The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 336: Being tortured to tears


This time there were not sixteen, only fifteen water elements took shape.

It seems that the one that was destroyed just now has an effect, which means that as long as the water element is destroyed, the number of the ones summoned next time will be reduced accordingly.

In this case, Lu Li didn't need to say anything, everyone knew to get the water element.

Focus on one fire, and then the second one. Although Sentinel Selred is good, he will not obey the player's command. It is not realistic to let him turn fire. However, it is not without a solution. Everyone swarms on the second one. Go hit the one he's attacking.

Before the water element was swallowed by Basel, this one was also killed.

Everyone discovered that it seemed that because they gave their defense to the BOSS, the water elementals that appeared the second time were weaker. Otherwise, Lu Li and the others would not have been able to kill the second water elemental.

Sixteen minus three.

At this time, Basel was even more powerful and had already caught up with the standard level of level 25 BOSS.

Basel was not full and was irritated and started to use his second skill.

This is a real ultimate move. Ice crystals are constantly condensing in the air. These ice crystals chase people and fall down. Rather than falling, it is better to say that they are smashed, and it is a very sharp smash.

Can Meng took a hit and lost 400 blood in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, she stayed still for a while and her reaction was dissatisfied. Lu Li asked her to run, so she flung her short legs and ran around. Although she was occasionally injured, at least she wouldn't be hit continuously.

Avoidance seriously affects the battle, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do. These ice lings are numerous and have high attack power. I really can't handle them.

As for Sentinel Selred, he has a lot of health and defense, so he doesn't care about this damage at all.

It took more time for the Xinxin mercenary group to knock down the BOSS's health to nearly half. It is obvious that there will be a wave of water elements to greet everyone next, with thirteen remaining!

"A team of three DPS, you go help Silred and knock out his water element," Lu Li began to assign work. This time his goal was to knock out at least three.

In addition to MT Azure Sea Breeze and Healing March Rain, the first team also includes Can Meng, Luo Ying Memories, and Moonlight. The three of them are more than enough to help NPCs.

"Yue Yue, Mr. Feng, please help kill the floating one. Huahua will go too, Tangyuan. Let's try to kill the third one. You can attack whichever one I attack later."

When the water element appeared, Lu Li jumped on it immediately.

The defense of the water elements that had been devoured twice was much lower. At least Lu Li's hit on them was no longer an outrageous forty or fifty, and now the damage had returned to one or two hundred.

Everyone worked hard and completed the task well. The team responsible for the NPC still had time to help others.

The cycle repeated like this, and the third time I killed three, and the fourth time was better, and I killed four.

After the fourth time, the BOSS's attack and defense were already ridiculously high, especially the attack. Basel's attack on Azure Sea Breeze would directly inflict five to six hundred points of blood on him.

If it weren't for Azure Sea Breeze's top-notch equipment and many damage reduction skills, they would have been wiped out.

Even so, he was on the verge of running out of health several times and was almost killed by the BOSS.

Basel, who has swallowed the water element four times, is really awesome. He is simply the most awesome BOSS Lu Li and others have ever seen. Don't forget, the equipment and levels of Lu Li and others are among the best among players now.

Then the BOSS started to release his skills, and ice began to fall from the sky again.

The tips of these icicles swished downwards, not only causing damage to the body but also causing a large area of ​​psychological shadow.

There was a Canmeng and a Xiaobajiang biting behind Lu Li. The two girls could only run behind Lu Li with their heads down. Only Lu Li had the ability to run with two people and still be able to deal damage.

Can Meng cannot die, and she has to rely on her attack aura that adds 10% to the whole group. If she dies, everyone will be unlucky. Moreover, her tiger attack is not weak, so this person and one beast are considered powerful together. DPS.

Hachi-chan can't die either. She is a healer and can add some blood. She also has a battle recovery skill that can resurrect dead players during the battle, so she is prepared.

"Everyone, please be careful. Don't rush to output. Safety first."

Lu Li saw that Huadi Liqing actually resisted against the ice in the sky in order to deal more damage.

Dear, do you dare not to seek death like this?

As long as the number of people is reduced, the group is basically not far away from being wiped out. I would rather grind for a while than die. It’s not just Basel. Don’t be too reckless when fighting any BOSS. Who knows whether you will suffer a critical hit in the next second.

Sanyueyu has gone through the training of the Huaying Cup, and now his positioning and blue control have made great progress, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to persist. It's a pity that Hachi-chan didn't learn the skill "Activation". If she had activated it, March Rain would be equivalent to an extra tube of blue.

Lu Li had read a mission introduction in his previous life. There was a certain probability of being rewarded with the "Activation" skill book. He wanted to get this book when he had time. Unfortunately, the difficulty of the mission was a bit high. Otherwise, if Xiaobajiang had done the mission by himself, the rewards would have been greater.

Finally, the fifth time water elements appeared, this time there were six.

Lu Li has one, Huadi Liqing has one, Luo Ying Memories and Piao Ling have one, Can Meng and the sentry team up to kill the other one, and of the remaining two, give one to Sesame Filled Rice Balls and the other to Moonlight, and the remaining people who were not assigned tasks.

If the water elements are still not killed for the fifth time, even if the BOSS swallows even one, it will definitely cause the team to lose members after it increases its strength.

Success or failure depends on this one move. Everyone is aware of this, and their fighting attitude has never been more serious.

The water element appeared, and Lu Li sprinted over and dealt crazy damage.

It only took seven seconds!

He was the first to knock out the water element. In these seven seconds, he tried his best and turned on all the special effects.

After killing it, while some of the special effects on his body were still there, Lu Li went to help fight the moonlight one. Even though there are the most people here, in fact the old, weak, sick and disabled are of no great use at all.

NPC Sentinel Selred was the second to knock out the water element. Lu Li once again praised himself for tricking this guy into helping him download the dungeon.

Huadi Liqing is the third one to be aborted, Shuguang treats Master favorably.

Even though his equipment wasn't as good as Lu Li's, his skills were powerful and he wasn't weak at all when he exploded.

It takes about ten seconds for the Water Elemental to reach the location of the BOSS. There are still three that have not been killed, and they are getting closer and closer to the BOSS.

Everyone went crazy and used all kinds of tricks. Azure Sea Breeze even threw his shield and smashed it. The boss was not hit, and poor Piao Ling had two more bags on his head.

"Did you kill the last one?" After a strange silence, Azure Sea Breeze asked uncertainly.

"Destroyed. The BOSS's health has not recovered. Now he only has 50,000 health. Cheer up. The most difficult stage is over. Don't capsize in the gutter." This kind of thing is not impossible. Lu Li must Get vaccinated in advance.

Fortunately, the Xinxin Mercenary Group is used to strong winds and waves, so it can resist monsters when it needs to, and increase blood when it needs to increase blood, and they are all calm.

After all the water elements were eliminated, although the BOSS was still as sharp as ever, he never caused any trouble. After more than 40 minutes of fighting, he looked like he only had 90,000 HP, but in fact he had reached 20,000 to 300,000 HP. Empty.

PS: It’s the end of the month, please give me monthly recommendation votes, please /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~, thank you Dandan Ruxue, Huangfu Yeyue, Fei Aguang, Huangfu Yeyue, Mo is La and several book friends for their recommendation votes. , it’s the weekend tomorrow, happy weekend everyone.

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