The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 391 One-Star Assassin

"Your Excellency Wind Catcher..."

"Call me Master Basra," said the uncle troll.

"Master Basra, I want to ask you something?"

"If you want to ask about Ravenholdt Manor, I can only say I'm sorry," Basra said before he could.

"Okay, let me ask another thing," Lu Li was not disappointed, "If I build a town in the future, can I invite you to stay there? You know, a coveted engineering master, right? There is a fatal attraction to adventurers.”

"You want to build a town? I don't see that you are good at making gold coins. Don't imitate those greedy goblins. Their engineering has been going downhill," Basra said with disgust.

While talking, they had been walking around the cave for more than an hour. Fortunately, Basra, a local snake, was here, otherwise Lu Li would not have been able to reach the end.

In front of the twisted passages of Ravenholdt Manor, the naturally formed underground waterways of the Dark Abyss are simply child's play.

"You can talk to me after you build the city. Prepare some more gold coins. Even if you don't get paid, at least you will help me build a laboratory." Basra led Lu Li into the dome-like basement.

This is probably already in the middle of the mountain.

A very large teleportation array, and it looks very old, and its complexity is far from comparable to those in towns.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about anything. It turns out Ravenholdt Manor is not in Hillsbrad Hills," Lu Li said. He originally thought he had discovered a great secret.

"The teleportation array is also very precious. This one can make you unconscious. There are transfer stations on the way," Basra gave Lu Li a syringe.

Lu Li took it and gave it to himself without hesitation.

He didn't know how long it took, but he found himself lying on the grass, with the sky blue.

"Let's go when you wake up," someone said next to him. When he turned around, he saw that it was Basra's uncle, the troll.

After Lu Li stood up, he realized that they were on an island. The island was not that big, and he could already see an overview. He was on the seaside, and a group of European egrets were flying on the beach, making a lot of noise.

There was a mechanical ship on the small dock not far away, and Basra probably carried him here.

Ravenholdt Manor might as well be called Ravenholdt Island.

The wood is too damp, the island is all made of stone buildings, and there are no people everywhere, it's like an uninhabited desert island.

But Lu Li didn't believe that there was no one on the island. Even if it wasn't the real Ravenholdt Manor, it was at least an important stronghold. How could it not have any power at all.

After walking for a while, we came to the big house in the middle.

A European medieval-style spire building had a huge ancient bell hanging on it. When Lu Li stood in front of the building, the noon bell rang.

"Go in, step through this door, you belong to the Assassin's League," Basra whispered from behind.

Lu Li walked in, and the door creaked shut behind him. Windcatcher Basra did not follow him. His footsteps became farther and farther, and Lu Li's trial came to an end.

He walked through the long corridor and entered the main hall, where he saw a ball of sunlight shining down from the roof.

"Young man, I am Qiao Raven. I am here to welcome you on behalf of Ravenholdt Manor." There was a stone table in the sunshine, and a person was sitting behind it. From Lu Li's perspective, he could only see the hazy A hazy shadow.

His voice was very old, giving people the impression of being in his twilight years.

"Thank you. It's an honor to meet you. Are you the leader of the Assassin's League—Duke Joravin Ravenholdt?" Lu Li was startled, not expecting to see such a legendary figure.

"Haha, I am indeed Joravin of the Ravenholdt family, and I am also a Duke, but I am not the leader of the Assassin's League." The old man was silent for a moment, and then the laughter came over, "My ancestors and I are just the Assassin's League. The secretary, at most, serves as a witness. This organization has no actual leader. Very early on..."

Through the old man's narration, an ancient organization slowly emerged in front of Lu Li.

No one knows in which era the League of Assassins appeared, not even Duke Joravin. The only thing that is certain is that the League of Assassins must be one of the oldest existing organizations in Azeroth.

At the same time, the League of Assassins is a very loose organization.

Unlike the pyramid structure of most organizations, the structure of this organization is like a spider web. There are some endpoints for connection in the huge web-that is, those who are the real members of the organization.

There is no so-called "leader" in this organization.

Lu Li especially liked this.

Duke Ravenholdt's denial is not a pretense. He is just a powerful person in the organization, and perhaps has a noble background.

"So, can I join the Assassin's League?" Lu Li said.

The old man waved in the sunshine, and Lu Li walked over obediently. When he got closer, he saw Duke Ravenholdt's appearance. Compared with what he imagined, it was really disappointing.

He is just an ordinary old man, very ordinary.

"Young man, if you have decided, please take out your Ravenholdt emblem."

Lu Li took out the emblem and placed it on the table.

"Duane..." The old Duke muttered the name.

Lu Li was silent. In fact, he was a little worried. The origin of this emblem was the trophy from killing Duan. After all, he was from the Assassin's League. He didn't know if he would be held accountable.

There is absolutely no way any organization would accept someone who killed one of their own.

But that's what the guide says. There's no need for that person to write a deceptive guide.

In fact, Lu Li's worries were completely unnecessary. The dungeon was a very strange thing. Everything inside was like a fantasy. It was difficult for players to interact with everything inside to affect the emotions of the outside world.

Duane is the dungeon BOSS and is refreshed repeatedly, so Ravenholdt Manor will not be offensive to players participating in the battle.

Besides, the game design itself, the existence of Duane and several other BOSSs, is actually a key to joining the Assassin's League mission. Otherwise, where would the players get such emblems.

"Welcome to join the Assassin's League. I accept you on behalf of the organization. You are now a one-star assassin of the Assassin's League." The old man stretched out his finger. "Where do you want to place your emblem?"

Lu Li was stunned and quickly took off his gloves.

Duke Ravenholdt's fingers touched the back of his hand, and a small emblem appeared.

System: You join the Assassin's League and become a member of the Assassin's League. Since you are the first player to join, you will be rewarded with 50,000 experience points, 500 Assassin's League reputation, 2 skill points, and 30 attribute points...

made money!

Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

The rewards under normal circumstances, as mentioned in the guide, should be 30,000 experience points, 300 reputation points, 1 skill point, and 20 attribute points.

The rewards for being the first to join are huge.

PS: Thanks to Ruoye Sakura Fubuki, A Wild Goose on the Horizon, Wind and Clouds, Still 01, and tgtiiii for your monthly votes.

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