The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 222 The Fall of the Legend

At the foot of the mountain, another wave of dozens of thieves joined, and the players in the light camp were defeated.

Not only that, more ordinary players began to join the melee, and the scene became increasingly chaotic.

Dawn doesn't mess around with balance, but there are absolutely no enemies of ten thousand people.

The old master was beaten to death by random punches, skills were flying wildly on the spot, and high-end players often died among the random soldiers. To put it in a wild way, there was no technical content.

"The war situation has been decided. The high-end players have lost, and the ordinary players have the upper hand. President, the Silver Wing Fortress will definitely be reduced to ruins," a paladin came over. His name was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who was responsible for leading ordinary players to participate in the war.

"Don't be careless. The bloody group of grandchildren will not give up easily. How is the Meisena outpost doing?" Xiao Mo asked.

"The battle there is fierce, and at least half of the millions of players are dead. If it hadn't been for constant replenishment, they would have been defeated by the water element long ago. In addition, we unplugged the Silver Wing Fortress, and the Alliance Dogs are really done this time," Ninja The turtle said happily.

"You idiot," Xiao Mo glared at him, "I only saw them dying, but I didn't see them leveling up."

Overall, Maysena Outpost is a river of blood, but this event is an experience egg. Players who failed can recover their losses by killing monsters, let alone those who did not fail.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Nono dared not speak.

Although everyone is playing games and no one owes anyone, the City of Glory implements corporate management. No one refuses to obey Xiao Mo's instructions, at least on the surface.

"Then what are we going to do?"

"Just do whatever you have to do."

"Didn't you say they are upgrading?"

"No matter what they are doing, we just have to do what we have to do. As for them upgrading, do you think the game company is as stupid as you? It won't be long before our tribe will have similar interactions."

Okay, you are right about everything, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cursed in their hearts and returned to the front line to command operations.

Lu Li stayed not far away, squatting on the ground like an eternal stone.

He observed carefully and saw that commanders at all levels came to report to Xiao Mo from time to time. These people may not necessarily have anything important to do, they just wanted to show their face in front of their boss, and Xiao Mo obviously also This behavior is not rejected.

Drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, he wakes up and takes over the world. With a wave of his hand, he mobilizes thousands of troops and horses. This is what generals in ancient times can do.

He must really enjoy this feeling.

The once legend of the game, the Superman who brought the City of Glory to its peak, no longer has the same vigor as before.

This is a game, and the game is always fair. Everyone has the same starting point and must pay in order to be rewarded. If you lose your will to fight, you will inevitably fall behind.

Lu Li rummaged through the game rankings for more than ten minutes, and finally found Xiao Mo's level.

Level 18!

I used to be on the ranking list, but I didn't expect it to sink to this level.

He is in charge of the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people in the City of Glory, and has several small branches with tens of thousands of people under his banner. After the third system update, the competition pressure has increased sharply. It may be difficult for this uncle to find time to level up.

Lu Li was level 22, with a four-level gap. If he was lucky, he could almost kill him instantly.

However, there must be a way to get close to him.

After going around in a circle just now, Lu Li dared to say that there were definitely no less than fifty or sixty thieves around this guy.

Without the perception badge, even if Xiao Mo stood still and let Lu Li rush to kill him, he would have bumped into several thieves along the way. This must have been the reason for the vortex on his left hand.

Being in his base camp, with dozens of people secretly protecting him, Xiao Mo's safety work was actually done well.

This is a game after all, and it cannot be as high-tech and comprehensive as in reality.

Another evil camp player came over and seemed to report some good news. A smile appeared on Xiao Mo's solemn face. He turned around and patted the player on the shoulder before letting him leave.

The player was so flattered that he looked very excited as he walked.

Lu Li stared at the player's face and finally smiled.

Orb of Deception.

Undead, thieves, ID thieves.

It must be noted here that the Fraud Orb can be set up with different identities, but there is no way to change the appearance, and there is no way to use an existing ID, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Blood Dagger.

However, do the undead have faces?

Lu Li moved his uncomfortable jaw to make sure that the thing wouldn't fall suddenly. He appeared in the distance and walked towards Xiao Mo.

He could feel that several thieves were surrounding him.

As long as he makes any unusual move, he will definitely get a beating.

"I don't seem to have seen you," it is impossible for everyone to have the opportunity to get close to Xiao Mo, even if he is a player from the evil camp, whether it is the City of Glory, the Blood Flag, or other slightly larger unions , they all sent a lot of undercover agents to the opposite camp.

Lu Li calmly stopped - if he went any further he would be dead. He said in a hoarse voice unique to the undead: "Jiubao Brigade, let me say hello to you. My brother is directing the battle from the front and I can't leave. "

The Kikubo Brigade is a medium-sized guild, at least it is only considered medium-sized now. Few people know that it is one of the branches secretly cultivated by the City of Glory.

Not to mention ordinary players, even only a few close friends in the Glory City have the opportunity to know.

Lu Li knew that it was because Ye Ban was one of the few people who could kill Azure Sea Breeze more than a dozen times.

Of course, that happened in a previous life.

Even in a hostile state, Ye Ban was one of the few people Lu Li was willing to admire.

Later, Ye Ban and Xiao Mo had a falling out, and various versions of gossip were flying around in the game. He paid a little attention to it, and now it would be a good idea to use it to win Xiao Mo's trust.

The effect was better than Lu Li expected. Xiao Mo obviously didn't want others to know too much about Ye Bian. He waved his hand and the thieves lurking around him slowly retreated.

"My brother got a piece of equipment and said it's very suitable for you, so he asked me to bring it over." Lu Li took out a piece of equipment from his backpack - after killing so many people today, the most important thing is equipment.

"Are you his biological brother?" Most of Xiao Mo's suspicions were dissipated, but he still couldn't help but test it out.

"No, there are only two brothers and sisters in their family. I am his cousin, and my name is Dead Thief." Lu Li looked like he really wanted to hand over the equipment, and unknowingly came to Xiao Mo.

The gossip back then said that Xiao Mo liked Yepan's sister, but Yepan's sister chose the light camp...

How can we fall in love if our genders are different? Ahem, slip of the tongue, how can we be together if our camps are different.

In short, it is extremely bloody and complicated.

"So that's it. Have you seen Ye Xi recently? She has really run away from home?" Xiao Mo was completely relieved now. Anyone who knew Ye Xi had a sister must be their real friend or relative.

"Hehe..." Lu Li suddenly retracted his hand and replaced it with a bright dagger.




Shadow attack!

Wipe your throat!

Without even using a sneak attack, Lu Li circled around the president of Glory City and killed him.

An eighteenth-level player, and a cloth-armored professional, is still as fragile regardless of whether he is a guild leader or not.

Lu Li picked up the equipment he had dropped and disappeared in front of a group of thieves with a quick wind step.

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, please give me monthly votes, please give me rewards, I’m so hot-blooded and stand outside shirtless and ask for help. If you don’t give it to me, I’ll kill myself. Thanks to Banyan Transparent, lg331, Wrong is Wrong, Fat Monkey, Yuxue Zhenren, the name is really long in Changzhou, Naoying Yingxue, Longcheng Xiaoyi, XZ Bookworm, Cocoon.Uriel, Huatian Ghosting , Liba’s monthly pass, thanks to Yingliu Baiyin, 00mm0000 for the reward.

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