The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 345 Secret Magic Dust

The glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings were not at all aware of being reduced to hard labor, and I was very moved to learn this skill book.

He felt extremely confident that he was in a big and warm family.

It's so warm.

"Tangyuan, I've started to use your quota, is it okay," Lu Li asked.

"Of course," Tang Yuan added, "It would be great if I could get something that Brother Piao Ling can use. I took his skill book."

It's not a Qiong Yao drama, so don't have so many conditions, okay?

Lu Li decided to ignore them and squatted down to choose the next thing.

This is somewhat similar to lottery or stone betting. If he is not reborn, it is a test of vision and luck.

Under normal circumstances, at most two or three of the ten people will get something better, while the others will probably end up disappointed.

This is the normal mission reward level. It is impossible for one mission to reward you with ten rare materials.

But Lu Li was indeed reborn, so Selred was destined to lose everything.

Lu Li first picked up a skill book this time, "Withering Coil", a death knight skill book. It probably has the name of a hidden profession, but in fact it is completely useless. Throw it away!

Choose an item of equipment for the second time.

Lu Li learned from his experience with the exquisite dagger last time and decided to choose a piece of equipment that didn't look too showy.

So, when he got a dusty and unremarkable staff in his hand, he almost slapped himself on the spot. This thing looked very scummy, but in fact it was scum.

After two testing opportunities were used up, Lu Li could only choose a rare material honestly.

"There are six places left," Serred stared at Lu Li's hand, feeling really nervous.

The four items that Lu Li had decided to choose, a skill book and three rare materials, could be said to be all good items, especially the three rare materials. Even with Selred's net worth, it felt painful.

There are still six more opportunities, and he can already feel that his wallet is shrinking.

Of course Lu Li wouldn't be polite. The old rule was to choose equipment first and skill books later. It was a scumbag, so he continued to choose materials.

Another rare material has been recorded.

"Do you want to try it?" Lu Li turned around and asked.

There are only four rare materials that he can be sure of, and now he has selected all of them. There are still two rare materials that he is not sure about, and he has to rely on luck next.

"No, no, you continue..." The others shook their heads together.

They were all frightened by him.

Just kidding, who can guarantee that if you are as awesome as Lu Li, you will not pick any rubbish among the five people, and they will all be valuable things.

Let’s choose a piece of equipment first.

Equipment can be said to be the most important thing in the game. Only with good equipment can you face more difficult challenges.

A hammer, let me go, what kind of hammer is this? It’s not easy for silver equipment to have such bad attributes. Uncle Sentinel, are you sure you’re not a junk collector?

Skill book, "Ice Cone Technique".

Lu Li read it over and over several times before finally accepting that it was indeed an ordinary mage ice cone skill book, not the legendary enhanced ice cone or other awesome existence.

Continuing with the skill book, I don’t believe it is still rubbish.

Skill book, "Damage".

Damage, instant, 20 seconds cooldown, use two weapons to attack, causing 80% of the weapon damage point physical damage with the main hand, and 60% of the weapon damage point physical damage with the off-hand, awarding 2 combo points.

This skill is similar to a two-hit combo. You shoot left and right. The interval is very short. The damage is actually not high. It is mainly used to accumulate combo points.

It's not a very rare skill, but the level of monsters that can explode this skill is relatively high, so it's not popular yet.

"I'll take it," Lu Li said without any politeness and started learning directly.

With one more skill, he also had one more way to accumulate combo points. He would never waste precious skill points on this skill, nor could he afford to waste it.

For the seventh time, Lu Li chose a level 30 silver mold. He didn't know its attributes, but at least he wouldn't lose anything. It was safer than the remaining unknown choices.

The eighth time, this time, he was particularly unlucky. Not only did he fail to select good items in the previous two opportunities, but even the rare materials that Lu Li felt he was familiar with were not popular.

I thought it would be cold mithril, but I found out after I got it that it was just a very ordinary mithril ore.

The market price of mithril ore is only a few silver coins.

For the ninth time, Lu Li directly chose the item that he suspected was arcane dust. He absolutely did not believe that Selred would actually use a clod of soil to fool him. With such a shape, he could not think of any other item except arcane dust.

Although arcane dust is not widely used, it is a necessity for some high-end equipment. If the rich demand it, it can definitely be sold at a good price.

Arcane dust, rare material.

It was indeed this thing. Frankly speaking, Lu Li had never seen the true appearance of this thing in his previous life. Back then, he had read the travel notes of an old dwarf adventurer in the library, and the name seemed to be "Bryan Bronzebeard's Notes." It specifically introduced some strange and weird things, interspersed with some short stories, and the language was humorous. Lu Li read the book more than once, treating it as a novel.

This kind of thing is introduced in it. It is said that it is the debris left by the dead ancient god.

Of course, this is nonsense.

Seeing Lu Li put the secret magic dust into his bag, Selred's expression changed drastically as he had a look of regret on his face. He never expected that Lu Li would choose something that looked no different from a clod of dirt. If he had known it, he would never take it out.

Arcane Dust is a rare material for players, but it is more than that for Sentinels.

This inconspicuous little clod of soil has the effect of deceiving the perception of high-level creatures as long as it is carried on the body. It once helped Sentinel Selred deceive the perception of the dragon, allowing him to successfully pass through the Dragon Canyon.

It's a pity that elves are all face-saving creatures. They agreed that they could choose whatever they wanted. It would be too embarrassing to take them back now.

Anyway, he has retired and no longer needs this thing. He can only comfort himself in this way.

The last spot, three chances to choose.

Among this pile of things, there was no one Lu Li knew, and no one even looked familiar.

"This is the last time. Everyone, please give me some ideas." Lu Li was speechless. These people really thought he had a plan.

"If I don't come, I'll have better luck," Can Meng volunteered.

"If you can't get something good, I'll sell you," Hachi-chan threatened her good friend. Can Meng rolled her eyes and didn't dare to speak. Maybe she was estimating how much she was worth.

"Actually, you can choose rarer equipment. Even if the attributes are inferior, it will still be very valuable," Sanyue Yu suggested gently.

Yes, why didn't he think of it? Lu Li suddenly realized.

PS: Thanks to Hongzi, 06066060, Hanjiang Ye, Qianhun, Panda Xiaosheng, Legendary Rice Chong, Youshi Yintian, cyylp, Chencun, Giant among Giants, You 102 Ling, Naughty Jay, Pacifier Assassin, Canghai Deep Blue , a monthly ticket for Lock of Cold Flames.

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