The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 260 Moral bottom line

Slowly, many people discovered this secret.

Once a mold explodes, there will inevitably be a fight and bloodshed.

At this time, the advantage of the tribe emerged. Once they obtained the mold, they immediately moved closer to the war priest, and the alliance players had to stay away.

I have no choice but to go up there and die.

Alliance players are in dire straits. Even if they can't steal the things from the tribe players, what they have produced may also be taken away.

"Mold!" Can Meng danced happily after finally finding the mold from under a centaur corpse.

At this moment, a thief's figure appeared behind her.

Without saying anything, he directly started fighting Can Meng.

This thief's attack was quite high. Even though Can Meng and Lu Li had mixed up a set of top-notch equipment, the blood was wiped off by the beating.

At the same time, two other thieves participated in the attack almost simultaneously.

It is not easy for a single thief to kill a high-level and well-equipped mail class like Canmeng, but two or even three are different.

Attack and control, no matter how good you are, can make you hate yourself on the spot.

Without skills like Wind Step, Lu Li might not be able to withstand the siege of three thieves.

Unfortunately, Can Meng is not alone!

First of all, Yue Guang, who had been immersed in PK for a long time, was the first to react. He made a charge and stunned the thief closest to him. He then made a diagonal slash, which not only knocked out 20% of the thief's health, but also brought a bleeding person with high completion. persistent state.

Except for using Wind Step, all stealth methods of a bleeding thief are ineffective.

Lu Li's cloak flashed with light, and he instantly appeared behind a thief.

Sneak attack!

The remaining thief was shocked. These people must have reacted too quickly. According to the original plan, the three of them should have taken action together to kill the hunter in seconds, and then the person who picked up the equipment would retreat, and the other two would be behind...

He suddenly had an intuition that if he didn't leave now, it might be too late.

In fact, it was too late. Lu Li did not continue to attack the thief who was attacked as he imagined, but pounced on the remaining one.

The two thieves faced each other head-on. There was no first move or second move, which tested their skills the most.

As soon as he got started, the thief's heart sank. He stabbed twice, once failed, and once was blocked. However, the guy opposite was able to stab him twice after successfully blocking, and each time caused damage.

Must get out of the way.

Just as he made his decision, he suddenly felt like he couldn't move.


Now that he has been controlled, how can he still have a chance to wake up?

Lu Li used a series of skills to kill the thief without any suspense.

Unfortunately, only one piece of black iron equipment was revealed, and no silver mold was revealed as expected. It seems that the bandit business of these people is not easy to do.

Looking back, the other two thieves had already jumped down.

The one in Moonlight's hand can kill him by himself. The berserker's attacks are recognized as extremely powerful in PVP battles, especially those with leather and cloth armor.

The one who was stunned for four seconds by Lu Li's sneak attack was even worse. He faced eight top ten players on the level list.

No matter how bad you are at PK, throwing your skills at a motionless target will never fail.

Originally, there were a few tribe players who noticed this and planned to come over to help their brothers in the same camp. If they were lucky, they might be able to catch someone.

When they saw that all three thieves were gone in the blink of an eye, they felt so cold that they turned around and ran away.

If he didn't run away, he would be taken away in a wave.

"Hmph, how dare you attack me," Can Meng's face turned pale with fright, and her claws were still trembling. But when she saw that her attacker was dead, she immediately ran over and stepped on the body.

The few tribe players who turned around ran faster.

Mom, help me, these people are so cruel. Not only do they kill people, they even whip their corpses!

"Stop stepping on it. Check to see if the equipment is ready." Luo Ying recalled pulling her and holding her little hand...

"Yeah, will there be anything good?" The professional corpse toucher immediately threw away the female shaman, limped his little buttocks, pulled up the thief's body and shook it.

A piece of silver equipment.

Lu Li looked at it and shook his head: "It's not as good as mine. Just play with it and hand over the mold."

"It's a crossbow, mine, it's mine," Can Meng held on to it without letting go. Judging from the mold, this crossbow was very small, and the color was emerald green, very beautiful.

I don't know what the attributes are like. Lu Li is not a god, so he can't remember the attributes of all the equipment.

"Be careful of someone blowing it out," Lu Li snatched it away, "And you're going to hand it over to me later. You don't know how to cast it yourself."

Canmei dreamed the same thing, so he left his things to others for safekeeping with peace of mind.

"Lu Li, why don't you just kill people and explode the equipment?" Azure Sea Breeze stared at the corpses slowly turning into data at his feet, and suddenly felt that this was really a world where danger and opportunity coexisted.

"Haha," Lu Li responded with a smile, and then rushed towards the centaur archer who kept shooting at him.

Swish, swish, the level 25 centaur shooter couldn't hold on for ten seconds, and died after three attacks.

I was really lucky, both the ambush and the backhand stab were critical hits.

However, from then on, there was no one around for thirty yards around the Xinxin Mercenary Group.

Not only the players from the tribe stayed away, but also the players from the alliance were hiding away. Lu Li glanced at him, and those who were more than thirty yards away from him immediately tightened their anus, showing a pitiful look of fear.

He was afraid that Lu Li would rush over and stab them all to death.

Lu Li wanted to go over and tell them that I was not that kind of person, but he was worried that he would scare the children if he walked over.

In fact, he also wanted to kill people and explode equipment. Such an occasion was most suitable for roaming thieves.

However, he dismissed this idea as soon as it came up.

The rise of the Internet has indeed lowered the moral limits of most people, and many people are more able to let go of themselves online.

Kill people, report equipment, grab BOSS...

Lu Li was not a Holy Mother. He had also snatched BOSS from a large guild, but he would always think more carefully when facing ordinary players.

What kind of life did the person he killed lead in reality? Was it a life of luxury and luxury, a well-off life with no worries about food and clothing, or was he as impoverished as he was now, or was he even as full of sorrow as he was in his previous life? A desperate death struggle.

Lu Li would always think of his despair after being defrauded of equipment in his previous life.

To others, those equipments were a windfall, but to him, they were his sister's life and the remaining hope in his life.

Wealthy people don't care about the loss of one or two pieces of equipment, and well-off people are at most depressed. The poor and desperate people, Lu Li really can't bear to plunder their equipment.

If there was a very vicious person who liked to bully the weak, Lu Li would have no psychological burden if he killed him.

But he didn't know who among the millions of players in the Barrens should be killed.

He was afraid that he would accidentally cut off a person's hope, so he would rather ask for it from a system monster like a centaur.

The people around were scared away, and Lu Li and others faced a lot of monsters.

Fortunately, these monsters are nothing to them. The three plate-armored professions are holding on in front, while Huadi Liqing and Sesame-filled Rice Balls in the back have large-scale group attack skills.

Last time Lu Li mentioned it, Tangyuan with Sesame Filling bought a copy of "Rain of Fire" at a high price.

The monsters in front of the Xinxin mercenary group were attacked by the two heavens of ice and fire, and were also subjected to powerful attacks interspersed with the memories of Lu Li and Luo Ying from time to time.

The second silver mold arrived unexpectedly, then the third, then the fourth...

PS: Thanks to Feng Xin Die Wu for the 10,000 rewards. It’s so awesome. I’ll add more updates on weekends. Thanks to SkyC, Youyou Ruoshui, Dandruff Like Snow, The Other Side of the Sea, Blue Sky Fire Dance, Guxue Yifeng, Feng Xin Die Wu, Feng Huan Monthly passes for Yun Lian, Jushi Xingyun, Gui Du Park, Flying Dragon God, Chen Cun, and Bloody DE Fairy.

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