The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 224 Unexpected help

Seeing the bug again, Lu Li felt like he was in another world.

After he was reborn, he never even thought about looking for this person. Perhaps in his eyes, there was no difference between whether Chongzi was alive or dead.

Chongzi was wearing a blue labor camp uniform and looked like he had just come out of it, followed by a large group of strange-looking young people.

People outside the community fled away one after another, and several heavily armed door guards looked like enemies.

Lu Li couldn't pretend not to see it and walked over holding his sister's hand.

"Hey, Xinxin, I haven't seen you for a few days, and it seems that I have grown taller again," Chongzi is a very handsome man, gentle and elegant, more like a scholar than Lu Li, although he has not actually studied for a few days.

"Brother Chongzi," Lu Xin shouted softly.

"If you dare to touch Xinxin, I will make you lie down and talk," Lu Li said.

Chongzi's hand that was originally intended to touch Lu Xin's head froze, and after a moment's pause he took it back.

"This is not the place you should be, you'd better leave immediately," Lu Li added.

"Is it because we are all poor?" Chongzi's brows rose. He was not a good-tempered person either.

"You are not poor. Don't insult the word poor. You are all scum. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. It's time for Xinxin to go to class." Lu Li was very impatient and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

"I'm here to thank you," Chongzi said, remembering the purpose of his visit, and became a lot weaker.

"It's not necessary. In fact, I prefer you to die in there," Lu Li shook his head, "If nothing happens, I'm leaving. You can go and conquer your world. Don't come to me again, let alone contact Xinxin, otherwise... …”

"Didn't you say we are brothers?" Chongzi asked, tilting his head.

When he tilted his head, his originally handsome face took on a hint of stubbornness. Just like his father, Lu Li heard that Chongzi's father was maimed because this gesture was too provocative.

"If you die, I will recognize you as my brother," Lu Li obviously didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he pulled his sister to leave.

The atmosphere became tense, mainly because Lu Li's words were too unpleasant.

Lu Xin didn't dare to say anything, although she always felt that Brother Chongzi had been very kind to her since she was a child.

However, she also knew that her brother didn't like Brother Chongzi. Once he had too much contact with Brother Chongzi, his brother would be very angry, and if he was angry, he would beat Brother Chongzi.

It was a real fight, with bloody punches.

"Isn't it okay that I was wrong?" Chongzi shouted from behind, "Isn't it okay that I was wrong?"

Lu Li twitched his lips and didn't even look back.

"I'm here to borrow money from you, for my brothers," Chongzi became anxious and chased after him. A group of younger brothers followed him, and the scene was very spectacular.

A police car drove up from a distance and stopped on the opposite side of the road. The window rolled down, revealing the alert faces of two policemen.

"I don't owe you money," Lu Li replied.

"Brother..." Lu Xin looked back while being pulled away by her brother.

In fact, she knew most of these people. Chongzi grew up with them. Aunt Niu's son and the younger brothers were also from that area.

Children from poor families.

Some are about the same age as Lu Xin, or even younger.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Li had no choice but to stop.

His sister is soft-hearted, and he is even softer-hearted when he sees his sister's bunny-like eyes.

After sending Xinxin to school, we can settle the accounts when she comes back.

"I don't plan to join society anymore. I want to open a studio," Chongzi said, puffing out his chest and saying, "A game studio."

"Only you?" Lu Li did not hide his disdain at all.

"Yes, these dozens of brothers insist on following me. I can't let them starve. Lend me some money and I will pay you back after a while." Chongzi's face turned red. In the past, he would not ask for help even if he was bleeding.

Lu Li was silent. He didn't want to borrow it because he felt panicked when he saw this person.

But he had to admit that if this person really planned to do this, then if Aunt Niu knew about it, she would probably rest in peace.

"How much do you need?"

"I've asked about it. Rent a small warehouse as a base. A helmet costs three thousand yuan. There are fifty-nine of us. You can lend me two hundred and fifty thousand..." It seems that Chongzi has a plan.

"What else did you find out?" Lu Li sneered.

"I also heard that you are very good at the game and you are the number one master of the game," Chong Zi's eyes were complicated and unreadable. He once looked down on Lu Li and thought he was too cowardly.

However, he didn't think he was much worse than Lu Li. Since Lu Li could do so well, he couldn't be much worse with a group of younger brothers.

"Do you think the game is easy?" Lu Li knew him too well.

"At least we can support ourselves," Chongzi looked at his younger brothers with a firm voice.

"Brother Li, please help us. We will work hard. Even if we learn to make gold, we will make enough money to pay you back," Xiao Hei, who was behind Chongzi, also promised.

"Brother, why don't you lend it to Brother Chongzi first," Lu Xin leaned into Lu Li's ear and whispered, "If he makes money, he won't be a bad person."

"It's none of your business," Lu Li lightly glared at his sister.

"You set a time limit, and if I don't pay back the money, you let the police arrest me and put me in jail," Chongzi said.

"I can lend you money," Lu Li pondered for a moment and said, "But I have a condition."

"You said, I have no objection," Chongzi patted his chest.

"I don't care how you play in the game, but when necessary, you must do things for me unconditionally and obey my orders completely."

Chongzi's face looked a little ugly, and he frowned arrogantly, "What do you mean by doing things for you?"

"Haha, if you still want to show off your prestige as the black boss, I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible, Chongzi, I, Lu Li, don't owe you anything," Lu Li said in a low voice with a cold face.

"I...I'll think about it..." Chongzi said with difficulty.

"Why should I give you time to think about it, bug? Everyone has to pay the price for their actions. No one from our slums would believe in pie-in-the-sky things."

Lu Li actually didn't think about what he was going to do with these people. He just didn't want to borrow money easily.

He is full of holes, but for the sake of his mother-in-law, he is too lazy to care about his prodigal son turning back. Does it have anything to do with him?

Moreover, Lu Li didn't want to be too ruthless in front of his sister.

Like a deflated rubber ball, Chongzi smiled bitterly and rubbed his face: "You're right, Lu Li. I told you this truth first, but I forgot about it."

"If you agree, leave an account and the money will be transferred later." Lu Li took his sister's hand, "Don't get close to Xinxin in the future. Once I know that you have met Xinxin, all agreements will be void."

"Lu Li..." Chongzi sent his account number to Lu Li, hesitated to speak, and finally waved his hands dejectedly and left with dozens of people.

He knew that Lu Li cared about Lu Xin, but he didn't expect that he would care so much.

What happened many years ago, I just told a joke at that time, but this boy has hated me for so many years.

I can’t remember how many years ago, at least it was almost ten years ago. One day when I came back from outside, Chongzi paid some money from the fat sheep in the next class and bought a handful of fruit candies.

"Xinxin, you like sweets so much. In the future, when you marry Brother Chongzi, I will buy you sweets every day."

Before the little Loli, who was concentrating on eating sweets, could give a reply, Lu Li grabbed the poor insect by his hair and gave him a good beating. From then on, he would beat him whenever he found an opportunity.

After Aunt Niu's accident, the two became even more incompatible.

Chongzi didn't even dare to see Lu Xin's face. When he met her, he turned around and left.

If Lu Li saw it, it would be a disaster.

It's obviously a joke, okay? You are a pedophile, I am not.

PS: Thanks for the monthly votes for Wind Spirit Bell, Lock of Cold Flame, The Name is Really Long in Changzhou, Great Sorrow Without Tears, and Big Ears Picture.

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