The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 252 Selling Strategy

"If you touch the people in my mercenary group, aren't they afraid that I will take double the revenge?"

"I heard that after the next system update, people will be killed in the city. I don't believe that those presidents are hiding in their bases all day long." Lu Li said coldly and quietly: "If the president is killed in front of so many people, Chopped..."

The water elf opposite couldn't help but shudder.

Most of the union bosses were once masters, but that was a long time ago.

The heavy trade union affairs and the comfortable life of reveling in wealth and money have caused them to lose their consciousness and determination to fight.

Not to mention anything else, wasn't Xiao Mo, the former top player in the game, also killed?

The members of the Xinxin mercenary group were killed, and what they lost was their experience. The senior members of the Grand Guild were killed, especially when they fell to the ground like chickens in front of many people, and what they lost was their prestige.

The level is easy to train, but the prestige is not so easy to obtain.

Since ancient times, the way to rule has been to use both kindness and power, and the senior leaders of any major guild have never given up on establishing their majestic image in the minds of guild members.

"Fortunately, we are not interested in causing trouble for you," the water elf said. He was not afraid of Lu Li, but he also felt that Lu Li was someone who was not easy to offend.

Although this man is weak in power, he is not afraid of trouble. Even the Grand Guild is probably not taken seriously by him.

This man is too rational. You should never threaten him with his teammates. He is not the kind of person who wants to live and die with his friends when his blood rushes to his head.

Even if you whitewash his teammates, he will still be lurking in the dark, waiting for opportunities. Once he gets the chance, he will definitely fight to the death.

More importantly, this person's skills are too good.

If it had been two days ago, the water elf might have challenged Lu Li to test his recent progress.

But when Lu Li wielded the blood dagger and even Xiao Mo fell in front of him, this proud woman of heaven, who had always been fearless, shrank back.

"Let's talk about your bids. You also know that this dungeon is difficult to win," Lu Li said.

"Don't open your mouth like a lion, this time our Weiyu Pavilion has withdrawn from the camp against you," the water elf said with a little smile.

"Oh, it seems that the person who wants to deal with me has a lot of background," Lu Li said, but in fact he didn't feel nervous at all.

"Since yesterday, your bounty has been picked up every time, and the coordinates have been refreshed," the water elf said casually: "This time, your old enemy has received the support of many people."

"Jin Yiwei," Lu Li sighed.

"This news should be worth a lot of money, right?" the water elf asked.

"Don't expect me to hand over the strategy to you just because of this. I really don't pay attention to those people in Jinyiwei. The thieves who have learned Wind Walk, no one can stop me if I want to leave."

There were dozens of thieves in the Glory City who couldn't do anything to Lu Li, let alone the ragtag group of Jin Yiwei.

"I didn't want to let you do it for free, I just hope you don't open your mouth like a lion," the water elf said in a somewhat uncomfortable tone. She was really dizzy, actually discussing business with people in the game.

"Ice Spikes, Void Shards, Terror Fangs, Plague Spring..." Lu Li was already prepared. He came up and mentioned a long list of rare materials as if he was announcing the names of dishes. In order to worry that the water elf would not remember them, he also used words. The form was sent once.

Among them are the materials he needs to make daggers, materials needed to upgrade rings, and materials that are scarce for other members of the Xinxin Mercenary Group to make equipment.

"Hey, that's enough," the water elf, who had always been cold and cold, was angry. If someone were around her, they would sigh involuntarily. No wonder people always like beautiful girls, they are so charming even when they are angry.

"There are still a few left, White Wolf Fang, Ancient Iron from Mountains and Rivers..." Lu Li finally finished, listing dozens of rare materials in total.

"Lu, please don't go too far," the water elf said angrily.

"If you can provide fifteen of these thirty-nine materials, I will give you all the strategies. If you can't do it, I will give you one hundred gold coins for each type less. Of course, you can also give me 1,500 gold coins directly. ," Lu Li was unmoved at all, as if he didn't expect that there was a beautiful woman opposite him.

Even if the water elf is rich, she will not just use 1,500 gold coins to buy materials.

It's not that it's not worth it, but it's more cost-effective to use rare materials. There are many rare materials here that are not worth a hundred gold.

"Answer me in half an hour, otherwise I will go leveling up," Lu Li added.

"Can single products be stacked?" Water Elf asked.

"No, except for White Wolf Fang, which requires two, I only need one of each type." What Lu Li needs most right now is these thirty-nine types, each with forty pieces of rare materials, and the others can be found in their inventory. turn up.

"I'm going to see if I can raise enough. I'll contact you in half an hour," the water elf is not a mother-in-law person.

Spending 150,000 real currency to buy a guide is not worth it.

For an ordinary team, the income from the entire Wailing Cave will not exceed 10,000 yuan (the non-first kill explosion rate is significantly reduced).

But for guilds, they have thousands or hundreds of teams. With so many teams, as long as a dozen teams are lucky enough to make breakthroughs in the dungeon, they won't lose much.

Moreover, getting the elite difficulty guide will be a very important reference for the difficulties of land reclamation and nightmare dungeons.

What's more, getting through the copy means huge publicity benefits for them.

"No time to wait," Lu Li paused before adding, "Thank you for the information."

The first sentence is cold, but the latter sentence has a meaning of thanking people.

In fact, if it weren't for the news brought by the water elf, his asking price would be higher. He would at least want half of the forty rare materials. According to the price he gave, it would be 2,000 gold coins, which is more than 200,000 real coins.

Half an hour later, the water elf made an appointment with Lu Li on time.

"There are seven materials, and there are eight more to go. I'll give you eight hundred gold," the water elf said without saying a word, and directly applied for a deal with Lu Li.

Lu Li glanced at it and found to his surprise that these materials were relatively common, and all the materials he needed for his dagger mold were in it.

Not one upgrade ring.

The next level up of his ring will be legendary equipment. Legendary equipment was not popular at the time when Lu Li traveled through time, let alone now that most people wear black iron.

Any kind of material is very scarce and hard to come by.

In addition to the seven materials, there are also 800 gold coins. The current price of gold on the trading platform is fixed at just over 100, which translates into 800,000 or 90,000 real coins.

"What you want to do requires so many materials," the water elf said curiously.

"Help make equipment for the mercenary group," Lu Li did not hide anything. He coughed twice and said, "I have a very high-quality casting hammer. The best things I can make are also of excellent quality..."

"What, how is this possible?" The water elf opened her beautiful eyes.

Mold equipment is scarce in other places, but rich women have already made it here and wear it.

However, the two pieces of silver molds she made were of excellent quality. In order of excellent, sophisticated, top quality, and perfect, the ones at the bottom were the ones at the bottom.

PS: Thanks to book friends Shuyou 140531112759529, Xia Wei Wei Ran_Nai He, Passerby Ragna, Fat Monkey, 00mm0000 for the reward, thanks to Minato Laojiu, Pacifier Assassin, Osmanthus Thousand Miles, Flowers on the Other Side of Chu Land, Brilliance of God, Gedor-Hell Fire, the name is really long in Changzhou, and the monthly ticket is Jingyan. thank you all.

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