The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 227 The Three Supreme Rings

Fortunately, the NPCs in Dawn were more trustworthy and praised their virtues. After accepting Lu Li's reward, the old priest started busy preparing to activate the altar.

"My child, I will guide the power of the tide up, how do you plan to receive it," the old priest asked.

The power generated by the altar is related to the object of sacrifice. Some are the power of elements, such as the tide altar in front of you, some are the power of demons, some are the power of holy light, and some may be the power of evil gods.

These powers cannot be absorbed casually.

Even the priest in front of him did not dare to touch the power of the tide without restraint.

Lu Li stretched out his hand and placed it on top of the altar. The ring escaped from his control again and floated quietly.

"Sacred weapon!" the old priest screamed.

"What kind of artifact? It's obviously just golden equipment. Where did it come from?" Lu Li was puzzled.

"No, I feel the surging divine power, so pure, so... ancient, elf, how virtuous and capable are you to win the favor of the gods?"

Lu Li really wanted to tell this old guy that if he values ​​a hammer, just take it and put a set on his finger.

But of course you can't say that in front of these priests and servants of gods. The night elf looked pious and saluted in the direction of nothingness: "It took me a long time and nine deaths to get this ring. Maybe it's my sincerity." Impressed His Majesty the King of the Jungle.”

The old priest immediately stood in awe and began to play with the altar seriously.

The life span of fishmen is very short, but the sacrifices are an exception. They are nourished by the divine power in the altar and age extremely slowly.

The old priest guards this altar and has not used it for hundreds of years.

Today, the Tide Altar once again emits blue light.

The originally gray ring suddenly burst into colorful light, more dazzling than the one Lu Li had at the Twilight Altar. The sea level near the island began to ripple with waves, and the movement became louder and louder.

The old priest was trembling with fear, "God, God is angry."

It's such a weak race. I don't understand why they have been fighting trolls for so many years.

"No," Lu Li interrupted him, "This is God responding to your call. It won't be long before the glory of the God of Tides will once again envelope the fish-men clan."

The old fish man didn't believe what he said, but he still had the courage to continue casting spells.

After all, this is just an upgrade of gold equipment, and it will not turn the world upside down.

After more than ten minutes, the light on the altar gradually dissipated, and the sea surface returned to calm, like a large piece of bright glass.

System: Your Supreme Ring has been upgraded to level three, please continue working hard.

The ring returned to Lu Li's hand, and he couldn't wait to look at its attributes.

The Three Supreme Rings (Dark Gold)

Strength +20,

Agility +20,

Constitution +20,

Critical hit +25%,

Special effect 1: Blessing of the Jungle King, concealment effect +20%.

Special effect 2: Cenarius, the king of the jungle, gives it special abilities. You can learn three transformation skills of the druid, and learn up to three skills of this transformation branch.

Equipment requirements: none

Durability: None

The attributes were doubled, all increased by 20 points, and there was an extra physical attribute. Lu Li felt like he was really about to become a blood bull thief, even though he had never added any points to his physical attributes.

Lu Li was very satisfied with the 25% increase in critical hit from 20%. This attribute was so unbelievable that the game couldn't give him a 100% critical hit right away.

Even so, Lu Li's critical hit probability was far higher than others.

These days, equipment with 5% critical strike is considered top-notch, and equipment with 10% critical strike can be taken out to show off without worrying about being slapped in the face.

The original special effects have been slightly changed. There are still three transformation skills, but the number of skills that can be learned under each transformation skill is one more.

This also means that Lu Li can learn another cheetah form skill, or a full form skill.

As for seals and crows, I'm sorry, even Malfurion probably hasn't figured out how to use skills in these two forms.

In addition, a new special effect has been added to the Three Supreme Rings.

Stealth +20%.

As the saying goes, someone gives you a pillow when you fall asleep. Yesterday, Lu Li was still worried about the perception badge of Xingchen Yinhui, but today he got something with +20% concealment.

With the Three Supreme Rings, Lu Li was not 100% risk-free, but Xingchen Yinhui wanted to find him, at least not as easy as before.

Dark gold equipment, Lu Li breathed a long sigh of relief, his long-term hard work finally paid off.

It is more difficult to upgrade from level 3 to level 4.

First, he had to find a suitable altar.

Secondly, find an NPC who can issue altar tasks to him so that he knows what materials to collect.

Finally, to be on the safe side, he must find an NPC who knows about the ring.

If you just find an altar at random, who knows if there will be something wrong with the ring. The Supreme Ring is Lu Li's lifeblood, it is his capital to lead other players, and it must not be lost.

Judging from the information he saw in the library, Cenarius, Malfurion, Illidan...

Malfurion went to sleep in the Emerald Dream. Cenarius's whereabouts were mysterious. He might have gone to the plane of the moon to accompany his mother. Illidan, this uncle, could not possibly help Lu Li.

Wait, there is another person...

Lu Li suddenly remembered the scene described in that book.

Tyrande, Tyrande. Whisperwind!

She grew up with Malfurion and Illidan as good friends.

That year, Malfurion heard several legends about a reclusive forest demigod, and he invited his friends to find this demigod.

Plants and animals scattered across Azeroth soon spread the word to Cenarius.

Out of surprise and curiosity, Cenarius sought out the night elves and peered deep into their hearts. He saw great hope in Malfurion's heart, the hope that inspired Cenarius's ideas.

Cenarius emerged from the shadows of the bushes and agreed to teach them the ways of the druid.

However, Illidan was addicted to magic, and Tyrande was already a trainee priestess of the Sisters of Elune at the time. It was already difficult for her to devote herself to other gods besides the goddess.

In the end, only Malfurion continued to become a druid.

Tyrande chose Malfurion among the Stormrage Brothers and became his companion.

If there is one person who knows something about the Supreme Ring in addition to the above three people (gods), it is undoubtedly Tyrande.

However, Tyrande is not easy to see.

He was the most outstanding hunter under the moonlight, the chosen one of the goddess Elune, and the most high-end boss of the night elves.

Moreover, Darnassus, the main elf city, is still not open to players.

Lu Li held his head and thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a way to get close to Tyrande.

Medivh might have a way, but Lu Li himself found the idea funny if he wanted Medivh to do something.

As for who outside the main city can help me.

Lu Li began to think about the NPCs he had come into contact with.

Suddenly, a name flashed in my mind: Sentinel Captain Carolina.

Yes, Carolina can definitely help herself.

When Lu Li traveled through time, people often discussed this beauty on the forum. Many people thought she was Tyrande, and some said she was Tyrande's heir.

Lu Li didn't care who she was, as long as she could help him.

That was an existence that could summon the Moon God. It was not easy for her to introduce Tyrande.

PS: Please subscribe and vote for recommendations. Thanks to Huangfu Yeyue for the reward, thanks to Fei Aguang and Ding Ding. . . Good, lonely and lonely, hearing your memories, a monthly pass to brake.

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