The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 326 Crazy Recruitment

Just because the game is over doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

If you have this idea, then in the next competition, let alone the championship, you may not even be able to win the top 100.

They are far from being able to sit back and relax.

First of all, the dungeon advantage must be maintained. Lu Li's rebirth seems to be extremely powerful, but if it is not used, it will be in vain.

For the Xinxin mercenary group, the most direct effect of the rebirth advantage can only be in dungeons, various first kills, and various records. Being one step ahead of the game can obtain skills, equipment, and even skill points.

Secondly, technology must be improved to the next level.

Lu Li knew better than anyone the weakness behind his huge popularity, and the gap between him and others was gradually narrowing as professional players understood the game.

He has tried his best to get to this point. If he wants to continue, he must put in more effort.

Finally, the guild must develop. Not having a guild is ultimately a shortcoming. After this competition, he had to admit that no matter how many first kills they got, they were still just a small team.

No matter how high a team's explosion rate is, can it be compared to a hundred teams each doing it again?

If Lu Li has a hundred teams in his hand, and after he clears the dungeon, half of the hundred teams will get Lu Li's strategy and follow them, and the equipment and skill books they will get will definitely not be comparable to what they are now.

One hundred elite groups, this was the goal Lu Li had set for himself, and it was also the minimum limit for all clubs and guilds.

Other major guilds that aspire to play professionally also follow this rule. It is generally believed that if you want to support a club, you need at least a hundred elite teams.

The number of people required for Dawn's dungeon varies. Sometimes it requires five people, and sometimes it requires forty people.

When one hundred elite teams are divided and combined, there are only ten forty-man groups.

Super guilds like the City of Glory are said to have three thousand elite teams and more than a hundred hundred-man groups. This is what they have accumulated over more than ten years of operation. Lu Li can only envy them.

I shudder to think that once I clean the Wailing Cave, I have to clean the Glory City 1,500 times.

The establishment of the guild is on the agenda. While the popularity of the championship has not diminished, everyone is discussing the Xinxin Mercenary Group. Lu Li and Gen Hao San announced the establishment of the guild "Sword of Judgment" in an interview with "Game Home" on behalf of the championship team. .

After players heard the news, they opened the guild finder one after another.



Without such a trick, the players would feel extremely aggrieved.

You have long said that you would establish a guild, but there has been no movement, and now you are still deceiving people and wasting everyone's feelings.

But complaints are complaints, and you still have to wait.

Joining the championship team's guild for the first time is an opportunity that hasn't happened in many years.

Three years ago, some people joined a little-known guild. At that time, they didn't necessarily have any passionate ambitions. They just thought the guild's name was domineering. Later, they became the envy of countless people.

That small guild is called Wushuang City!

They may not have any profound abilities, but it is precisely because of this choice that they became members of the super guild.

Now there is a better opportunity. Even though the treatment of the guild that is about to be established may not be very good, it has entered the finals and become the champion of this year. As long as you enter this guild, you will be a member of the championship team!

It’s a very cool thing to think about.

Generally speaking, in the early stages of a guild's establishment, you don't pay too much attention to who joins, otherwise it will have a negative impact on the general player group.

Dogs look down on people or something.

The threshold will be set when the guild becomes stronger, and then no one will gossip.

It wasn't until the day's game time was about to end that Lu Li sent a message on the world channel. The guild had been established and was recruiting interested players to join and create glory together.

His words were instantly drowned in the ocean of players, and the whole world was boiling.

Long Chen: Congratulations on the bloody battle flag for the establishment of the ruling.

Water Elf: Weiyu Pavilion congratulates the establishment of Sword of Judgment!

Star Silver: Azure Guardian congratulates the establishment of Sword of Judgment!

South Persia: Seventh Heaven congratulates the establishment of Sword of Judgment!

Xingmeng Qingwu: Jiangnan nobles congratulate the establishment of the Sword of Judgment!

Scared Like Wood: Ragnarok Congratulations on the establishment of the Sword of Judgment!

Either a long time player, a star racer, or a gaming celebrity.

It was just a first-level guild that had just been established, and it was definitely a good start to get so much attention. Lu Li and the others have received numerous recognitions for their strength. Such a grand event has not been seen for many years.

But Lu Li also understood that even though all these people were congratulating each other, they were actually secretly planning how to defeat them.

There is only one champion, either you die or I die!

Players can check the guild information and see the elders and above.

There is one president, two vice-presidents, nine elders, and several other positions. It is currently a first-level guild and can accommodate a thousand ordinary members.

Because it relies on Lu Li's popularity, the president of Sword of Judgment is Lu Li, the vice president is Root Number Three, and the only elder is Piao Ling.

The three of them had no time to pay attention to any world channel at the moment.

They are busy recruiting people right now!

There were so many people applying. In just over 30 seconds after the guild registered, more than 5,000 people applied to join the guild. A steady stream of applications followed, and it seemed that tens of thousands of people would not be a problem.

"Take in more Dharma masters, pastor," Root Number Three said.

Lu Li and Piao Ling began to pick mages and priests to confirm, and others also preferred more mainstream professions.

Master levels up quickly and deals high damage. Priest is a must-have profession in dungeons. There are never too many of these two professions. There are also some more popular professions in dungeons, such as shamans, warlocks, hunters...

"As for the level, just accept people above level 15. Be cautious if the name looks unusual," Piao Ling suggested.

Judging from the name, the personality is not very scientific, but it is not unreasonable at all. For example, I am so cool, and people with such IDs are weird, so it is best not to be included in the guild.

So another standard was added, and I can only say sorry to players below level 15.

Lu Li also confirmed that in addition to the above two items, he also hoped to see names that were familiar to him in his previous life, those masters who have not yet emerged, but will slowly grow up in the future.

Fat monkey!

Lu Li's eyes flashed, and this name firmly captured his eyes.

The future Fire Emperor!

Look at the level behind him, level 11...

Regardless of whether he was level 11 or level 1, he had to be accepted. Lu Li did not hesitate to bring the future star player of Dharma God Temple into the guild.

At this time, the principles are all in vain.

Bearded, level 7, he is also a relatively powerful hunter. In Lu Li's memory, this man once challenged a wild BOSS. At that time, he dragged the BOSS to an uninhabited place and ravaged more than ten people. He was killed when he was only a few hours old, which caused a sensation.

Yongye Liuguang, Youxingtianxia, ​​and Langya are all talents.

When Lu Li saw someone he was familiar with, as long as he had some skills, he immediately took him in. This feeling was really great.

This was another advantage that rebirth brought him. Before any of these people had grown up, Lu Li had already seen their future glory.

PS: Please give me monthly votes, please subscribe and give rewards for support, thank you all, thank you to True Star Knight, Seven Lines, Shi Qixian Kuangsan, Neun_IX for voting for Liba, Wumingyue, Xiaojie's Attack, and Chenchen for your monthly votes.

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