The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 444 Success is the mother of failure

"The distant and arduous exploration ends here, the true righteous will be chosen by fate, children, rejoice," the headless horseman waved his polearm.

A lot of pumpkin monsters laughed and rolled towards them.

"Dodge, move all to the left," Lu Li tensed up and started shouting the moment the pumpkin came out.

This skill seems to be a bit of a joke, but don't underestimate it. Two team members didn't have time to completely dodge. They just brushed the edge and were instantly killed.

This kind of BOSS that requires hundreds of people to conquer is different from small dungeons. Small dungeons are rarely directly killed instantly. This kind of BOSS is easily killed instantly, and it is a large area in one second.

"I say it again, you must obey the order. If I tell you to turn left, turn left immediately. If everyone turns left, will they still bump into each other?"

It's really dumbfounding to see two people die at the beginning. The cause of their death is unclear.

Just two people dying didn't really matter. There were a dozen druids in the group. Lu Li called out the two people who died and pulled them up.

The long-range professional attacks began to cover the Headless Horseman, with double-digit damage in one piece and a total of 1.2 million HP. If this progress was followed, it wouldn't actually take much time.

However, this is a super BOSS, and you cannot win it so easily.

With a swing, the Headless Horseman dealt a circle of damage around him. Melee professions were hit one after another, and four or five people died directly.


On the fifth level, he went berserk, his attack power surged by 50%, and his main tank, Azure Sea Breeze, lost blood like crazy.

Fortunately, damage reduction was activated in time, and someone was paying special attention to his blood volume, otherwise he would definitely die immediately.

The headless horseman's rampage effect is quite abnormal. If he kills at least one enemy with the move just now, he will get a layer of rampage effect. This effect can be stacked up to 10 layers.

Each level of rampage can increase the damage by 10%.

"Druids save people, Feng Shao moves to defend, others follow suit and don't get within five yards of the MT. If the melee class sees the BOSS raising his weapon above his head, either use damage reduction or retreat," Lu Li said in time. He adjusted his strategy and showed excellent adaptability at this point where most of the team would be wiped out.

This is of course everyone's misunderstanding. He participated in two headless horseman battles in his previous life. Although he didn't fight because he was a wild group, he also saw a lot.

There were guides about the Headless Horseman everywhere at that time, but it seemed that only the elite teams of some big guilds were really eliminated.

As the battle continued, pumpkins appeared several times and rampages appeared several times. However, everyone hid well and did not lose five for the first time. The headless horseman's health gradually decreased, and soon It dropped to about 80%, and the second stage began.

"Fallen Knight, obey the call of the contract and fight for victory," the Headless Horseman's great summoning spell was activated.

A row of ghost cavalry appeared in front of him, and then rumbled towards the player.

"Master Feng pulled the BOSS away, and Yezi and Xiaobajiang followed suit to increase their health. The other three Ts each pulled three cavalry, from left to right, and continued to deal with the BOSS from a distance. In melee combat, they all went to fight the mobs with their backs." Lu Li couldn't talk about the strategy in advance, so he could only work on the contingency time. When the Headless Horseman sang his lines, he had already started to put several deputy Ts in place.

The second stage is actually more difficult than the first stage.

In the first stage, a bunch of pumpkins rumble towards the player. They are large in number but slow, and their path is fixed. You can avoid them by just moving a little.

But these nine ghost knights are different. Each of them has the strength of a mini-boss. If they cannot be caught immediately, they will easily get into trouble.

As for why Lu Li didn't send nine Ts each to pull one, it's because each of these ghost knights has a special state called "stability", with a total of nine levels. This state on any ghost knight is lower than three levels. Will immediately go berserk.

The violent Ghost Riders are a disaster. They will rush around and kill anyone in their path.

As for pulling them all together, it would be a disaster. The stable state adds defense. If you add too many layers, you won't be able to defeat it at all.

Each person pulls three. This is the best result from countless team experiments.

It's a pity that theory is always full of uncertainty when it comes to putting it into practice. He only managed to catch two of the three monsters in the world, and the remaining one was pulled away by the God of Destiny. I didn't even realize that I had pulled an extra monster.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is one more. The God's destiny is to defend the Druid. He has thick blood, so he won't be able to kill him for a while.

But over at Youxing Tianxia, ​​the two he pulled immediately charged wildly.

Everywhere he passed was a white light representing death.

"Fuck me," Lu Li only had time to curse, before he was trampled to death by the ghost knight who ran over him.

More than a dozen people died in this wave, including the commander. No one could stop the two violent ghost knights. They were like two killing machines, constantly causing death at the scene.

"Start again. If you are not dead, just run out of the dungeon. If you can't escape, die quickly." Lu Li posted on the command channel and ran away from the corpses.

He couldn't blame a few tanks for not holding back the Ghost Riders. After all, this was the first time and the scene was too chaotic.

In fact, few teams that come to play the Headless Horseman for the first time can survive the first stage.

Under the leadership of a reborn person, the Sword of Judgment saved a lot of trouble.

The second time I entered the dungeon, everything had been reset. Not to mention the nine ghost knights, even the headless horseman was gone. He had to be summoned again to come out.

"Okay, success is the mother of failure..." Lu Li did not curse, he decided to be reasonable.

"Failure is the mother of success," the blue sea breeze immediately corrected him.

Everyone laughed...

"That's enough," Lu Li glared at these idiots and said nonchalantly, "Everyone did a good job in the first stage. They avoided the pumpkins several times. Only at the beginning, everyone We will reduce the number of people if they are relatively unfamiliar. The key is to pull monsters in the second stage. Now I will assign a deputy T to each of you as an assistant. Keep an eye on the monsters you want to pull, and don’t pull away other people’s monsters..."

Because the druid's resurrection skill hadn't cooled down yet after using it, Lu Li gave him a two-minute rest.

"Hey, boss, can the mount of this thing explode?" Fat Monkey came over. He fell in love with the ghost horse of the Headless Horseman at the first sight.

The ghost knights summoned later were all this kind of war horses, so cool that they had no friends.

PS: Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. Thanks to Xiaotian Buxiaoyu, quansheng, Qianjian Qianjian, krammer_kim, Dark Halo, and Pacifier Assassin for their monthly votes.

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