The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 306 Preparation before the game

The points-based promotion competition for the top 100 players is simple and crude, while the competition after the top 16 players is much more grand.

In order to give everyone a sufficient preparation time, the game company postponed the game one day, and the game will not resume until Tuesday. Monday is the real Mid-Autumn Festival carnival.

Some teams go crazy to level up, hoping to reach level 25 before the game.

This is only a small part. Upgrading after level 20 requires a lot of experience points. It is impossible to get even one-fifth of the experience bar in one day.

Most people will participate in officially organized Mid-Autumn Festival activities.

Celebrities also need to have a good reputation, otherwise there will be no commercial value.

"Old Shen, what's going on with the skill book? You can't let our brothers down," Lu Li and the three of them didn't need to level up, so he focused on the skill book.

They don't need to show their face, winning the game is more important than anything else.

"It's a bit vague, but the price is really high. If it's not urgently needed, I suggest you wait." Shen Wansan didn't regard himself as an outsider. The price made him, a rich man, think it was high, so it was not ordinary high. .

"How many exactly?" Lu Li's voice was very calm.

Although it is plain, it is unexpectedly determined.

Entering the top sixteen, reaching this point, they are no longer allowed to be timid. Even if they know that they will be severely stabbed, they still have to stick their necks out.

"Soul Scream, they want 300 gold coins, I estimate they can cut it to around 250. The warrior roared with fear and there is no room for negotiation. The seller lion opened his mouth, 650 gold coins are the best price. As for the thief's kidney attack, there is indeed A few people have the goods, but it is impossible to get them for less than five hundred gold. I only contacted these three books, and everyone else is out of stock."

Shen Wansan has his own circle, and there is no shortage of speculators like this who buy low, sell high, and hoard.

These people are not satisfied with double or triple profits. They target the most high-end players and take advantage of various once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to sell their inventory for hundreds of times the price.

In fact, Soul Scream is not even worth twenty gold coins in normal times. Only PVP priests need this skill, and PVE priests are not interested at all.

This is the moment when the top 16 are about to fight against each other. The more strength they have, the more hope they have.

These three skill books are all top-notch in PVP, and they add more than just one star.

Especially the gut-breaking roar. This thing rarely appears in the game. Only Wushuang City's "Deadly Golden Pants" has used it. Like Soul Scream, it is a group control skill, which can cause up to two enemies within five yards to be trapped for four seconds. Confused state.

"It's coming soon, Lao Shen. No matter how much it costs, you must get it for me," Lu Li didn't think about it for too long. With these three skills, he was more confident of reaching the finals. No matter what happened, he could still win in the semi-finals. Mixed position.

By that time, the reputation of the mercenary group will really be at its peak.

For ordinary players, equipment skill books mean gold coins, but for top players, honor and money are completely the same thing.

How much is the difference between fourth and third place worth, at least in the millions.

"Okay, I'll send it to you later. I need gold coins to pay for it. If you don't have it, I'll pay you in advance." Since Lu Li didn't mind the price, Shen Wansan stopped trying to persuade him.

"Then you help with the cushion first. After the game is over, the game company will settle the ticket money, and I will return the gold coins to you then," Lu Li was not polite.

Not long after, the three skill books were in Lu Li's hands.

Soul Scream costs 249 gold coins. Because two hundred and five doesn’t sound good, the book seller gave up one gold coin.

The 650 gold coins of "Bearing and Roaring" are really not a penny less, and it is said that the price has almost increased. The Storm Legion is also thinking about this book. Fortunately, Shen Wansan has a very close relationship with the seller, and the seller can be said to be fair. Credibility.

Kidney Shot costs 450 gold. Because there is more than one seller, if they miss the opportunity of the Huaying Cup, it will be more difficult for them to sell again.

This part of the money cannot be paid by Lu Li. According to the club's operating model, this part of the money will be deducted from this season's income.

March Rain and Yueguang also exchanged two pieces of level 25 silver equipment each, but Lu Li had no choice but to exchange them. His equipment was the best even among level 25 players supported by major guilds.

The overall strength has increased by more than one and a half points.

In addition, Lu Li and Yueguang opened the arena room and started special training for Sanyue Yu, who was still a bit unfamiliar with his skills.

How to deal with the pursuit of soldiers, how to deal with the pursuit of thieves, how to protect herself in times of crisis, delaying time to wait for rescue, and even asked her to take time to heal her teammates when being chased.

This is not too much, high-end PVP priests can do this.

In order to help Sanyueyu become familiar with various professions as soon as possible, Yueguang summarized the professional status of each team in the top 16 and found a group of friends to come over as sparring partners.

This group of friends are all he met while playing battlefield, and their level is pretty good. Although they don't have any close friendships, this small favor is still no problem. What's more, they are actually particularly interested in this team of the Xinxin Mercenary Group.

For example, the current topic on the field is how to deal with a mage's attack.

The invited mage is now level 24 and has very good skills.

While protecting herself, Sanyue Yu could also burn the opponent's magic points, and occasionally add some health to Lu Li who was standing nearby watching the battle.

The outcome of each round is not much suspense.

Priests have little attack power, and March Rain is a relatively pure healer. No matter how powerful she is, she cannot defeat these professional elites who often appear in Warsong Canyon.

If it were an ordinary person, if he was always abused by various professions, he would probably give up his career long ago.

And you also have to consider the psychological endurance of normal people. Will losing so consistently and in different ways affect the trainee's self-confidence and leave an indelible psychological shadow in a short period of time?

Lu Li did have such concerns at first, but they were quickly dismissed.

This girl lacks experience, but has a strong learning ability, and more importantly, she has a good psychological quality.

I don't get upset even when I'm being pressed down and beaten, and I remain calm all the time.

"When PKing with legal professions, you don't need to keep trying to distance yourself. It's a complete waste of time. You have to consider your teammates and stay around them as much as possible, so that you can help each other," Lu Li asked. There is no expert priest, so he can only go into battle and provide guidance. Fortunately, he has read a lot of strategies and has a lot of theories.

"Yeah," Sanyueyu responded, and sure enough, he started circling.

First, they became familiar with the skills and techniques of each profession, understood and practiced some coping skills, and then they formed various teams to compete.

Lu Li did not let Yueguang and other friends who came over temporarily go to waste their time. The equipment repair fee was twenty gold coins per person. In fact, the arena's consumption of equipment durability was very low. This money was the reward, which amounted to two thousand yuan. In reality, There is still leftover for a big meal.

PS: After looking at the recent rewards, I feel a little cold. There are not many people voting for recommendation votes. Is it because the lyrics are relatively poor or because online game articles are not worthy of support? As far as I know, everyone is pretty good at playing games. I really hope everyone can support me as much as possible. I don’t force you to give rewards. At least open an automatic subscription and take a look at the genuine version. o(╯□╰)o

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