The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 204 Preparing to open up a new dungeon

"Why me?" Huadi's lunqing expression was so terrifying that even his sister was far away from him.

"Ahem, Huahua, don't be too sad," Azure Sea Breeze couldn't bear it, or maybe for other purposes, she came over and put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Why is there only one person who failed to complete the job transfer task, and that person is me!" Huadi Liqing was really depressed.

According to the designer's idea, the difficulty of job transfer tasks in Dawn is suitable for mass players above level 20. Most of the members of the Xinxin Mercenary Group have reached this level, and their equipment and skills are all top-notch.

As long as there are no accidents and it's not a case of particularly bad luck, even a single player can basically complete the mission.

Huadi Liqing was very unlucky. He was very confident at the beginning and refused to form a team with players from the light camp. As a result, he was left alone when he encountered players from the evil camp and was beaten to death by more than a dozen people.

In fact, Lu Li felt that it was normal for Huadi Liqing to fail in her mission, and it wasn't a bad thing.

He is too arrogant and independent.

He just hangs around his sister all day long without any social interaction at all.

He didn't care about the people in the mercenary group, and his cooperation in daily dungeon activities was also very poor. He spent most of the time with his head buried in output.

Dawn is not a one-man game, I hope he can understand this through this incident.

"Okay, you can continue with the job change mission in three days. Now let's go to the Wailing Cave. I'll draw a road map for everyone," Lu Li took out a piece of parchment.

"Why do we need a road map? Can't we just send it from the NPC?" Everyone looked puzzled.

Lu Li could only explain patiently: "The Wailing Cave is located in the Southern Barrens of the tribe map. The last time I went to the Barrens..."

"Wait, you were the one who burned down the tribal camp?" Yueguang asked in surprise.

"Yes, that is a mission," Lu Li nodded and admitted.

"Niu B, I have nothing to say," Yue Guang smiled bitterly and patted Lu Li on the shoulder. This guy was really willing to refresh other people's understanding of him.

There is a little bit of news from the light camp, and there is a lot of discussion from the evil camp, especially the PVP circle, which is very concerned about this matter. Most people think that this is the work of NPC, who goes deep behind enemy lines and burns the entire camp.

As for the powerful warrior stare that Lu Li encountered, I don't know why, maybe no one told him.

"Actually, it's not as awesome as you think. Let's talk about this later. I'll talk about what I gained after that exploration in the Barrens." Lu Li's interesting exploration was obviously a guide in his previous life. He just found a reason to tell it.

"What did you find?"

"Where the Wailing Cave is, there is a sweet water oasis. If you soak in it for ten minutes, you will gain a status of +5 in all attributes. This status is only valid in the Wailing Cave," Lu Li explained.

"Why did you go and soak in the water for ten minutes?" Piao Ling said she didn't understand.

"Take a shower," Lu Li weakly gave a reason.

Piao Ling gave him a middle finger in return.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. This is inspired by the spider lair. Fortunately, I discovered it. I think this can be used as our advantage. At least in a short period of time, other players will not be so bored to go and have fun. minute."

"All attributes are +5. Although it is not heaven-defying, it still improves the entire team. How long will this state last?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I stayed in the dungeon for an hour and my status didn't change. After I came out, my status was gone." Piao Ling is not easy to fool. Fortunately, Lu Li has been prepared. If you don't believe me, I can't fool you.

"Okay, in that case, it's not appropriate to transmit from the teleporter. Just draw the line," Piao Ling said expectantly.

"Actually, it's very simple. You teleport to Ratchet City first, and follow this line - you must follow this line. This is a safe route. Don't take shortcuts. There are several routes from Ratchet City to the Wailing Cave. Many orcs and wolf cavalry, elites at level 30, are extremely fast and difficult to deal with. If they see them, they will basically be dead."

"Do we need to teleport there every time and then run there in fear all the way?" Azure Sea Breeze asked unhappily.

He was a warrior and was not used to this kind of hiding.

"That's not necessary. At this location," Lu Li clicked on the map, "there is a frontline command post. You can repair equipment and get some simple supplies here. There is also a hotel. The only drawback is that there are no teleporters or trading houses."

"It's troublesome not having a teleporter."

"Don't rely too much on teleporters. The teleporter setting will be canceled in the future. Only certain maps will have teleporters," Lu Li kindly reminded.

"Why?" Not to mention the lazy Azure Sea Breeze, even others were quite dissatisfied.

Hachi-chan was almost crying. She couldn't figure out the direction to begin with. If the teleportation was canceled, she would have to wait until the end of the year to reach her destination with her short legs.

"There are few maps open in the early stage, the number of players is large, and the mobility is not strong. Once you have mounts and other things, naturally there will not be so many teleportation arrays for you to use," Lu Li knew this trend better than anyone else. There are fewer and fewer teleportation arrays. By the time he travels through, there will only be teleportation arrays available for long distances of more than half a day.

Instead, there are various land mounts, flying mounts, airships and other flying carrying vehicles.

"Xiao Bajiang transforms into a leopard and sneaks out to explore the road ahead. If she encounters an orc wolf cavalry, she will sound the alarm. Piao Ling, you can help her guide the direction at any time." Lu Li looked at this unreliable druid and sighed.

"What about you, you're not with us?"

"I...I can't go to Ratchet City..." Lu Li touched his forehead and wiped away the non-existent cold sweat.

"Why?" Ratchet City is on Astrana's teleportation list. Even if it is not from the Light camp, it should be a neutral force. Why Lu Li can't go has aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Well, I just can't go anyway," Lu Li's reason for not being able to go was a bit strange and difficult to explain.

"Say it, say it," Can Meng and Xiao Bajiang grabbed Lu Li and refused to let go.

"Let go, okay, I said, I offended the NPC, are you satisfied with this reason?" Lu Li had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender.

Offend NPC?

The blue sea breeze couldn't help but think of the poor goblin businessman Crowley. He pointed at Lu Li with shaking hands and shouted in horror: "You killed NPCs again. Are you addicted to killing them?"

"Fuck you, when have I ever killed an NPC?" Lu Li rolled his eyes at him.

"Brother Haifeng, tell us, did you really kill the NPC?" Can Meng began to act coquettishly at Xiaobajiang's instigation. Others were also very curious. Huadi Liqing Sanyue has been with Lu Li for a long time. , I never knew he had the feat of killing NPCs.

Azure Sea Breeze was helpless and looked at Lu Li pitifully.

Lu Li clapped his hands and pretended to be serious and said, "What are you doing here? Why don't we set off quickly? Let's try to kill a BOSS today. The mold explosion rate of the first kill is very high."

Could he be a little more fake? Everyone looked at him with disdain.

Lu Li ignored them and walked away minding his own business.

His journey is longer and he needs to run all the way through Warsong Canyon.

Although it can fly, it is not as convenient as teleportation.

"Fuck, can you tell me, Lu Li, don't run away," Azure Sea Breeze didn't react until Lu Li ran away, and then he was entangled by a group of gossips.

PS: I have forgotten a lot of things, so I went into the game to check it out. I feel so nostalgic. It would have been better if I hadn’t been hacked. Sweetwater Oasis is so dangerous. Thanks for the rewards from Dabei without Tears, Mosha Fanghua..., Naughty Hero, and Xingchen Yinhui. Thanks to ThePromise, Confused Little Ghost, Hagi Shuiluo, Lock of Cold Flames, Happy Fengshen, zxm1983, -ZR, Yi Jian Hengtian, How Many and Half, and Qiao Yuefeng for their monthly votes.

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