The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 264: Forging bone-eroding fangs

It took Lu Li two or three hours to make the seven pieces of water elf equipment. Including the previous five pieces, he made twelve pieces in a row.

In line with his all-out professional ethics, Lu Li did not hesitate at all.

The consequence of high mental concentration is that the head becomes swollen and the whole person is exhausted.

Making equipment is really more tiring than fighting monsters.

Two of the seven pieces of equipment were of the highest quality, one was a bloat and the other was a dagger. The water elf was very satisfied and said that he was collecting materials and asked Lu Li to continue to help him.

Lu Li quit.

"This is your first business. We have a good relationship, so there is no limit. From now on, you can only make three pieces of equipment every day. If you want me to make equipment, you must make a reservation, and the price is no longer discounted."

Three of the twelve pieces of equipment were of the highest quality, and Lu Li took one. After all, he really didn't make much money.

If it were anyone else, he would have charged at least two hundred gold for three top quality ones.

Speaking of this, although the water elf was disappointed, there was nothing she could do about it. She was indeed beautiful, but Lu Li didn't accept this trick at all. Moreover, she was beautiful, but she didn't act coquettishly like ordinary girls. Lost several kills out of thin air.

"Is it okay tomorrow? We have reserved three places." The water elf couldn't say anything pleading, but he couldn't beg in a cold voice, and his tone was particularly twisted.

"Of the materials on this list, please give me any two of them, counting the labor cost," Lu Li listed out a list, which was densely packed with rare materials.

Some of them he can use now, and some are rare things that he knows from his past life memories.

"There are just a few of you. What do you want with so many rare materials?" The water elf looked at the items on the list and felt a pang of pain.

"These materials marked in red are worth two, and they can help you make an additional piece of equipment," Lu Li did not answer and just continued to discuss business.

Faced with a beautiful woman who only knows how to talk about business, this person also has the potential to be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

The materials marked in red were all used by Lu Li to upgrade his ring. The water elf silently remembered them in his heart, traded the equipment with Lu Li, and left.

Before Lu Li could calm down, Shen Wansan sent a message.

"Thanks to two consecutive system activities, there are indeed a lot of molds circulating on the market. I have contacted a few for you and you can see what price you can get." Shen Wansan got straight to the point and made his purpose clear.

"The staff is 40 gold, the shield is 50 gold, the boots are 25 gold, the dagger is not required, the magic flame sword is 60 gold..." Lu Li thought for a while and directly quoted the price.

"..." Shen Wansan was speechless.

"What, what's wrong?" Lu Li asked.

"Brother, am I an equipment dealer or you are an equipment dealer? You are more skilled in this business than me," Shen Wansan had to admire.

The mold is nothing else. Before the finished equipment is released, it is completely a gamble.

Because everyone can only see a name, at most they can make a preliminary judgment based on the material requirements described below the mold.

However, this method of judgment is not foolproof. Shen Wansan received a silver mold at a high price. The materials required were very expensive. The cost of making a piece of equipment cost more than 200 gold. Unfortunately, the properties were very bad. If he sold it, No one even wants twenty gold.

"If you pay more attention to it, you will naturally understand it better," Lu Li didn't know how to tell the truth.

There were too many equipments he had seen in his previous life, and he could guess the special effects of most of them sent out by Shen Wansan.

For example, this Demonic Flame Sword is a two-handed sword suitable for use by Paladins. It has a very awesome special effect, so Lu Li only bid 60 gold.

As for the dagger, judging from the required materials, it shouldn’t be too bad.

But Lu Li knew better than anyone that it was difficult to create special effects that corresponded to the value. Nine out of ten of them were garbage, so he just didn’t want them.

For a piece of silver equipment, the most expensive thing is not the mold, but the rare material.

This is also the reason why large guilds use various means to collect rare materials, while solo players become more miserable the more they mess around.

Lu Li might not be too miserable if he played games alone, but he wouldn't be as wealthy as he is now.

Again, Dawn is not a one-man game.

"Okay, I'll negotiate with them according to your quotation," Shen Wansan said without any nonsense.

"It doesn't matter if it's a little more," Lu Li added. His quotations are based on his own experience and combined with the current market price, and there is no way it will fluctuate at all.

At the rate he was making money now, he could afford it if it was a little more expensive.

Lu Li's favorite thing to do in his previous life, apart from reading in the library, was picking up things. When he was free, he would trade, analyze various prices, buy low and sell high, and make a little money.

If you're lucky, you'll encounter that special leak.

For example, someone didn't know the true price when he threw something into a trading house, and Lu Li made a small fortune as a result.

There may even be a situation where the player misses a zero when marking the price.

This is simply pie in the sky. Even if the money is not much, you will be excited for a long time if you encounter it.

It’s really funny when I think about it now, because I was forced by reality.

There is no need to do that in this life. If you have the time to pick up the slack, you will have earned your money back long ago.

The prize money for the first place in the Huaying Cup is a full five million. In addition, there are various awards for the best players, star players, and so on. As long as you win any of the awards, the initial investment will be worth it.

Lu Li was quite confident about winning the award.

Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday, which means there is only one day left. Very few people can reach level 25 in this day.

By then, their team will have three level 25 players equipped with several level 25 silver equipment. They will be able to directly crush most of the team just by relying on their equipment and level.

In a sense, Lu Li and others are the bug in this China Film Cup.

After completing the order for the water elves, Lu Li did not rush to make equipment. Instead, he went offline and slept for two hours to recharge his batteries before getting started.

Mold: Bone Fang (Silver)

Recipe: Cast

Required: Intermediate Casting Book (100)

Use: Cast "Bone-Eroting Fang"

Bone-corroding fangs: attributes unknown.

This was the first piece of equipment he had to forge.

The damage of Lu Li's two daggers was too low, so he had to switch to a high-damage main-hand weapon.

With ice spikes, void fragments, and a lot of various materials, the cost of this dagger is over one hundred and forty gold coins.

Equivalent to fifteen thousand real coins!

The best, the best, you better give me the best.

Today I made three top-notch items for others. If I couldn’t get one of the top-level items myself, I would really be crying without tears.

After making all the preparations, Lu Li carefully followed the systematic steps to build it piece by piece.

The time it takes to make equipment for the water elves varies depending on the craftsmanship, but generally speaking, it usually takes no more than half an hour.

As for Lu Li's dagger, because he had high expectations, he beat the blade repeatedly to make sure all the materials were thoroughly integrated into it. He put countless thoughts into every inch of the blade. He now practiced the inscriptions on the handle on a piece of scrap material. Only when you are familiar can you dare to take action...

One set of procedures took him nearly fifty minutes.

Before I knew it, my whole body was covered in sweat, and my whole body felt like it had been fished out of water.

But he was undecided at all. In order to prevent sweat from affecting the quality of the weapon, he even put on a tight helmet.

The last process will result in the best product if it succeeds, but if it fails, the store will be lost!

PS: Thanks to Lang Qiongcang, stevenmm1225, I want to cry at night, this is a waistcoat, Uo Zai, look up at the bright stars, Otter 1, Fengzi said, Yayu Y pursuit, Gan 1986, 灬 Jiner wants, Tai のArea, nellmu , SkyC, 3A socket, monthly pass.

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