The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 371 Hidden BOSS

Select "Difficult" for the difficulty of the copy.

This dungeon is very simple as long as you know how to play it. There is no need to play the elite difficulty level. You can directly challenge the difficult dungeon.

As for Nightmare, the Blood Mage in this difficulty has a perverted skill, Death and Decay, which can instantly kill any player including MT.

If Death and Decay is eaten by a MT or healer, the team will be wiped out. If someone else eats it, you can survive. It's all about luck. Sword of Judgment now needs the first kill in the dungeon to keep its popularity, so there's no need to bet on luck.

Many dungeons in Dawn are dungeon or secret room modes, such as Spider Lair, Death Mine, Howling Cave, and Dark Abyss, at least those that players are currently exposed to.

The cemetery became an exception.

After entering the dungeon, it was a cold and gloomy night.

If there is one word to describe the starry sky, it would be clear. The stars here are very bright. It is a pity that no scenery party will come here to see the stars, because this is the resting place of the dead.

There are cemeteries on both sides of the road, with tombstones standing there like soldiers waiting for review.

I looked back at the two little girls, Hachi-chan and Canmeng, and sure enough I didn't see the slightest bit of fear on their faces.

They are children who grew up happily and have never experienced that kind of lonely and desperate night.

That time, Lu Li was beaten until he couldn't stand up, and he didn't crawl home until late at night. From then on, Lu Xin was afraid of the night. Until she was ten years old, she had to look at her brother to sleep peacefully.

"This damn place, if there's no problem, I'll attack the monsters first," Azure Sea Breeze held up his shield and took two steps forward.

"Wait a minute," Lu Li called to him, "Let's change our approach."

After everyone heard what Lu Li said, they didn't feel anxious anymore. They have formed a blind trust in Lu Li. As long as Lu Li says it, it must make sense.

"Let's do it in one go. In other words, we have to kill all the monsters here at once, and we can't miss any of them," Lu Li pointed at the monsters in the dungeon.

"Why?" Azure Sea Breeze was puzzled, and the others were also confused.

Why do we have to fight together instead of taking our time step by step?

Wherever you look, there are two kinds of monsters, one is a frantic ghost, almost a white shadow, and the other is a zombified body, which is actually a zombie.

And in the entire cemetery, there are at least dozens of these two monsters combined.

Dozens of elite monsters are not a small number, and there are also level 30 elites here. There is only one level difference between 29 and 30, but don’t underestimate this level. Every time you reach level 10, the quality of the monsters will decrease. Huge improvement.

"Ahem, the book says that there is a tombkeeper in this cemetery. When all the monsters are sleeping together, he will come out. Before the Scarlet Monastery was built, this was actually a cemetery," Lu Li said.

He used the reason that he had read a lot of books to explain it. There is indeed a similar description in the records about the Scarlet Monastery.

"Hidden BOSS? Is it powerful?" High IQ is different, and Piao Ling immediately means what this tombkeeper is.

"It's not bad, we should be able to handle it," Lu Li said vaguely.

The BOSS of the Gravekeeper is really not difficult, and the items produced are very good. The Ghost Cloak is known as the best cloak in the 30th level magic system. However, there are only a few hidden bosses, and the Gravekeeper may not be seen even ten times. to once.

Only Lu Li knew that if you kill the mobs at once, you will 100% see the tombkeeper appear. This is a secret that someone discovered in Lu Li's previous life.

At that time, there happened to be four level 34 players who took the boss to refresh the blood. Perhaps to save time, or perhaps to show off in front of the boss, they cleared out the mobs at once, and unexpectedly appeared the Gravekeeper.

They accidentally downloaded a second copy and repeated the move, only to discover this amazing secret.

That happened a long time after the game was released. No one would pull so many monsters at once, and most people wouldn't be able to handle it.

Now only Lu Li knows that this is the advantage of rebirth.

The method is very simple. Piao Ling pulls on the left side, and Lu Li pulls on the right side. After they are gathered together, Azure Sea Breeze activates the damage reduction group taunt.

Lu Li was fine, he just pulled him away. He moved very fast, and the monsters chased behind him to eat ashes. Piao Ling had a hard time pulling him without anyone adding blood. Fortunately, Lu Li finished pulling his side and went to help him. The individual barely managed to pull all the mobs behind him.

Azure Sea Breeze had been waiting for a long time. He first activated the damage reduction, then rushed over and unleashed a mass taunt on a group of black monsters.

The monsters turned around and went to fight the people who were taunting them. The others waited for the Azure Sea Breeze to finish taunting them, and then immediately attacked the monsters with all their strength. They had to clear out the monsters before the MT's damage reduction was used up, otherwise the Azure Sea Breeze would not be able to handle so many monsters. of.

Fortunately, there are two powerful legal AOEs, Huadi Liqing and Sesame Filled Tangyuan. Can Meng's random shooting can also play a group damage role. Everyone cleared out forty or fifty mobs without any danger.

From beginning to end, it only took less than three minutes.

"This dream has been too long," after sighing, the gravekeeper slowly crawled out from the center of the cemetery.

When the Scarlet Crusaders came here, they used the reason that the tombkeeper had been infected by natural disasters. They killed this guy who liked to study corpses and buried him in the cemetery. They didn't know that the tombkeeper had become a zombie.

"Come on, the priest will be careful to eliminate the plague disease in time," Lu Li said casually and announced the start.

Gravekeeper has three skills.

One is poisoning. This kind of poison can infect players with diseases. It is mainly given to MTs. As long as the priest rescues them in time, there is no threat.

The second skill is to summon the undead. Several mobs will appear. Piao Ling can make a taunt, and Huadi Liqing can deal with a blizzard in a few seconds. They are not difficult to deal with.

The third skill is to eat corpses. He will squat on the ground and eat the undead that the player has killed, and restore a certain amount of blood. This is just to delay the time of death. His 90,000 health will last for 10,000 to 20,000, and finally Still killed by players.

The level 30 BOSS gave me a lot of experience.

Canmeng ran to attack the OSS and only found a piece of silver equipment.

Everyone was disappointed except Lu Li.

Ghost Cloak (Silver): Armor 24, Intelligence +20, Magic recovery speed increased by 20%, Magic consumption reduced by 20%, Spell critical hit +10%, Equipment requirement level 30, Durability 42/42.

Lu Li showed the attributes of the equipment, and his eyes lit up when he saw Huadi Liqing and sesame stuffed glutinous rice balls.

For any piece of equipment, as long as it has a critical hit attribute of 10%, it can be called the best. The increased magic recovery and reduced magic consumption greatly increase the combat durability of the person equipped with this cloak.

It reduces the time it takes to recover while meditating and eating food, which is a great thing for leveling.

"Hua Hua, take it, his skills consume more," Lu Li made the decision and gave the piece of equipment to Hua Di Liqing.

Although he also wanted the glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling, he didn't fight for it. He had meat to eat with Lu Li, and he knew Lu Li wouldn't treat him badly.

In fact, if their team plays the Bloody Cemetery, they will 100% produce Gravekeepers, and the Gravekeepers will 100% explode this equipment.

It doesn't matter if you give it to anyone.

There is only one BOSS in this dungeon of the cemetery. The gravekeeper was not included in the hidden BOSS just now. The mobs were cleaned up just now. The group went directly to the territory of the only BOSS in the cemetery, the blood mage Sarnos.

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