The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 300 Top 100 Competition (4)

Mo Wangfeng did not dare to underestimate Lu Li at all. He gathered his energy and moved slowly and meticulously on the spot.

The thief's attack traces are too heavy and he always likes to go around his back, so he can disrupt the thief's rhythm by constantly moving his position.

After Lu Li followed his direction a few times, he simply stood still.

Speaking of combat experience, he may not be as good as this veteran player with the title of Dharma God, but he has much more experience in Dawn games and can find corresponding countermeasures for any situation.

To put it bluntly, I have a strategy.

There aren't many ways to deal with this type of mage who relies on silence, and the thief must take the first move.

Generally, thieves will use sneak attacks. If they have the choke skill, some will use choke, because choke can have a silencing effect.

But Lu Li wouldn't do that, he was a sap.

The starting point is a sap. What to do after the sap, of course, is to kill the water element baby.

However, Mo Wangfeng's reaction speed exceeded his imagination.

The moment Lu Li succeeded in sapling, the water elemental raised his hand, and a magic ripple visible to the naked eye swayed under Lu Li's feet.

The frost nova of the water element!

It has to be said that Mo Wangfeng has reached the pinnacle in terms of reaction speed and judgment.

Most people always have to pause after being sapped, and some people even become confused for a while, hey, why can't I move all of a sudden?

But Mo Wangfeng didn't, he reacted immediately.

Moreover, his judgment was very frightening. He accurately found Lu Li's location and gave the attack order to the water element baby without hesitation.

The atmosphere on the field was very strange now. Mo Wangfeng was sapped, Lu Li was frozen, and only a water element baby could still move.

However, the water element baby will not attack, because the attack at this time will make Lu Li break the ice.

This is how a strange situation formed.

Eight seconds later, Lu Li was free. The moment he was free, the water element attacked him from a distance.

Damn slow down.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't open the Shadow Cloak now.

He must save this skill for critical moments.

Shadow Escape, Sneak!

The water elemental baby sneaked back decisively. In fact, Lu Li had given up on killing the water elemental baby. He would have to waste his set of skills to kill this thing. However, the water elemental baby who used Frost Nova is actually not a threat. Big, it can be summoned again after being killed, so there is no need at all.

He got behind the mage and planned a sneak attack...

Ice barrier!

The mage decisively hit the refrigerator and turned himself into a lump of ice. During this period, he will not be harmed in any form. He is simply an alternative version of invincibility. Of course, while he is not harmed, he cannot harm others.

Not only that, Mo Wangfeng did not keep himself in the frozen state. The moment he was frozen, he thawed on his own. A frost nova spread under his feet and flashed away from the place almost at the same time.

He turned his head and was shocked to find that the frozen place was empty!

"So fast..." the commentator murmured in a dark tone like the wind. It took him a while to come back to his senses and said passionately: "Everyone saw that they were separated at the first touch. In fact, they have already completed several rounds of fighting. , let’s play it back in slow motion.”

The two returned to confrontation, and the replay did not affect the audience's viewing of the game.

"This is Lu Li's sneak attack. Mo Wangfeng Refrigerator, unlock the refrigerator, Frost Nova, flash away. At the same time as he flashed, Lu Li used a skill, Wind Step, no, not Wind Step, this is disappearing... very sharp The reaction was impeccable from both men.”

"Lu Li still has Wind Step left to use, and Mo Wangfeng, he has set up a shield for himself, a level five shield, the legendary level five shield. It seems that he has invested a lot in this skill."

Seeing the blue eggshell on Mo Wangfeng's body, Lu Li also felt a headache.

The level 5 shield is very protective, and in addition to slowing down the attacker, it also has a certain probability of freezing the attacker.

The shield was difficult to break, but Lu Li didn't have time to wait.

Once the water element baby's frost nova has cooled down, it will inevitably be another hard battle.

Mo Wangfeng's positioning was very rigorous and he was well prepared. Lu Li didn't want to take risks and waste time trying to get around his back, so he directly activated the special effects on his cloak and instantly appeared behind the mage for a sneak attack!

The last sneak attack was in vain and almost killed him. This time Lu Li was even more surprised.

Four seconds of dizziness.

Lu left the explosion and output wildly.

Unfortunately, Mo Wangfeng's shield was too thick and directly absorbed Lu Li's two major skills.

Both skills were useless. Anyone else would have panicked long ago, but how could Lu Li panic? He still used his skills unhurriedly.

After two skills, the ice shield was crumbling. Lu Li took a step diagonally, rotated his body, and stabbed with his backhand!

The reward of calmness is very rich, the super high degree of completion breaks the last bit of durability of the shield, brings huge damage, and also causes a paralysis effect for one second.

What's even more unexpected is that this attack also triggered the dagger special effect.

A thief who looked exactly like Lu Li appeared on the field.

Mo Wangfeng stared straight at Lu Li's unwavering face, and turned on the damage reduction helplessly.

Even a level 5 shield couldn't stand up to waking up from the control, Lu Li's attack was simply too strong.


Even with damage reduction turned on, Mo Wangfeng still lost nearly a hundred health points.

Including the clone's attack, there are more than a hundred points in total.

The masters fought each other, and one hundred and ten health points was definitely not a number that could be ignored. The mage shivered with pain.


Continue to faint in the local area.

Lu Li took advantage of this moment of dizziness to take a deep breath, his wrist sank, and a familiar shadow strike came out.

This skill is so familiar that you can feel how it should work even if you close your eyes.

Completion level 95%, damage 300%, stun for one second.

Triple attack damage and a one-second stun.

The mage's health is finally below half!


The ice cone technique was released immediately, and the biting cold wind made it difficult for Lu Li to walk.

This skill is a large-scale deceleration, and the effect is surprisingly good. However, the operation requirements are too high, and ordinary people cannot use it at all.

Mo Wangfeng was not an ordinary person. His ice cone technique had a weird angle, making it hard for Lu Li to guard against it.


Lu Li didn't skimp on his skills, he used his acceleration skills decisively.

Mo Wangfeng belongs to the kind of mage who has many skills but is not very aggressive. Similar to Qingqi Gujiu, he likes to slowly wear down his opponent's blood, and must wait for the opponent to reveal a flaw before killing him with one strike.

But Lu Li was not that kind of shabby thief. His style exceeded Mo Wangfeng's expectations.

However, exceeding expectations did not mean rushing. Facing the thieves who were accelerating and rushing towards him, Mo Wangfeng used his instant skills one after another, each time bringing moderate damage to Lu Li.

As time went by, Lu Li's health quickly dropped by 20%.

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