The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 315 Semi-finals

Just as Lu Li expected, Xiao Mo finally won the individual competition.

However, Mafengwo was indeed difficult to deal with. The game lasted for nearly ten minutes, and Xiao Mo managed to win the game with all his strength. When Mafengwo fell, his health volume was only about 30%.

"I always feel that Xiao Mo's condition has declined, what do you think?" Commentator A asked Commentator B.

"I had the honor to participate in a commentary game of Xiao Mo four years ago. Compared with that time, his condition has indeed declined, but this is understandable. Xiao Mo has not participated in any games for three years, right? "Commentator B said.

"Could it be because I haven't participated in the competition for three years, and because I'm getting older, I can never return to the past state?" Commentator A is really not afraid to speculate on the players with the greatest malice.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but it is also possible that he is showing weakness to the enemy." Commentator B was helpless.

Lu Li shook his head in the audience. The possibility of showing weakness to the enemy was too small. Faced with the hornet's nest in the current situation, even Lu Li had to brace himself. One mistake could capsize the boat.

In fact, everyone seems to have overlooked one thing. Xiao Mo's exposure to the game "Dawn" was too short.

It has only been a week since it was hung up in Lu Li's hands.

It took others a month to become familiar with the game, but it only took him a week. Although he had the advantages of equipment and level, he still defeated the top masters like Mafengwo.

There is no false person under the great reputation!

Team competition.

On one side is the RMP, on the other is the Spell Shaman.

They are both very classic combinations, one is a moderate classic, and the other is a legal and violent classic.

It was a very exciting game. Fourteen minutes after the game started, Kong Kong's magic points were burned away. He inserted Lan's totem back, but was knocked out by the blood dagger in a flash, barely able to recover his magic points.

Lu Li squinted his eyes and thought about it, confirming that the blood dagger used the cloak special effect like him, rather than the full version of Shadow Step.

Kong Kong failed to recover his magic points, and the balance of the competition began to tilt. After another two minutes, Kong Kong became the first person to be sent off the field, which also announced that 7th Heaven had stopped outside the top four in this quarter-finals.

At this point, all the top four spots have appeared.

Four teams, Wushuang City, Weiyu Pavilion, Xinxin Mercenary Group, and City of Glory, became the top four of this year's Huaying Cup.

In the next game, the top four will randomly compete against each other. The two winning teams will enter the finals to compete for first and second place, and the two losing teams will play again to compete for third and fourth place.

Thursday, Final Four.

Lu Li continued to level up in his free time. By the time of Thursday's game, he finally reached level 27. March Rain, who had more experience than him, also successfully upgraded. Huadi Liqing brought him whenever he had time in the past two days. His sister upgraded, and the others cooperated as much as possible.

Moonlight's experience is a bit different, and it's still level 25.

Rumor has it that Blood Dagger has also successfully reached level 25 in the past two days, and there are two level 25 players in Glory City, and they are also the main players.

The Master of Weiyu Pavilion, Qing Chengshu, has also risen to level 25. Lu Li is more certain about this.

The landlady Dou Jingjing secretly came to him before going online today and betrayed the main power of their guild. Because of Lu Xin's relationship, Doudou obviously favored Lu Li more than the guild they belonged to.

The situation in Wushuang City is not very clear. Their club members are not in the guild and they do a better job of keeping things confidential.

After the water elf came online, he sent a message asking Lu Li what he would do if the two teams met.

Lu Li did not hesitate and said that everyone should rely on their strength.

At this point, the honor and disgrace of the Xinxin Mercenary Group is no longer his alone. Everyone has started to pay attention to the game eagerly these days. Everyone's collective sense of honor has been strengthened. Everyone hopes that Lu Li and the three of them can win. To go further, it is best to enter the finals and defeat your opponents and become the first champion of the Dawn game.

No one wants to be a champion.

In the game competition for more than two hundred years, how many people have made a lot of money just for a championship.

In a national game like Dawn, the championship carries more weight.

If he didn't have so many considerations, Lu Li might have played a black game in private. If he ran into Weiyu Pavilion, as long as the other party paid enough, it would not be impossible to pretend to lose.

Of course, this is only if.

Lu Li replied simply, everyone depends on their ability.

It was unknown what the water elf was thinking. Lu Li had never had the slightest pity for her because she was a beauty.

The opponents of the competition are sent out by the system through the world channel.

Everyone saw the playbill.

Before Weiyu Pavilion battles against Glory City, the Xinxin Mercenary Group and Wushuang City start a battle between dragon and tiger.

Unparalleled city!

This young guild, which is only three years old, has stolen the show this season.

Countless people are waiting to see how far they can go, and their enthusiasm is no less than that of the monster-like Xinxin mercenary group.

Millions of people watched this game, and the tickets alone sold for 100,000 gold coins.

The Xinxin Mercenary Group received a 10% commission, which is equivalent to 10,000 gold coins. If converted into real currency, it would be one million!

In the individual competition, Lu Li faced off against Mo Wang Qingqi Gujiu.

Lu Li couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's a pity that it's not the fatal golden pants.

Deadly Golden Pants is a warrior and can theoretically restrain thieves, but he is an undead race. Lu Li's silver wristbands are full of malice towards the undead and can directly increase his attack by 18%.

In a sense, because of the existence of this wrist guard, Lu Li has a certain advantage over the undead race.

Qingqi Gujiu is a blood elf profession. Blood elves and night elves come from the same clan. Many things happened in the background and history of Dawn of the Game, which caused this clan to leave. In the end, they even joined the tribal camp. Both parties disliked each other. , become hostile.

"Lu Li's situation is very bad. The King of Grinding has plate armor and can increase his blood," Zhang Zhen and Shen Hue Rufeng were still cooperating to commentate on this game. He was obviously not optimistic about this individual match.

"We'll see, Lu Li always seems to be able to create miracles." Dark-toned Rufeng said.

Lu Li kept wandering around the field. He first used a sap to knock Qing Qigujiu unconscious, but he did not attack.

"This is creating psychological pressure on the opponent," explained Rufeng Rufeng. He is a senior commentator and is very good at looking at the essence through appearances. If it were an ordinary commentator, he would definitely think that Lu Li was not sure.

Being stunned and waiting for your opponent to attack is definitely not an easy process.

However, Qingqi Gujiu is obviously not an ordinary rookie, at least from the close-up of his face shown on the big screen, there is no sign of any anxiety on his face.

The match lasted one minute and eleven seconds before Lu Li finally took action.

Premeditated, sneak attack, and then wipe the throat directly!

He did not wait for four combo points, that is, full stars, to use the finishing move. He cherished this hard-won attack opportunity.

As soon as Mo Hou was hit, Qing Qi Gu Jiu moved. He used an unknown method, maybe a skill or an equipment special effect, to relieve the stun. After the stun was lifted, a sacrifice stepped out.

Lu Li had no choice but to retreat.

If the opponent loses blood, you can add it to yourself, and if he loses a little bit of blood, it will be very difficult to regain it in a short time just by relying on the blood pattern badge obtained from Azure Sea Breeze.

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