The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 216 The battle flag does not fall

The system publishes tasks throughout the map, and everyone can take them.

After accepting the mission, all players will receive a buff status.

Meisena's Blessing: +20% health recovery speed, +20% magic recovery speed, +20% damage to elemental creatures.

So awesome!

The players burst into cheers, and everyone was beaming with joy.

"Be careful. If you pass today's level, you will be able to drink spicy food. If you can't pass, you will lose experience." Everyone was full of confidence. Only Lu Li sneered.

"Hey, why does this guy always say depressing words?" Azure Sea Breeze bumped Piao Ling beside him with his elbow.

"I didn't know," Piao Ling also felt that something was wrong. He didn't have any prophetic abilities, but based on common sense, it was impossible for a game company to design a task that was too simple.

Maysena Outpost can be said to be the gateway to Astrana. It faces the southwest and bears most of the pressure from the Ashenvale war zone such as the coastline, Deadwind Pass, and Warsong Gulch.

Especially the naga, the big enemy on the sea, is the top priority of the defense zone.

The defense structure of the outpost is enough to accommodate millions of soldiers in formation. Of course, the Night Elf Sentinel Legion in Ashenvale does not have that many, but the players do!

Millions of players teleported from all over to participate in the largest official event since the game was launched.

If the content of the mission is just to kill monsters, why give it a powerful state?

This confusion did not last long. Five minutes after the mission was released, the player's ears were filled with deafening waves, from far to near, overwhelming.

Piao Ling looked up and almost threw the hammer in his hand.

The water element came from the southwest, and their position was facing the east. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be too many water elements, but as far as the field of vision could be seen, it was actually covered with water elements. The originally green grass was now dark gray. The land is all invisible.

"Fuck, why are there so many? What should I do now, run away?" Azure Sea Breeze's knees softened and she almost fell to her knees.

There are so many monsters, and if one person were to attack him, no matter how awesome the MT was, he wouldn't be able to last for three seconds, and any damage reduction skills would be useless.

"It's all a matter of experience," Lu Li, who was originally serious, became less anxious, "In March, you control the rhythm, Xiaobajiang, you don't have to do anything, just give everyone the rejuvenation technique, and everyone else will Be careful."

Rejuvenation is a continuous recovery skill that can stabilize the blood line when there is not much blood loss.

Lu Li kept talking with his mouth and kept beating with his hands, playing with extraordinary unrestrainedness.

Although he lent his blood-patterned badge to Azure Sea Breeze, with his superior equipment attributes and a higher level than the water element, he was still more durable than ordinary warriors.

The players nearby were almost dumbfounded.

Could it be a thief with extra points in all qualities? Just as he was guessing, he saw Lu Li stabbing a water elemental to death with three knives.

Fuck, was that water element just made of mud?

"Ah," a scream came out.

There was a team nearby who was so absorbed in the treatment that he forgot to add blood. Someone in the team was killed by the water element.

Only then did they realize that a huge number of water elements were approaching, and everyone had to brace themselves, otherwise a single oversight could be fatal.

The water element is a melee monster of the legal system. Its attack will cause water damage and cause a certain deceleration effect.

People who don't know whether they are alive or dead often rush into the monster pile and are instantly submerged in the ocean of water elements. Lu Li and others are more cautious, insisting on the favorable terrain and waiting for the monsters to rush forward before taking action.

Their location was specially chosen by Lu Li. The slope was steep enough and it was surrounded by huge fir trees.

The actual monsters he faced were not as many as they seemed. There were at least a dozen monsters that could attack Azure Sea Breeze.

In addition, Lu Li was able to hold a few people nearby, and he was barely able to stabilize himself.

Other players were not so lucky. They originally thought they were some level 20 mobs. What were they? They were just spawned to give players experience.

With a loose formation and messy professional coordination, the player camp was retreating steadily.

Kaboken: The Sixth Regiment of the Blood Banner, shrink the defense line with me as the center.

Such a message was posted on the regional channel. No one expected that the first person to respond publicly would be the Bloody War Flag.

Although the light camp does not have a dominant super guild like the evil camp's Glory City, the status of the Blood Flag cannot be ignored. In many cases, it is more popular than the Jiangnan Noble Guild.

Such a spiritual leader actually shrank in front of the sea of ​​monsters.

Upon seeing this, other guilds tightened their defense lines. Even so, there were still a large number of players painting white lights under the attack of monsters.

Players retreat, monsters advance, and there is no breathing space in the entire battlefield.

"For the goddess!"

"Long live the Alliance!"

Groups of death squads were separated from the crowd, including the camps of major guilds such as Scarlet War Flag. They shouted slogans and rushed towards the monster without fear of death, blocking the front.

The first official contact between monsters and players, tens of thousands of people turned into white light.

However, these people's deaths were not in vain. They bought time for the players behind them. The players who always regarded themselves as the proud ones put away their contempt, and they formed small square formations according to the way of playing dungeons.

Warriors, knights, and druids roared and pushed forward.

Appreciating Flowers and Purchasing Jade: I am the commander of the second regiment of the Scarlet Banner. I call on all players and all guilds to face the crisis together. This is not an experience gain, this is a war. Behind me is Meisena Outpost, and behind me is my home. For the sake of the alliance, blood stains the robes, and the battle flag never falls!

Hornet's Nest: The main defense of Seventh Heaven is due south.

Qingqi Gujiu: The Seventh Heaven mainly defends against the west.

Guilds stood up one by one and organized a stronger line of defense. Based on the guild elite group, individual players and small guilds worked together. The players finally stood firm and were no longer beaten back.


Lu Li was attacked repeatedly by several monsters. His steps were unsteady and he was almost knocked down. He had no choice but to activate the disappearing skill.

Without Lu Li as its target, the monster pounced on Huadi Liqing, who was originally standing behind Lu Li. Huadi Liqing groaned and held up the ice shield.

Lu Li took a breath and entered the battle again.

There is no unbreakable line of defense, and with his ability, he cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents. Just like just now, monsters rushed into the team, and legal players with poor equipment would be killed instantly.

Ordinary players don't have levels over twenty like them.

"There seems to be a problem over there in Warsong Canyon. Check out the kindergarten chat room," Yueguang reminded Lu Li.

When Lu Li opened the chat room that he had blocked, he heard the angry voice of a hornet's nest: "Twilight, what do you mean?"

Dusk (Xingchen) smiled bitterly: "I can't help it. The NPC issued an order to destroy the Silver Wing Outpost. Otherwise, why would our Star Guild take advantage of others' danger? We also admire your passion and pride."


If Meisena Outpost is the gateway, then Silver Wing Outpost is the frontline position of the Ashenvale elves against the orc invasion. Players entering Warsong Gulch obtain supplies there.

In the chat room, Blood Dagger (Glory City) took over with a smile: "Our undercover agent over there said that you have been upgraded very well. If we don't do something, then our tribe will really be suppressed by you. .”

Appreciating flowers and tasting jade: Although the City of Glory is strong, it is not taken seriously by us yet.

Blood Dagger: Xiao Yuyu, I’m looking forward to making out with you at the Huaying Cup.

Su Li (Wind Legion): You are allowed to do the mission, but we are not allowed to do the mission. We have long disliked the Silver Wing Outpost. We must remove it this time.

Water Elf (Weiyu Pavilion): Are you tired of talking?

It really didn't stop. Lu Li sighed inwardly. The front line here had just stabilized, and the tribe over there was about to attack Warsong Canyon and destroy the alliance's frontline outpost.

PS: Thanks for reading Shuchaofeng, dfsdxcv, fgdgkjuj, XZ Bookworm, ThePromise, Lonely Love for the Star, Feng Qi in the Heart, Vl’s Days Together, Wang Yuze, @Rookie@, wretched de Wangdao, Fat Monkey, Wan Feng, Monthly pass for Silent Sea Breeze.

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