The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 420 Leveling up

Not only are there the most well-known surgeons in the country, but there is also a team of experts to follow up, and there will be someone to solve any problem.

For this, he paid a sky-high price of two million real coins, which was just the surgery fee. Only people with a net worth of more than ten million and who are as timid as a mouse would do this.

Lu Li does not have a net worth of tens of millions, but his care for his sister makes him do whatever it takes.

Lu Xin obediently handed over the gaming helmet.

Lu Li took Lu Xin out for dinner. He cherished this kind of time recently, and the three landladies were very sensible enough not to compete with him for his sister.

He received a text message on his phone, and the bank reminded him that he had received a new remittance.

It should be the money sent by the water elf. The wealthy female will do what she says and will never default on her debt.

After going online the next day, Lu Li came out of the hotel room and went straight to the pub downstairs.

"It's great to be young. Old people like me can no longer have the dreams of young people like you." There were not many people in the hotel, and the old owner Kaili still had time to say hello to Lu Li.

"Hello, bring me a glass of ale," Lu Li walked to his usual seat in the corner and sat down.

This corner is dark and closed, and there are stairs directly above the head. Occasionally, people will go up and down the stairs, and dust will fall down. Normal people would not choose this location.

"Nima, the table on the far left has a glass of ale and a piece of cheese for him," Old Carey shouted inside, and the waitress quickly came out with a plate.

"Sir, your wine, this is the cheese given by Uncle Kaili," the waitress put down the plate and placed the wine and cheese in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li put the badge and a handful of silver coins into the plate.

The system reminded him that he had completed the mission. He had reputation, experience, and a pair of silver trousers of level 30 thieves. They were not as good as those on Lu Li, but the attributes were pretty good. The thieves in the guild were blessed.

The experience was so rich that Lu Li's experience bar, which was originally 14% short of leveling up, was shortened by 4% again.

At his level, he can instantly gain 4% experience for just killing ten monsters, which shows how tempting the rewards for small camp missions are.

"Lu Li, that's a lot of experience," the water elf seemed to have gained experience as well, and immediately sent a message.

You can share the rewards by assisting in tasks in Dawn. The water elf is not from Ravenholdt Manor, so he can't share the reputation, and he doesn't get the equipment, but the experience value is actually no less than Lu Li.

The two of them split the total experience equally.

"If you join a small camp in the future, you will also have tasks like this," Lu Li said.

"I have sent people to guard there. I will notify you if I find anyone suspicious," the water elf said fiercely: "Whoever dares to take away my emblem will be killed."

It was obviously you who wanted to steal other people's things, but Lu Li was wise enough not to refute.

He tore a note from under the wine glass and held it tightly in his hand. He picked up the wine glass with his other hand and drank it in one gulp, then walked out into the morning sunshine.

Task: Find someone

Target: Pamela Redpath

Explanation: Jessica Redpath from Everlook in Winterspring Valley provided us (Assassin League) with tasks and clues.

There was a Seven-Star Assassin in the history of Redpath. We cannot ignore the request from his descendants. This task must be left to capable hands.

According to intelligence, before the Undead Scourge swept through Lordaeron and turned it into a horrific ruin, Jessica Redpath was lucky enough to escape, but her family was very miserable.

We fear her people were all killed in the Battle of Darrowshire.

Darrow County is in the southern mountains of the Eastern Plaguelands. Rookie, go there to help find her family members, especially her sister Pamela.

Mission requirements: Find Pamela and complete it alone.

Task Delivery: Contact Person.

Mission rewards: experience points, reputation, equipment.

It is indeed impossible to do opportunistic things all the time. No matter how much the waitress lets loose, the small camp mission cannot be that simple.

The task in hand is much more difficult than the previous one.

The Eastern Plagueland is not a low-level monster area. Lu Li has been through it once before, and he still has lingering fears. The monster levels in the southern part of the Eastern Plagueland may be lower than those in the central area, but not too low. Level 35 is always Yes, level 38 is probably not uncommon.

The key is that this is a solo mission.

It's best not to try to trick the system, it says single player missions, it's best to do it alone.

If Lu Li sent people to clear out the monsters there, and then Shi Shiran entered, they were two independent events on the surface, but the system would still have a high chance of judging him as cheating, and the punishment would be severe.

You must first upgrade to level 32 to get a new weapon.

Thinking about the leveling appointment he had made with the water elf, he took some supplies and set off for Dustwallow Swamp.

Dustwallow Marsh connects the Great Sea to the east and the Barrens to the northwest. Thousand Needles is adjacent to the south, but a steep ridge spans it, and there is almost no direct way to travel between the two sides.

Lu Li didn't dare to teleport to Ratchet City, so he took a long detour.

"When are you going to come over?" During this period, the water elf had urged Lu Li several times.

"Already arrived," Lu Li flew in the sky at the risk of being attacked by flying monsters.

Looking down from the sky, Dustwallow Swamp, as its name suggests, is a large, smelly swamp, with grass, reeds and weeping willows forming the local vegetation.

Lu Lifei could feel the heat and humidity simulated by the system even in the sky.

What a great place. He really couldn't imagine that the water elf would ask to level up in this environment. He really gave up his image for experience.

Of course, the mud monster's habitat is a swamp. When Lu Li felt the scene, the water elf couldn't kill the mud monster alone, so he could only kill the crocodile in the pond next to him.

The crocodile has high HP, thick defense and is not weak at attack, so she kills it very hard.

"Come and help," the water elf raised his head and poured a bottle of potion. He was knocked back by the crocodile.

Lu Li went to help, and the two of them joined forces to kill the level 35 elite crocodile monster. The experience points were indeed very rich and scary.

"It's a pity that there are too few crocodiles, otherwise..." The water elf looked at the relatively clean crocodiles and then at the mud monster squirming in the mud over there, feeling sick in his heart.

"Turn off your sense of smell and taste," Lu Li was not a masochist, he turned it off himself.

"It has been turned off a long time ago, but I still feel sick," the water elf frowned slightly.

The mud monster was a level 35 elite. Lu Li shot an arrow and only lost more than 20 points of health. The damage was simply terrible. He muttered and explained: "There has never been a good replacement for the bow and arrow. Anyway, the long-range is just to attract monsters. You Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Let's see which one of us has the higher output. Let's bet for an hour. The bet is a piece of level 30 silver equipment. Do you want to do it?" The water elf rolled her eyes at him, then rolled her eyes and proposed a bet.

"Let's just bet. Can I still be afraid of you?" Lu Li didn't believe that the water elves fought more than him.

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