The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 700 Cang Shui Changge’s trump card


A very strange voice suddenly sounded. It was very familiar, but for a while I couldn't remember what it was.

Then, everyone flew out, including the MT, the healer, and the three thieves who were immersed in attacking. They flew very high, and because they flew high, the fall was particularly painful.

It didn’t matter that it hurt, but I still felt dizzy after falling somewhere.

Princess Theradras's original hatred towards Cang Shui Changge was completely cleared. She found a target nearby and pounced on it.

"Wind Step!" Lu Li shouted loudly.

Although Cain's left hand felt that it was a pity to use the Wind Step, he still obeyed and used the Wind Step that the thieves depended on to save their lives. Princess Theradras' huge palm slapped him on his body, which was like defeating Xu, but it had no effect at all. .

Wind Step is an invincible skill and a powerful stealth skill.

After such a delay, Lu Li and others also woke up from their dizziness.

Cang Shui Changge quickly rushed over and grabbed the BOSS. I didn't blame him just now. There was nothing anyone could do to clear the BOSS's hatred.

The underground palace where Princess Theradras is located has walls, but she is guarding her husband's body and will not be pulled to the wall by the player, so the strategy of blocking the position to prevent being knocked away is completely unworkable.

"Fight as usual," Lu Li said in a deep voice.

At this time, many commanders will be in despair, because attrition may occur after the first knock-off, and players have almost no countermeasures except using life-saving skills such as Wind Walk.

In a long-term group game life, guild players are more likely to lose control, but they are also more susceptible to the influence of the commander.

Once the commander himself is not confident, the players under him will wait for the group to be destroyed.

Lu Li was different. His command was not as impassioned as others, but he never felt down. He was as calm and steady as ever, giving people inexplicable confidence.

"Only 7% of the blood was lost. If the left hand is called again next time, he won't have Wind Step," Cang Shui Changge frowned.

"Next time is about next time, keep going," Lu Li insisted.

Because there is no other way, we can only continue fighting like this. After all, the BOSS's knocking away is only a hypothetical thing. This dungeon cannot open up wasteland again and again like the public dungeon.

There are only three chances for a private copy, and you will be kicked out after three failed attempts.

"Why did you invade my home?" Princess Theradras's voice was mellow, but it wasn't actually that unpleasant. This was the first time she had spoken out to accuse Lu Li and other intruders.

Lu Li remained silent. There was no way to negotiate with the BOSS, so nothing he said would be of any use.

"Robbery, hand over all the good stuff," Hachi-chan hummed.

"Be careful, stand back," Lu Li pinched her neck and pulled her back. If she got too close, it would be terrible if he chose her as a target later. Hachi-chan doesn't have invincibility like Wind Walk. Skill.

Once the healer dies, the group will be destroyed.

"Roar," Princess Theradras became angry. She let out a deafening roar, and then all the players present scurried around like headless flies.

Hateful Glare - Roar at the enemy, causing them to be paralyzed with fear for 6 seconds and causing other nearby enemies to flee in fear.

Except Lu Li!

Lu Li used the mask effect the moment she inhaled, and the timing was perfect.

Voodoo Mask (Top Gold): Armor 42, Agility +30, Strength +18, Groove 1, Special Effect 1: There is a certain probability of discovering the sneaking units around you regardless of level, Special Effect 2: Cold blood, your mind is as cold as ice Calmness, immunity to fear-based mental magic after use, lasts for 15 seconds, cooling time is three minutes, special effect 3: When a continuous critical hit occurs, the third attack has a 10% probability of causing the comprehensive damage of the first two, equipment requirements Level 40, durability 95/95.

The cold blood effect of the Voodoo Mask.

This special effect needs to be used in advance to produce its effect. Lu Li predicted the BOSS's hateful glare skill, thus completely becoming immune to the BOSS's skill.

Princess Theradras will only freeze after using this group control.

Don't think that this frozen state doesn't matter. Although she can't attack, she can draw elemental power from the depths of the earth. If no one interrupts her, a defensive shield will be formed on the surface of her body.

The longer it absorbs the power of the earth element, the stronger the shield becomes.

That's why Lu Li used the equipment's special effects. He was not frightened, so he got very close to Princess Theradras and kicked her.

This is no ordinary kick.

This is a kicking skill, which smoothly interrupts the power that the BOSS has just begun to absorb.

The eggshell-like shield was pierced by Lu Li with a dagger, and then he took advantage of the BOSS's stiffness to attack like crazy. The water elf and Cain also took the opportunity to turn around with their left hands.

The thief has the Shadow Cloak skill, and the cooldown time is not too long, so of course he has to use it.

These few seconds were a very rare attack. Princess Theradras' health dropped rapidly. The most important thing was that she would not fight back at all. At this time, they were extremely lucky that there were three thieves in this team.

After Princess Theradras recovered from the stiffness, she used another new skill.

Three hits!

Cang Shui Changge suffered three damage of more than 800 points, almost falling down and unable to get up. Druid's shortcomings in spell defense meant that he could never replace Warrior T.

Yes, this melee three-hit combo deals damage from earth spells.

Xiao Bajiang quickly increased his health, and Lu Li also accelerated his attacks. He planned to grab the hatred from Cang Shui Changge at any time in a crisis. He could die, and at least he had the Dark Moon card to revive him. Cang Shui Changge definitely couldn't. Damn it, even if there is a battle recovery, it won't work. There is no secondary T here, and no one can replace the main T to receive hatred.

"Force me to use a special move, right?" Cang Shui Changge was beaten to the point where he was on the verge of losing blood. He shouted, and a burst of green light appeared on his body.

The blood volume has skyrocketed. Not only has it increased, but the damage taken has also become much less.

"This is a cool move. Is it a special effect for equipment?" Lu Li was surprised. His experience as a druid in his previous life made him immediately rule out the idea that this was a skill.

"Yeah, I got a piece of equipment by chance. It's actually nothing unusual. It just has such a powerful special effect," Cang Shui Changge said modestly, but in fact, he couldn't hide the pride in his expression.

It has to be said that life is like this.

In order to create a real world, Shuguang cannot achieve absolute fairness - there is no absolute fairness in this world, but he leaves a glimmer of opportunity for everyone.

Games are full of more possibilities and opportunities than reality.

No one knows what you will encounter in the next second. Maybe just because of a piece of equipment or a prop, you can have a completely different life.

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