The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 698 Ideal and Reality

The water elf had killed a relatively powerful crocodile monster in Dustwallow Swamp. It was related to a mission issued by Ravenholdt Manor. It was originally an unsolvable death situation, but he listened to Lu Li's advice and relied on the power of NPCs. Only then did he complete the final kill.

Thinking of this, the water elf felt a little guilty. In fact, Lu Li really didn't say anything to her.

But when I think about Lu Li's actions with no mercy, I'm afraid any girl who comes in contact with him will be itchy with hatred.

Even if you don't expect him to be attentive, don't be so incomprehensible.

Lu Li had no idea that someone was cursing him to live alone. He directed everyone to avoid the crocodile BOSS's sweeping skills and placed everyone behind the attack range as much as possible.

The damage of the sweep is not too high. What is more disgusting is that these damage values ​​will be converted into the BOSS life in the form of twice the amount.

They are rough-skinned beast-like monsters. If they suck blood more often, the battle will become even more endless. Fortunately, Lu Li has been directing everyone's movements. Several of the people participating in the battle have relatively good skills, and it took more than half of the battle. Hours later, the battle came to an end.

Finally, the crocodile BOSS became violent and its attack power increased significantly.

Lu Li and others were not surprised but happy, because after going berserk, their defense power was reduced, which made them easier to fight.

After the crocodile BOSS fell down, a fist blade weapon exploded, which thieves can use. However, the three thieves here all use daggers, which can only be sold. Some thieves like to use strange weapons. This style is very Zhong Er's gloves are their favorite, and they are willing to pay high prices.

Lotgrip also revealed a rare material, a crocodile forelimb.

Lu Li saw the water elf pull off the front legs of the crocodile BOSS, and he sweated violently at the way this material was exploded. This scene was really too violent.

However, this material is quite useful.

The professional task of cooking requires this kind of thing. The taste of the spicy crocodile legs is not ordinary. The price can be as high as hundreds of gold coins. Lu Li was lucky enough to eat it last time. After eating it, he realized how much precious things he had eaten. , the intestines are full of regret.

"Give it to me," Lu Li said.

"Okay," the water elf didn't make things difficult for Lu Li this time. In fact, there weren't many things that really caught her eye.

"Don't you two ask for our opinion?" Cang Shui Changge smiled bitterly.

"Do you have any objections?" The water elf glanced sideways at him.

"No," Cang Shui Changge shrank his head, feeling that although today's water elf looked a little more humanized, in the final analysis he was still the eldest sister who could not be offended. This kind of humanization was obviously not aimed at him.

"I'll make spicy crocodile legs later. Remember to come over and eat them," Lu Li paused and added, "Everyone has a share. Everyone should know where I live in Darnassus."

It's best not to come. A roasted leg is only big enough, and it's not enough for so many people...

"I won't go, I'm busy," Cain's left hand said very wisely. One of the qualities that a good employee should have is to know when the boss really wants to treat someone, and when he is just being polite.

"I... I'd better not eat it, I like to eat carrots," Hachi-chan glanced at the bloody crocodile legs and shook his little head like a rattle.

She has recently become obsessed with Dolanar carrots, and has been recognized by the local residents. She can eat them as much as she wants, while other players must pay a lot of gold coins if they want to eat them.

Dolanar carrots will have random properties after being eaten, and the effect lasts for one day. It is not just cute after eating.

The skill book is a warrior's tear that severely injures the target, causing 600 bleed damage within 8 seconds, and bursts out when the effect ends, causing 150% bleed damage.

It is a relatively powerful skill. DPS warriors basically need to have a copy of it before they can play PK.

The water elf took away the skill book and gave two things to Lu Li in a row. If Lu Li took the book again, he would feel blushing. Of course, this was just a way of talking. In fact, even if Lu Li really took it, he would definitely No blushing.

After defeating the crocodile boss Lotgrip, only Princess Theradras remained in this instance.

This princess of the earth element, who is said to be popular among thousands of races, is the third daughter of the earth lord "Stone Mother" Thraseon. She is of extremely noble origin. There are only a few so-called princesses in the background of the Dawn World who can compare with her.

There are many famous princesses in the player circle.

For example, the cat princess, Tony Ansanya, appears alone outside Stormwind City. She has a gentle name and beautiful appearance, but strangely holds a bloody axe...

Princess Thebestia, that is a huge water element, which looks more consistent with the mage's water baby.

Princess Zhisong is a furbolg princess - no one stipulates that furbolgs cannot have princesses. She is a furbolg princess locked in a cage. Basically no one knows about it except the Draenei players on Bloodmyst Island.

Blue dragon princess Telegusa, the descendant of Malygos, has a portrait of her in Stormwind City. Because of the existence of this princess, players always still retain beautiful fantasies about other princesses.

Therefore, Princess Theradras who lives in the Crystal Cave of Terramok makes players anxious.

Even if this noble princess is a widow and her husband died a long time ago, it does not affect NPCs and players of different races and identities flocking to her.

Until that day, people fought to the very end of Marathon.

"I'm looking forward to it. Lu Li, have you ever seen the portrait of the princess?" Cang Shui Changge rubbed his hands. They were about to sneak to the Teramok Crystal Cave, the outside of Princess Theradras's private palace.

Thinking that a peerless beauty is lonely and waiting to be rescued, the otaku's heart beats wildly.

Cain's left hand also looked at Lu Li. This man was sultry and didn't talk much, but Lu Li had seen his ability to tell dirty jokes in the guild and knew that his lust must be unbearable.

"No," Lu Li sighed inwardly.

I hope their psychological quality is strong enough to prevent them from being hit so hard that they will have a psychological shadow and stop liking women from now on. Then the game company will really lose money.

"If I accidentally touch the princess during the attack, the system will rain down thunder and kill me," Cang Shui Changge said with a smile.

The standard attribute of an otaku is to talk a lot. If you let him take action, he will immediately become a coward. Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be single. He is the main MT of Weiyu Pavilion. There are many beauties in the guild, including the most beautiful ones. There are several of them.

"I hope you can still pull the monster later," Lu Li turned his head.

What if the MT gives up the task later, or is kicked off the line due to excessive heart stimulation, how to continue playing this dungeon, this is a question he needs to think about.

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