The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 328 Differential Treatment

Most people join guilds for profit, but as long as you have some brains, you will know that pie in the sky will not fall into the sky. Don't expect to get any real benefits before you do anything for the guild.

But Sword of Judgment is different. It really deserves to be a champion guild. The first event was so awesome.

When a guild has just been established, it is appropriate to organize members to do guild tasks, because this is the only way to upgrade the guild, but absolutely no one can get six pieces of silver equipment as a reward.

What happened next did not require any mobilization by Root Number Three. I saw thousands of members of the guild summoning their friends, spontaneously forming teams one after another, and rushed into the mercenary hall to apply for a lot of guild tasks. Do it, and suddenly the streets and alleys are filled with members of the Sword of Judgment guild running tasks, making other guilds jealous.

To level up a guild, it needs to complete a certain amount of tasks and a certain amount of materials.

The former pays attention to human resources, while the latter pays attention to financial resources.

Lu Li invested almost all the money he earned from this Huaying Cup, and Moonlight March Rain was no exception. The three of them invested a total of five to six million. This money did not involve their involvement in the club, it was lent to them by the club.

In other words, the Xinxin Mercenary Group now has both manpower and financial resources.

According to Root Number Three's estimate, if nothing unexpected happens, the guild should be able to reach level 15 or higher after the event ends in two weeks. After all, players now have high levels and can complete tasks quickly.

Seeing that the game time was almost up, Lu Li escorted his sister offline.

The little girl didn't know that the sky was high and she was clamoring to do the task and contribute her own strength. Lu Li decided to watch her closely and never let her step out of the safe zone.

When he went online the next day, Lu Li left all the guild matters to Root No. 3 and took the old members of the Xinxin Mercenary Group to download the dungeon.

Completely ignoring Root 3's protest.

I invited you here to let you manage the guild. Such a high salary is not in vain.

Lu Li has no plans to go to the Scarlet Monastery yet. Although the Scarlet Monastery is accessible at level 25, it is actually a level 30 dungeon, and most of the mobs inside are around level 30.

Some time ago, he went to Moonlight Grove to meet the jungle guardian Remulos and learned how to upgrade the Supreme Ring. In exchange, he received a dungeon mission from Remulos.

It was a Nightmare Difficulty Dark Abyss dungeon scroll.

The access level 20 dungeon is actually a level 25 dungeon, and the six BOSS levels in it are between 25 and 30.

The difficulty of the nightmare copy can be imagined, but Lu Li didn't plan to drag it out any longer.

He knew the terrain of this dungeon. In his previous life, Azure Sea Breeze, who owned the Supreme Ring, was chased and cornered, so Piao Ling took him into the dark abyss.

The complex underground passages provided natural protection, and Lu Li had come several times to deliver supplies to Azure Sea Breeze.

Lu Li had never been to the Dark Abyss dungeon in his previous life, but he had seen the general guide for this dungeon on the forum. At least it had an advantage over ordinary players who had just arrived.

Recently, the Xinxin Mercenary Group has acquired a lot of good equipment, and they have gained a certain level of control over the difficulty of fighting nightmares.

Located on the shores of Zoram Shores in Ashenvale, Dark Abyss was once a glorious temple dedicated to Elune, the night elves' moon goddess.

However, the temple collapsed in the explosion of the Well of Eternity and sank deep into the waves of the Sea of ​​Mists. The temple remained isolated from the outside world until Naga and Satyr were attracted by the ancient power of the temple and came to explore its secrets.

Remulos asked Lu Li to kill all the blasphemers, a very domineering decision.

But it’s understandable. In a sense, he is the son of Cenarius, and actually the grandson of Elune. You guys have occupied my grandma’s territory and done so many disrespectful things, killing everyone. It's light.

But before heading to the dungeon, Lu Li had to take everyone to a place first.

Black Abyss Camp.

The Black Abyss Camp located on the coast of Zoram belongs to the Alliance. There are three elves in this camp, Cinderil Quickfire, Tallon, and the muscular man Balas.

"Oh, adventurers, so many adventurers," Barras, a blacksmith, shouted while beating the iron felt.

I have to admire the courage of these guys. With the spread of the power of the Dark Abyss, the Twilight Hammer and Naga patrols have infinitely approached the Black Abyss camp, but these guys can live their lives how they want.

"Oh my god, adventurers have really come," the speaker was Tallen. He walked up to Lu Li and others, reached out and touched Hachi-chan's head, and sighed, "He's such a small person and he's out to take risks." Well, today’s young people are really amazing.”

Why is he not so young? Why is he so small? Hachi-chan's face is covered with black lines.

She really wanted to kick him, but her good upbringing prevented her from doing so early, so she could only bow politely, "Uncle, I have many friends, and they are all very powerful."

"It can be seen that they are all brave," Tallen commented lightly, then turned his head and continued talking to Hachi-chan.

Forget about differential treatment, why don't we show it so obviously, treating us as decorations? Lu Li and others burst into tears, why do they have to target Hachi-chan when they clearly have a mission?

After Tallen's rambling narration, everyone learned that he was an explorer and archaeologist. There once was a large ship that was robbed by a group of Nagas when passing through the ruins of Zoram. He was the only person on the ship. One, ended up living in this camp.

"What a pity," Hachi-chan started to act cute while blinking her big eyes that were about to cry.

The acting is really bad, others silently complained.

But the NPC just took this trick, and Tallen quickly comforted him: "Oh, don't be sad, little girl. The days of adventure are always full of death and surprises. It's a pity that I have gained nothing from those adventures."

"What kind of harvest is it?" The little girl showed her curiosity in a dignified manner.

"We explored the ruins of an ancient city some time ago and got some ancient statues from it. Those damn Nagas have long abandoned the artistic talent of the elves. I heard that they abandoned those statues on the coast. Can you help me put them away? Do they collect it?" Tallon said.

"My friends are also very enthusiastic. Can they help?" Fortunately, Hachi-chan didn't forget everyone.

"Them?" Tallen frowned with a look of disdain on his face. He obviously had no intention of releasing the task to anyone else, as if asking Lu Li and others to help would desecrate his great art.

Lu Li had actually done this mission in his previous life, and Tallen wasn't so eccentric at the time.

Could it be that Shuguang's charm attribute really has such great influence and can completely affect an NPC's behavior? It sounds unfair, but the facts are there, so Lu Li can't help but believe it.

Hachi-chan seems to be a great treasure, even though she looks a little silly.

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