The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 380 Arcane Mage Duan

Reinforcement: Run to a teammate within fifteen yards at 200% speed, and within the next 10 seconds, as long as the target is still within five yards of you, you will bear the next melee or ranged attack on the target's behalf.

nice one!

There is no doubt that this book has an immeasurable effect on teamwork. You can imagine that when a teammate is in danger and is about to be killed by an enemy or BOSS, someone suddenly flashes over to block the fatal blow for him. attack.

Although it can only be blocked for a moment, it is enough to change the situation when life and death can be decided in an instant.

So what needs to be discussed now is who this book is for.

"Aid" is not a bad skill in Dawn, there is no doubt about it, at least no one has heard of anyone having this skill in forums and other places.

I don’t know if I’ll have to wait until the next one comes out.

Logically speaking, of course, they should be given the Azure Sea Breeze first, and even if it doesn't work, they should be left alone. They are a defensive profession, and it doesn't matter if they take more hits.

But Lu Li was more inclined to give the skill book to Yueguang.

"I don't care." Although Yueguang thinks this book is quite useful, he is not willing to argue out loud. He is as accustomed to keeping a low profile in the team as Sesame Rice Balls.

It's just that Tangyuan with sesame filling is shy, while he is really indifferent.

"Well, just give it to me. I don't want to learn this kind of skill that brings you to your doorstep and gets beaten up," Piao Ling said with a look of disgust on his face.

"I want to fight against the BOSS, so how can I have time to help others?" Azure Sea Breeze shook his head and also rejected the skill book. In fact, it was not that he and Piao Ling were inappropriate, but when they heard Lu Li suggested giving it to Yue Guang, they naturally Be good and follow the flow.

Lu Li's thinking was simple. First of all, Moonlight was a plate armor warrior, so it didn't matter if he took more hits. Moreover, he was playing PVP after all, so he had better adaptability.

Secondly, Moonlight is a club player.

This book has a huge effect in the copy, but it is still not more useful on the field.

When Lu Li and his team reached the stage where they were, the gains and losses in the game were no longer so important. Whether it was making money or realizing the so-called value of life, it would all be reflected on the playing field.

Profits and reputation are all determined in just a few minutes.

Monsters like the librarian can only appear in the difficulty and nightmare dungeons. The number of refreshes is not fixed. Lu Li and others were full of expectations while swiping back.

If you have hope, you will have motivation, and before you know it, you have reached the main hall of the library.

They also met a librarian on the way. It seemed that their luck was not good enough.

There are books everywhere in the main hall, a mountain of books and a sea of ​​books.

"Okay, next we need to find three books in this library, "The Origin of the Undead", "Compendium of the Fallen" and "The Myth of the Titans", and then we also need to find the key to the library," Lu Li clapped his hands and put the three books Tell everyone the name.

"Do you want to find the key to the BOSS room? This is understandable, but what does it mean to find three books?" Everyone's face turned a little blue.

This is a huge rotunda hall, and the walls are all covered with bookshelves as tall as one person. Finding three books in this place will definitely not be easier than finding a needle in a haystack, and you may not be able to finish them all by tomorrow.

"It's not as exaggerated as you think," Lu Li sweated. Of course, the game couldn't be arranged like that.

These books - tens of thousands of them, in fact, only a few hundred can be opened and read. This number will increase to more than 3,000 in a year, which is the number that Lu Li saw when he entered the Scarlet Monastery in his previous life.

Later, when Lu Li traveled through time, the collection of books in the Scarlet Monastery library had increased to tens of thousands.

Some of these books are customized, and the game company invites people from the literary field to write them, and some of them are written voluntarily by players. They are mainly about travel notes, and some are written by fans of Shuguang historical figures.

The ones who have written the most are Sally Whitemane and Bridget Abidis.

Both are legendary women.

Closer to home, Lu Li's request is not difficult to fulfill. There is no need to read through the hundreds of books that can be read at present. As long as you get a book, put it in your backpack. The ones that can be put in your backpack must be these three. One of the books.

Ten copies of each are refreshed at one time, which is enough for each person to have three copies.

In this case, things would be much simpler. There were hundreds of books that could be picked up and thirty books that could be put into the backpack. It took about ten minutes for everyone to have a few books in the backpack. Everyone came together to sort them. , everyone will have the three books they need.

The key was also found in a book.

This is the room of Arcane Mage Duane.

All Lu Li knew about Duan came from a biography, which was the biography of the Abidis family, recording the life experiences of the Abidis father and daughter.

There was a sentence above that left a deep impression on Lu Li.

Oh, Abbendis, why do you never look at me twice? I am willing to go with you to the ends of the earth. I just hope you can sense my thoughts...

This sentence was also engraved on a silver coin as a testimony of a relationship.

Many people think that this sentence is said to the old Abbendis, two men, and they are old men. This is completely the imagination of rotten girls, and the authenticity is minimal.

However, this pair of CPs has a wide audience. Mr. Arcana is also regarded as a relatively famous gay in the background story of Dawn, and he is the kind of existence with very deep feelings.

That silver coin is a collection of fujoshi and can be sold for more than one hundred gold coins.

Duane used to be one of the old Mograine's trusted companions. He, Tyrion, Alfred Abidis, Ethan Lien and Fairbanks once studied a mysterious crystal picked up from the battlefield with Mograine in Southsea Town.

This gathering later gave rise to the birth of a generation of divine soldiers - the Ashbringer.

He played a very important role in it.

Duane, who was born in the Silver Hand, later joined the Scarlet Crusade and was responsible for guarding the library of the Scarlet Monastery. He also held the key to enter the Scarlet Cathedral.

This old mage of unknown age is old-hearted and he likes his old friend's daughter, Bridget Abidis.

Bridget Abidis is the daughter of Scarlet Crusade General Alfred Abidis, and was originally a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand. After the death of General Abidis, young Bridget succeeded her father as the new General of the Scarlet Crusade. She led the remaining Scarlet Crusade to defend Hearthglen, and then, together with the Scarlet Lord Valdemar, led the Hand of Tyr's troops to resist the invasion of the Scourge.

I don’t know when this feeling was buried, but old Duan undoubtedly played the role of a loli.

Gay or Lolita?

This is a perverted result no matter what choice you make.

Therefore, Duane has always been the object of ridicule in the player circle, and it is difficult for people to respect him.

Just don't underestimate him because of ridicule. As one of the few old Scarlet Crusaders, Arcane Mage Duan is a very difficult existence.

PS: Thanks to book friend 150920123408085, only happiness is fake, Nuoyu, k long, Five Elements Missing Road, book friend 150916180819363, death trigger, little book car, spirit destroying god, great sorrow without tears, Mu Yu Chenling, god For the tips and likes from Cell, I would like to thank Swordsman Feitian, Little Bookworm Can’t Sleep, Big Reader, Potian, Yuejuantianhen, Big Fat Bookworm, ひむら Kenshin, Arctic Village, Yukino Sakuraba, Q Tomato Q. The monthly ticket whose name is really long in Changzhou.

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