The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 257 Centaur Attack

"As long as I, Old Shen, can do it, just say it," Shen Wansan made a promise without even thinking about it.

If there is one person, he, Shen Wansan, will repay all his efforts even if he abandons the principles of businessmen...

That must be Lu Li!

At the beginning, I may have had some utilitarian thoughts. This is a great god. I cannot offend him. I have to hold my thighs tightly and beg him to fly with me in disguise.

As the interactions between them increased, Shen Wansan kept accepting Lu Li's favors but had no chance to repay them.

He was actually worried. Don't you think you can ask me for anything?

Now that the opportunity had come, Shen Wansan held his breath, waiting for the knife to strike.

"There are a lot of level 25 molds on the market now. Please help me buy some. As for professions, I will follow the nine professions of thief, warrior, priest, knight, mage, warlock, hunter, druid, and shaman." Yes, if the price is okay for other professions, I will also..."

"Level 25... Hey, you are actually level 25," Shen Wansan said. As a businessman, his focus was different from that of ordinary players. When he opened the list, he realized that Lu Li was already level 25.

"Yes," Lu Li was not proud.

"You guys really have some tips for upgrading," Shen Wansan said with emotion. He didn't need to upgrade, but he could also feel the sour feeling in the hearts of other players.

"Speaking of which, this can also be a business," Lu Li said after hesitating.

"Oh, what business?" Shen Wansan's eyes lit up.

As long as the business came from Lu Li's mouth, he was full of expectations.

Could it be another snake grass?

"Don't be too excited. I'm not sure whether this business will succeed. I need Xingmu..." Lu Li planned to take out the stupid bomb and sell it for money.

There are two considerations. One is that stupid bombs are becoming less and less effective for them.

Another thing is that mainstream players now need stupid bombs, especially the gap between Lu Li and the others, forcing them to be willing to spend a huge sum of money for it.

Don't talk about maintaining your advantage.

That's called cherishing one's broom.

A truly strong person never worries about being caught up by those behind him.

He would just run as fast as he could and tire the people behind him.

What's more, he positioned himself very simply. He didn't expect to be the first player in the game. He entered the game to make money!

make money!

"Tell me more specifically," Shen Wansan said eagerly, losing Boss Shen's demeanor long ago.

"With the Xingmu and some materials, I can make it into a bomb," Lu Li described the function of the bomb. He had the last bomb left in his backpack and mailed it directly.

They are all veterans of the game and understand it instantly.

"I see, that's it," Shen Wansan laughed loudly, "Xingmu, right? As long as there is something in this game, I will definitely get it."

"A star tree can be made into a bomb, and I can't guarantee a 100% success rate," Lu Li remained calm.

"Of course I understand this," Shen Wansan said without hesitation.

"If I make ten bombs, I will deduct five for personal use, and my teammates and I will also have to upgrade," Lu Li continued to explain the conditions.

"It should, it should," Shen Wansan didn't even hesitate.

"You sell the remaining five, and then we split the money. As for the ratio..." Lu Li paused, thinking about what ratio would be more appropriate.

"How about half and half?" Shen Wansan asked cautiously.

"In this case, Boss Shen is at a huge loss," Lu Li was certainly satisfied, but also a little embarrassed.

All the materials were provided by Shen Wansan. He first took half and then divided the remaining half equally. This meant that Lu Li only had to spend a little time to get 75% of the cooperation.

"Hey, you can't just make a profit and leave. This is actually a long-term deal. Lu Li, do you know how many new people join this game every day?" Shen Wansan suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question. .

"I really haven't studied this before," Lu Lixin said, why should I study this?

"Yesterday's statistics showed a daily increase of more than 1.257 million, an increase of 16% from the day before yesterday. With so many new people, do you think there will be a day when the stupid bombs can't be sold?" Shen Wansan has already seen Yuanyuan. Continuous benefits.

Maybe they are not as willing to spend money as the first-tier players that Lu Li is targeting, but it is a long-term business.

As a businessman, Shen Wansan understands one thing better than anyone else. Floating money can only satisfy his hunger, and only long-term business can take root.

"That's it," Lu Li calculated. With 75% profit, he could spend some time making bombs every day.

Speaking of this, the two simply met in a tavern. After some conspiracy, they signed an arms agreement that would also have a far-reaching impact on Dawn Games.

"As for molds, I will try my best to help you acquire them. If I find a suitable one, I will send you the attributes. You can give me a reasonable price, and then I will help you negotiate. How about it?" Finally I remembered that Lu Li wanted him to help with the acquisition. Mold, Shen Wansan patted his chest and directly confirmed it.

"The intermediary fee is calculated as a percentage of the transaction price..."

Before Lu Li could say anything, Shen Wansan pretended to be angry: "Lu Li, you are slapping me in the face, bang bang, in our relationship, do you think I have the nerve to charge you agency fees?"

"Business is business." Seeing Shen Wansan's change of expression, Lu Li raised his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll just thank Boss Shen and wait for your good news."

"Haha, nice cooperation. I'll treat you to a drink." Shen Wansan waved to the waiter, "A bottle of the best wine and a few special dishes. It's noon, so don't eat your jerky."

Combat players generally use barbecued jerky to solve their hunger problem.

If you have high cooking skills, the taste is actually quite good, but of course, it is incomparable to the exquisite food in the tavern.

Lu Li declined even though he declined several times. Just as he was about to accept the offer, the loud voice of Azure Sea Breeze came from the chat room.

"Lu Li, Lu Li, what are you doing? The world is so noisy. Why are you still staying in the city? Come on, come out quickly..."

"Sorry, it's urgent," Lu Li smiled apologetically at Shen Wansan and left in a hurry.

Except for the tavern, before Lu Li could speak, Azure Sea Breeze had already told the story in the chat room.

And everyone on the street is discussing this matter, and the news is flying everywhere on various channels.

What happened after the defense of Meisena Post?

Of course the Centaur is coming!

The game company designed a large-scale event for Alliance players that millions of people participated in, bringing generous experience points and silver mold rewards. If there were no arrangements from the tribe, could the game still be played?

Alliance players have no objections, but there are also tens of millions of players on the Horde side who are feeling angry.

Their battle to destroy Silver Wing Outpost was also unsuccessful.

I heard that the same is true for foreign servers. No matter what the reason is, all the tribal players around the world feel very wronged.

Therefore, corresponding to the battle to defend Meisena Outpost, the centaur attack came the next day.

PS: Thank you for the rewards of Revolving Shou Zhi, Dance of the Wind and Butterflies, and Great Sadness Without Tears, and thank you for your monthly passes to Cold Wonderland 1 and Xiaoyao¤God of War.

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