equipment.

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