The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 322 Unexpected publicity effect

Xue Dagger was dumbfounded, but Lu Li would never be in a daze.

After fighting three times, he had been waiting for this moment. With a flash of cloak special effects, he came directly behind the blood dagger. In his eyes, the blood dagger was just a white-washed lamb, just waiting to be put into the pot.

Xue Dagger's mind went blank, and Lu Li had already knocked him into a dazed state.

Lu Li wasn't sure if Blood Dagger had other methods, but it didn't matter. Qualified professional players had to think far ahead, but they couldn't look forward and backward. Seizing the moment was more important.

Ambush, backstab, throat wipe. Seeing that the blood dagger is about to wake up, he quickly uses a shadow attack to continue to stun him. Then he performs two normal attacks. He moves while attacking. At this time, he moves to the front. Gouge and paralyze. 2 seconds.

After waiting for a while, the Shadow Attack cooled down and continued to attack.

Blood Dagger's blood volume has been reduced by half. He now regrets replacing those pieces of equipment. The reduction in armor has hurt him very much.

He has no instant escape skills. The two of them were going back and forth just now. No one dared to waste their skills. They used all the ones that could be used, and even if they were used, they were useless.

But he wasn't in a hurry, Lu Li didn't look like he was suffering from a kidney attack.

If not, it would naturally be impossible to stun him to death, which means he still has a chance.

Xue Dagger has always been a very self-sufficient person. He feels that if he were to fight head-on, he would never be as passive as he is now.

If he was given a chance to deal damage, he might even have a chance to faint Lu Li to death.

In a PK between thieves, it is impossible to conclude who will win until the last minute. Even if there is only a few points of blood left, once the opportunity is given, it is possible to turn the tables.

This was what Blood Dagger had in mind, and he waited patiently...


Lu Li took advantage of the dizzy time caused by the sneak attack and directly activated the disappearing skill.

Disappearance is usually used to escape, but now Lu Li uses it just to obtain a stealth effect.

Wasteful, of course, but very effective.

When Lu Liyong disappeared, Xue Dagger was also freed from the dizziness.

But before he could make any move, the second sneak attack had already hit him. There was nothing more desperate in the world than this, even though he had obviously seen hope.

However, Lu Li still failed to kill him in this round of attacks. After all, he was from the City of Glory, and his level 25 silver equipment alone was enough to kill him at will.

The still-blooded Blood Dagger faced off against Lu Li!

Again, as long as you give me a fulcrum, I can move the earth. As long as you give me a chance for a head-on confrontation...

Blood Dagger said, I'll hit him with my kidney!

Kidney Shot: Instant, cooldown time 30 seconds, consumes all combo points, causing a stun effect of (combo points + 1) seconds, skill level 1/5.

Most of the thieves' skills are instantaneous. Generally speaking, they pay attention to the attack posture and attack position. The completion degree of kidney attack will affect the stun effect. If the completion degree is high, it will ignore certain immunity attributes of the opponent to a certain extent. Better results.

If there are five combo points, that is, a five-star kidney attack, it can cause a six-second stun, which is longer than the four seconds of a sneak attack.

Blood Dagger relies on this, as long as he is given a chance...

He first performed a backstab and then a sneak attack. Because both sides were moving freely, the degree of completion was not high, so the damage was very pitiful, but the two combo points were completely obtained, plus just now The two accumulated through premeditation will have four combo points.

Four-star dizziness, five seconds, that's almost it.

Just when Xue Dagger was about to use Kidney Strike, his dagger suddenly disappeared!

Where is my dagger?

Where is my dagger?

The Blood Dagger Thief is really going to cry this time.

You bully people, you bully others, you are shameless, and yet you actually surrendered!

Yes, Lu Li's borrowed gloves showed off their power and used them to disarm them.

The principle of disarming is hard to say. Lu Li did not have Blood Dagger's weapon in his hand, nor in his bag, but no matter what, the two Blood Dagger's daggers disappeared in an instant.

Without weapons, there are no skills. Weapons provide not only attacks, but also a medium for performing skills.

Even though this castrated version only takes 3 seconds to disarm, the blood dagger is now full of blood, and he can't bear it no matter how short the time is.

The moment the blood tank is emptied, the Blood Dagger is officially defeated.

If the Blood Dagger of Zai Zhan Song Canyon was hung in Lu Li's hand, it could be explained that it was because Nan Bosui and Xingchen Yinhui were helping him, then this individual match clearly told everyone that the Blood Dagger could not defeat Lu Li.

He lost to a wealthy woman and then to Lu Li.

Xue Dagger was depressed. If it hadn't been for the live broadcast, he would have cursed loudly.


So far, Lu Li is the only one who has won all the individual competitions as a thief.

Not to mention the first person in Dawn, at least he is the best in the thief profession.

Of course, due to the limitations of the scale of the competition, there were still many people who were unable to compete. For example, Lu Li did not meet Water Elf, Afraid of Wood and others in the competition. The audience could only vote on who was stronger or weaker.

Team competition.

At this point in the game, to say that it is attracting everyone’s attention would be an understatement.

Starting from the individual competition, the world channel, the game forum...all the channels that game players can access, all players protested, why are we not allowed to watch the game, even if we pay money.

Most players want to see the game, and based on Sugon's population base, that's hundreds of millions of players.

China Film Group did not expect such a situation.

But they are also quick to respond, and they have deep pockets and a big wave of their hands.


The entire game is live broadcast and any player can watch the game.

Of course, in order to make up for the losses of both players, China Film Group will compensate Xinxin Mercenary Group and Glory City with 1.5 million each, which is more than what they earn from normal ticket sales.

And all players can see that this increase in popularity cannot be guessed based on common sense.

Game competition has developed for more than two hundred years. More and more people know and pay attention to this project. Millions of people consume event tickets and peripheral products every year.

However, compared with the hundreds of millions of gamers, there are still only a few people who are familiar with competition.

Many people play the game for the first time and don't know about these old guilds at all, but they are still fascinated by the exciting games, so they ask how to join these large guilds.

Join a big union?

No kidding, it would be great if you could join the branch.

Glory City is now a level 26 guild, with a maximum number of 26,000 members in the main guild, and numerous branches, with a total number of hundreds of thousands of people.

However, these large guilds, which have been famous for many years, have a selection system, which does not mean that you can just add people if you want.

So, what about the Xinxin Mercenary Group? What level of guild are they? Are they full?

The person who was asked looked strange for a moment. There were only ten people in the Xinxin Mercenary Group, and they did not have a guild.

As a result, the fragile Dawn game worldview that the game novices had just formed was instantly overturned. These poor guys couldn't understand it even if they consumed all their brain cells.

Fortunately, the popular science people were kind and revealed mysteriously: Although the Xinxin Mercenary Group does not have a guild, it will be established soon.

It is said that newly established guilds have relatively loose recruitment standards.

Will they accept the newcomers?

Accept it, why not accept it? Who hasn’t grown up as a newcomer? I heard that Dawn was the first game Lu Li played.

I decided that I must join Lu Li's guild.

It is estimated that neither China Film Group nor the game company expected that their move to win people's hearts would bring such huge profits to the Xinxin Mercenary Group, which was more effective than any advertisement.

Some people may not know what Jinyiwei is, but they definitely know the Xinxin Mercenary Group and Lu Li.

PS: Sorry, I was a little late for a dinner party with friends tonight. Thanks to Niaotanjie, Hua Meizi, Passerby Ragna, Neun_IX, Baby_123, Fengyu Longlang, Or Wood, weilan83, and Free Association for their monthly votes.

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