The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 368 Scarlet Monastery

Bloody Monastery!

In a sense, this is the most powerful copy in the primary stage of Dawn.

It consists of four dungeons: the cemetery, the palace, the arsenal, and the library. This means that the Scarlet Monastery is actually a dungeon group, not just a single dungeon.

Access level 25, restricted entry level 35. The mobs are generally above level 30, and the entry-level BOSS has also reached level 30. Since most of them are humanoid monsters, they have low HP, low defense, high experience, and a good explosion rate...

There used to be a group of low-end professional players who made a living by bringing alt accounts to gain blood.

Bloody dungeon group, bring a wave of ten golds, equipment is not included, please bring a lot of alts.

In order to limit their level to below level 35, the power leveling players resorted to various tricks to kill themselves. Some of them burrowed into monsters, some found someone to cut them down, and some climbed to high places and threw themselves to death.

Lu Li also spent some time here in his previous life, leading a trumpet account with two hard-working guys and earning a lot of living expenses.

It's just that he is relatively calm and knows that this kind of stable income will not last long. To be truly powerful, you must maintain a certain level with mainstream players, so he has never done anything to downgrade himself.

It's not that difficult to open up a bloody wasteland, provided you know the strategy.

If you know the strategy, a team of ten people at level 30 can pass the elite difficulty level without any pressure.

As for difficulties or even nightmares, higher requirements are required.

Similar to the previous Wailing and Dark Abyss, the Scarlet Monastery also has certain shortcuts, and this shortcut is very simple. You only need to kill the Scarlet Paladins outside the copy. If you kill 20 of them, you can get a one-hour Bloody halo.

Bloody Halo: Increases damage to Scarlet Crusaders by 5%, life recovery speed by +5%, and magic recovery speed by +5%, lasting for 1 hour.

This halo is very powerful, but in terms of acquisition, there is a huge gap based on the camp.

Horde players only need to teleport to Tirisfal Glades, jog for a while to reach the Scarlet Monastery, and kill a few monsters outside to obtain the Blood Halo. Alliance players are in dire straits, as they have to go to the nearest alliance teleport point. It took a long time.

The current mainstream route is to teleport to Nanhai Town, go north from Nanhai Town, walk to Silverpine Forest, pass through Silverpine Forest, bypass the Undercity and enter Tirisfal Glades, and then walk to Scarlet Monastery.

This distance is very long and will take at least two hours.

Several guilds that are currently opening up wasteland, such as Blood Flag, Seventh Heaven, etc., most of them choose this road because it is safe, there are major roads to walk on, and the level of monsters on the road is not high.

Of course, you can also enter directly from the dungeon teleporter in the town, but there is no need to think about the blood halo effect.

Therefore, the copy of Scarlet Monastery is biased towards the tribe and is full of malice toward the Alliance.

Lu Li didn't choose this path, he knew a shortcut.

You can teleport to the Eastern Plaguelands first, then travel through part of the Eastern Plaguelands and the entire Western Plaguelands, and run all the way there. This is the shortest distance and takes less than an hour.

It’s not like no one knows this route. The map has been explored for a long time and a copy can be printed with a few silver coins.

The reason why this road cannot be taken is that there are too many monsters on the road, and they are all at level 40 or 50.

As far as the player's current level is concerned, level 40 or 50 is simply a huge mountain. Clearing this kind of monster is no different from fighting a BOSS. It will take more time to clear it all the way.

The reason why Lu Li dared to choose this route was because he was familiar with the maps and monsters of the Plague Land and was confident that he could lead his teammates through it.

It takes an hour or two to go back and forth, and we can't come back often to bring supplies, so everyone stored all the unused things in the warehouse. Everyone brought enough supplies, including food, potions, bandages, and arrows. Lu Li even made a few basic Repair the robot.

With robots, you can also repair equipment directly in the dungeon.

After getting ready, Lu Li first teleported Xiaobajiang and Tangyuan with sesame filling to the Holy Light Chapel in the Eastern Plague Land. The others found a place to spawn monsters and waited to use the warlock's portal to pull them. Anyway, there were no monsters to clear. Too many people is not good.

"Zhou Bapi, Zhou Bapi... you are the rabbit," Hachi-chan muttered, because she also wanted to stay back and wait for someone to pull her away.

Lu Li used the reason that she "ran as fast as a rabbit" to force her to join the expedition team. As for Tangyuan with sesame filling, he was a warlock, so he had to rely on him to recruit people.

Teleportation is a great invention, and the transformation of time and space is amazing.

In great contrast to the bright Astrana, the sky in the Plaguelands is hazy, making the land appear even darker, and evil shadows seem to have swallowed the horizon.

Various undead creatures roam this land. The Scourge killed every living creature within its realm.

People have gradually forgotten that this was once the agricultural center of Lordaeron, with vegetation and farmland that surpassed the entire continent.

After leaving the safe area of ​​the Holy Light Chapel, a level 50 monster came face to face. The three of them were frightened and their hearts skipped a beat. There was no need for Lu Li to warn them now, everyone was cautious.

Lu Li was sneaking in front to explore the way, Xiaobajiang turned into a leopard and stalked behind, and the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls were a protected object.

If he encounters a monster, Lu Li will say hello in advance.

The act of exploring paths is very risky, because he is only level 30, and the huge gap of level 10 makes stealth almost useless, even if the equipment on him has a good bonus to stealth.

When Lu Li encountered danger, he had to use Wind Step or other acceleration skills to escape.

The hatred mechanism in Dawn has its own system. Thieves like Lu Li have only one way to escape from high-level monsters, and that is to maintain stealth at a sufficient distance.

Fortunately, the terrain here is not complicated, otherwise sooner or later we would run into the monster's arms.

The route Lu Li chose was not the closest one on the map. It was a bit off the straight line. Tangyuan with sesame fillings discovered it, but he was too shy and didn't have the nerve to ask.

As for Hachi-chan, she can't even tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and can hold a map backwards. Naturally, I don't expect her to discover this.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the sound of horse hooves came from behind.

The glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings don't look very good. Ordinary soldiers don't have money to buy horses to ride. They can ride horses, and people who ride horses in such a ghost place are definitely not easy to mess with.

He moved his mouth and tried hard not to complain.

Why did you choose this path!

Lu Li stopped and breathed a sigh of relief, finally letting himself wait.

He pulled his two teammates back to the roadside, and together they looked in the direction of the sound of horse hooves.

In the dim haze, two tall horses slowly appeared in the field of vision. Only when they got closer did they realize that they were not two cavalry, but two horses pulling a carriage.

A skinny old man was sitting cross-legged on the carriage, looking at the three people on the roadside expressionlessly.

PS: Thanks to Life’s Wonder, idateyou, L.Z.H., and Alian_ for their rewards. Thanks to Zuoqiu Hanru, Lao Yao Yao Yao Yao, I’ll trick you into digging, XZ Bookworm, Urban Lone Shadow, 0o update quickly o0, Big Fat Bookworm, Sky City Wind Sorrow, Wonder of Life, ~ Glacier Flame ~ , idateyou, LoveEA, Can You Still Love Me, Yaoyaogui, Xunhuang, Soul Judgment, Lock of Cold Flame, Lost Little Book Boy, Nuoyu, Weilan83's monthly pass.

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