The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 692 Scepter of Celebras

In fact, the cursed Celebras is not difficult to kill. After all, it is only the first BOSS of the dungeon. It is only the ultimate move that can wipe out the normal team.

"You should touch it," Lu Li said to the water elf.

Although the water elf is not a red hand, it is much better than the others. At least he has picked up skill books such as "Summoning Ritual".

Even if there is no gain from this copy, with the previous "Summoning Ritual", this time is not in vain.

"Well, if you can't touch something good, don't hit me," the water elf pursed his lips.

Cang Shui Changge felt a little dizzy. Their eldest sister in Weiyu Pavilion, the Queen, who had always been aloof and aloof, had never joked, and she did it so naturally.

Beat you?

Hundreds of thousands of players in Weiyu Pavilion will fight to the death with anyone who dares to lay a finger on you, okay?

The water elf squatted down in front of the BOSS and took out a dagger. You're really not polite, the first thing she got was her professional weapon.

The Claw of Celebras is a weapon used by thieves. It is gold level and its attributes are not bad. At least it does not disgrace its status as a level 40 gold weapon. It is better than the spare one in Lu Li's hand.

However, Lu Li gave up the competition.

Since there is something better, why bother fighting for it? The two daggers in Cain's left hand are still silver equipment, and the special effects are not very good.

The water elf also gave up the competition. She didn't like the special effects of this weapon.

So Cain successfully got the first piece of equipment today with his left hand, replacing the slightly inferior dagger in his hand. Although he tried hard to stay calm, everyone could see his happiness.

The Jungle Guardian Cloak, a druid's cloak, adds a lot of physical strength and defense, and was given to Cang Shui Changge.

Hachi-chan's equipment is already weird enough. If she wears MT's equipment again, it will only be even more unusual.

Then there was another material, called the Guardian of the Wind, which looked like an eye and was entirely emerald green. Lu Li knew that this was a raw material for magic equipment. The price wouldn't be too outrageous, but it wasn't cheap either.

After picking up the three items, the water elf suddenly screamed.

Lu Li turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw the water elf rushing behind him at an extremely fast speed.

He couldn't help but marvel, this speed was not ordinary, and he probably wouldn't be able to match it if he turned on the acceleration. No wonder some people insisted that there was potential in the game.

When people burst out, they can exert abilities that exceed the character's attributes.

Of course, the most important thing now is what happened. The water elf pointed at the body of the cursed Celebras in a panic, and said in a trembling voice: "It's moving!"

Oh, yes, Lu Li almost forgot about this.

"He's not moving, he's not dead," Lu Li explained: "In fact, we didn't really empty out his blood until the end. He fell when the last drop of blood was lost. Remulos gave him the ability to be immortal. This kind of immortality may not be absolute, but it is obviously impossible to rely on adventurers like us.”

"You do have some knowledge," Celebras stood up slowly while lying on the ground.

"What should I do?" The water elf was a little embarrassed and angry. Her performance just now was really embarrassing. She is a water elf, not to mention invincible. At least she has never been afraid of anyone. She didn't expect to be scared by a monster. At this moment I wish I could cut Celebras into a knife.

In fact, she was still a girl after all, so it would be strange not to be frightened when she saw the corpse moving.

"Don't worry, Mr. Celebras is no longer an enemy," Lu Li stretched out the hand with the ring and shook it: "And he will help us find the Elemental Princess Theradras, right?"

"Ancestral God," Celebras lowered his head.

The look on his face was extremely serious. He probably wouldn't be so serious even if his father was here.

The legendary supreme double ring!

People outside know about the Supreme Ring, and that's because Malfurion, the Arch Druid's mark, in addition to his identity as Arch Druid, is probably the ring that symbolizes his status.

Some people say that it was because of that direct that Malfurion became the archdruid and was considered the symbol of the druid. He became the king of the night elves and married Tyrande...

What is even more desirable is actually another ring.

No one is sure to snatch Malfurion's one, but the whereabouts of the other one of the two supreme rings is still unknown.

In fact, Celebras once had a similar longing. One day he had the chance to encounter the ring forged by his grandfather, and from then on he became another strong man in Azeroth, like Malfurion, Medivh, and Thrall. Same as others.

He left home to venture out when he was young, and he may not have wanted to try his luck.

I didn't expect to see this ring here today. It looked simple and plain, but in Celebras's eyes, it bloomed with endless brilliance of life.

"Celebras, Celebras..."

The call from the distance woke him up from his imagination. Celebras took a long breath and let it out slowly. He raised his head and said, "I am happy to help you, but it is a pity that my scepter was destroyed." , its power allows you to freely travel through these caves..."

"Excuse me, how can I help you repair the scepter?" Lu Li asked.

"Noxan took away my magic wand, and the gem of the scepter fell into the hands of Velitan. The former is a water element, and the latter is a satyr. With your strength, you should be able to defeat them. , go, I hope you can bring back good news," Celebras turned around before Lu Li and others could speak, and his whole body twisted into nothingness.

"How can we find you?" Lu Li was a little anxious. This was different from the mission guide.

There is no description in the mission guide that this guy will leave. He should stay here and wait for the player to get the two parts of the scepter, then repair the scepter, and also give the player some experience points as a reward.

"When you get what I want, I will naturally appear. It's a big dream," the misty voice came from the void, with a hint of sadness. It didn't look like an NPC at all, especially the dungeon BOSS. Lu Li was confused as to whether the game had evolved to this point or if there was some hidden plot in it.

They couldn't figure it out and couldn't force it, so the group continued to move forward in stealth.

This section of the road is relatively dangerous, mainly because there are too many patrolling monsters everywhere, and the annoying thing about these patrolling monsters is not only that they walk around, but also because of their shameless personality that makes people angry whenever something happens.

Lu Li and others had to be more careful, otherwise it would be a waste of time to clean up these monsters.

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