The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 274 Who is Lu Li?

In fact, it was not that no one watched Lu Li's scene.

Dawning has nearly 100 million players in China alone, and many of these people are his loyal fans.

They have been paying attention to when Lu Li will advance.

I didn't see the first promotion as expected, not even the top ten, but unfortunately not the top one hundred, the top thousand... Who would have thought that they would drag down more than 6,000 people to advance.

However, even so, there are always people paying attention to the newly promoted list.

When the group with Lu Li as their team leader advanced, fans quickly knew that the person they were expecting was here.

The news spread quickly.

In the fifteenth game played by Lu Li and the others, more than 4,000 people entered the venue immediately.

Since then, people have bought tickets one after another. At the peak, there were nearly ten thousand people, and the ticket price sold was eight to nine thousand gold coins.

However, there was also a problem, and the organizer of the Huaying Cup did not expect it.

Those who entered at the beginning were okay and thought they saw a wonderful match. However, those who entered later were not so lucky. They looked at the empty arena on the big screen and felt that they had been fooled.

We pay money to enter the stadium to watch the game, are we allowed to look at the map?

This scene ended too quickly.

The map is a small map, and you can engage in battle almost as soon as you enter the field. The opposing team wanted to fight quickly, so the thieves and magicians focused on March Rain, forcing Lu Li and Yueguang to go all out.

Sugon Games has an intelligent reporting system. If players report too many reports, the system will quickly present it to the organizer team in the form of a high-level warning.

For a while, there was no solution, so they could only play the game again. Only then did everyone know what happened. Lu Li and the other three were too strong, and Moonlight's big windmill almost killed two of them in one fell swoop.

After the playback ended, the system teleported everyone out, and some people shouted to play it again.

"Brother Chang, hurry up and get the mediator here to prepare the commentary for this team," a newly graduated intern shouted excitedly in the department responsible for the Huaying Cup of Huaying Group.

Young people don't know how to speak, their posture is not low enough, and their tone is not humble enough.

The supervisor's expression froze and he replied slowly: "Young people just can't keep calm. They just won a fight. Let's wait until they reach the top 16."

"What!" The young man almost jumped up, "Lu Li's game is not even commented on."

Fortunately, he was still sensible and didn't say what he wanted to say.

Your brain is flooded!

"What are you yelling about? What's wrong with Lu Li? He's not on the expert list. Look at which commentators are free and arrange them to go out, okay?" Manager Chang originally thought that this team was so fast. It was great to end the battle, but when an intern ordered him in a bossy tone, he subconsciously refuted it.

Lu Li, Yue Guang, and San Yue Yu were not familiar IDs to him.

"Master's list, what's the master's list? It's not even worthy of carrying Lu Li's shoes." Otherwise, the young and energetic intern slammed the table and stood up.

If it were anyone else, no matter how disapproving they were, it would be possible to secretly report to the leader, but they would never fall out on the spot.

Mainly because it was too ridiculous. The young man played the role of a thief in Dawn. In his mind, Lu Li was simply a god-like existence and could not be blasphemed.

"" Supervisor Chang slapped his face until it turned purple, and finally shouted with all his strength: "Get out of here, I will report it to your school management truthfully, and I will see what kind of job you can find."

"Haha, I'm not worried about whether I can find a job. The worst I can do is become a professional gamer, but the Huaying Cup is left to people like you. It's a century-old brand, but it's nothing more than that. I'm ashamed to be an intern at Huaying. Bah," Young The man laughed, threw away the folder in his hand, and walked out laughing.

"Wait a minute, what happened?" A middle-aged man with a slicked back hair just walked in and faced the intern. He may have heard the intern's angry words and stopped him quickly.

"Get out of the way, I'll feel sick if I stay in this place for a second longer." The young man had a problem with the China Film Group and was unhappy with everyone.

"Why is Huaying nothing more than this? Come and listen, let's all come together and listen." The middle-aged man was not angry and waved, and everyone in the rotunda office hall stood up.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao," he greeted in a uniform manner, which showed the status of this person.

"Mr. Zhao, you're here, and you didn't even say hello," Manager Chang came over quickly, his livid face changed color instantly, and he smiled brightly.

"what's going on?"

The tone is still gentle, but anyone who knows the vice president of the group can feel the anger in it.

Huaying has been famous for hundreds of years and is almost a legend in the industry. How could he not be annoyed when people say that a century-old brand is nothing more than this, and he feels sick even if he stays there for a second longer.

Manager Chang didn't wait for the intern to speak and said first: "This is what happened..."

This office covers almost one floor, and there are many people talking about it. I don’t know how many people are staring at his seat. Of course, he doesn’t dare to be too jealous.

However, when speaking, you can naturally achieve the desired effect by cleverly using some words and intonation.

Observing words and emotions, choosing words and making sentences are accumulated after a certain amount of life experience.

However, what surprised him was that the project team members who came over to "listen" at the vice president's order suddenly looked at him with very sympathetic eyes.

This look was very annoying to him, as if he had forgotten to put on his clothes when he went out this morning.

"With such a Huaying Cup," the intern did not correct the untrue points in Manager Chang's statement. He just smiled casually, "Is there another one?"

"Ashamed," Mr. Zhao's face, which already had fine lines, twitched, and finally he sat helplessly in the leather swivel chair.

"Mr. Zhao..." Manager Chang was not really stupid, he already had an ominous premonition.

"You don't know Lu Li?" The vice president wanted to confirm.

"Lu...Lu Li," Manager Chang said with sweat on his forehead, "I'll find out more about it when I get back today."

He didn't dare to say that he knew that the president could be fooled, but the vice president could never do it. He had personally seen the various methods the vice president used to get to where he was today.

"Don't go to such trouble. You can report to Manager Qian. By the way, tell him that I hope to receive his resignation report at the company's regular meeting on the weekend." Mr. Zhao started to deal with the matter, but he regained some of his energy and sharpness... …

Can he not be harsh? He didn't deal with Director Chang at all, but directly attacked Director Chang's boss.

The manager of the game industry department of Huaying Group, even the top social elite, may not be able to reach that position after spending more than ten years of hard work, and it is over with a single word.

Many companies like to poach people from China Film Group, and their salaries can be tripled or even tripled, because they are talented people.

However, very few people will become the successors of China Film Company. People who are fired from this company cannot even find the opportunity to start over.

His boss has been fired, so what will happen to him?

Manager Chang's mind was in a mess, and all kinds of thoughts came to him, and finally they all converged into one point.

Who is Lu Li?

PS: Please vote for recommendations. Please log in to your account to support me. Thanks to Fat Monkey, Liu Gengxin, and Fat Aguang for their rewards. Thanks to aa3785210, Zero Point Night Dress, weilan83, Tiandi, Qingshi, Timespace, timmyang, dfsdxcv, weilan83, and Cai Xin. Chong, cyylp, Hongzi, Who Is Admiring for You, Rumbling Y Pursuit, Flower's Proud Son, Aqua Blue Monthly Ticket.

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