The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 712 The advantages of root number three

Lu Li was a little disappointed.

He didn't expect that with his recent fame, he would be able to be accepted by others, but it was too disrespectful to reject him directly without any consideration.

The Sword of Judgment does lack a coach who can not only guide players through various experiences, but also build professionalism from a psychological perspective.

"Then let's talk about your beloved. Do you have any intention to come to the Sword of Judgment to play a game?" Root No. 3 only mentioned it at the beginning. After being rejected, he kept silent and turned to vote. Invite cats who love to eat meat.

Lu Li didn't understand why he gave up, so he could only keep silent.

Even if he is reborn, his vision in this way of dealing with the world is far inferior to that of a veteran like Root No. 3, who has been in society for many years and whose background is completely different from his own.

"I..." Maomao's meat-loving eyes drifted towards her parents.

The cat mother smiled and patted her daughter's head: "You can go if you want. I don't want to find a job after graduation. I have to stop being idle at home all the time. If I'm idle anymore, I'll really be a slacker."

"Our Sword of Judgment is located in a community next to the university town, and the environment and security are very good," Root Hao San added.

"We've understood this before. Now it's just you and Xingyue in Jiangnan. Oh, by the way, Xiaosan, you were in the Xingyue Guild before, right?" Cat's father didn't think there was anything wrong with calling him Root Number Three Xiaosan.

Root Hao San felt bitter in his heart, but he could only keep smiling: "That's right, I left Xingyue not long ago, and then established the Sword of Judgment with Lu Li."

"Well, the Star and Moon Guild really has no future. You young man really has a good vision. You can support a team just by being an alcoholic." Cat's father obviously also knows about alcoholics. Maybe he is newer than Lu Li in the place where alcoholics appear in his mind. The guy who comes is even more important.

"Lu Li is not bad either. I, who don't play games, have heard of him," Cat Mom added, perhaps feeling that it was not good to ignore him in front of others.

"Our team now has Sanyue Yu and Mu Qiu in charge of treatment. Luo Ying recalled that team battles are good, and they also have bloodthirsty skills. Fat Monkey is a mobile turret. If Yue Guang and Lu Li play in the group competition, they can probably beat ordinary opponents to the ground. Next, now we want to add two powerful outputs. We feel that cats love eating meat and are very suitable for our guild in this regard. This time we come here with 10% sincerity," Root Number Three didn't say much, but it was very important. Can capture the other person's heart.

For example, Maomao loves to eat meat, and she is very excited. No matter how much money she pays, she just wants to know when she can go to the competition.

No club has promised her to play directly on the field. The game is nothing but child's play. How can she play on the field after joining the club? Those who can make such promises are small clubs that cannot gather enough people to win. Both in the regular season.

The cat mother took a fancy to the working environment near a university town.

For example, racers sit in class and play games. This is an ironclad rule that no one has shaken for decades. However, as long as the distance is close, the cat mother can visit often and even accompany her daughter.

As for Cat Dad, since he has been a coach, what attracts him is naturally his strength.

Anyone who has watched the previous games of Sword of Judgment will be familiar with Root Number Three.

Except for vampires, these people all rose up as minor characters, and each of them is now worth more than 1.5 million. With such an intuitive performance, Root Number Three does not need to make a lot of promises to deceive laymen.

"We can even promise that your daughter can leave whenever she wants," Gen Hao added a big weight.

"Okay, I agree, Maomao, you can make your own decision," Cat's father is not a person who doesn't understand the rules. When he heard this, he knew that the time had come, and the other party could not make any more concessions. If he continued to be reserved, maybe My daughter's opportunity was missed.

"Happy man, let's make an agreement then," Root No. 3 laughed heartily, and shook hands with Cat Dad to seal the deal.

After leaving Maomao's meat-loving home, Lu Li couldn't help but ask: "Third brother, I have some questions and I want to ask you. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I don't understand."

"I understand what you want to ask, why don't you continue to insist on hiring Cat Dad as your coach, right?" Root Hao San answered while driving.

"Yes, this is one of them," Lu Li nodded.

He has a rather special life experience and has not received much education, but he is very motivated to learn.

"This is very simple. Our goal is to find her daughter to be a racer. This kind of delicate girl who almost never leaves home. Do you think her father will trust her to hang out alone?" Root No. 3 smiled sinisterly. With.

"Uh, you mean..." Lu Li was not an idiot.

"That's what it means. When the time comes, we don't need to invite him, he will come to the door obediently," Root No. 3 said: "What is the other question?"

"Why is she allowed to leave at any time?" Lu Li didn't quite understand this.

It's not that he opposes this agreement, but he doesn't understand why Root Number Three is so generous. If the cat likes to eat meat and runs away during the competition, the Sword of Judgment will suffer great losses.

"Do you know why the racer left?" Root 3 did not respond directly to this question, but asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

"The reason why I left was because I wasn't happy with what I was doing, or because I didn't get enough money," Lu Li tentatively answered.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to say such insightful words," Root Number Three laughed: "Our guild has a good atmosphere. She can play quickly after joining. Is there anything that would make her unhappy?"

Lu Li thought for a while and realized that the atmosphere of his guild was indeed good. It was probably the big guild with the lowest turnover rate.

In fact, most guilds were like this when they were first established. Everyone worked together to build the guild. Without intrigues, naturally there wouldn't be too many conflicts.

"As for money, Lu Li, can you imagine the housing prices in this community just now?" Gen Hao San licked his lips.

"I can't imagine it, but it will definitely not be cheap." Lu Li recalled the layout of the building just now and made a conclusion in his mind for the family.

"And from what I heard, he has shops and so on, and he can afford servants. He is at least richer than you and me. How could such a person let his daughter change jobs just because someone else gave him tens or even millions?" Root Number Three said slightly proudly.

He used to be in charge of a large guild, and after so many years, he has gained a good grasp of people's hearts.

In terms of playing games, even if ten of them were tied up, he would not be as good as Lu Li, but if it was compared to management and doing things, he could easily regain his confidence.

The follow-up contract of Maomao Loves Meat will be signed under the witness of the law firm. As for when to move to the territory of Sword of Judgment, it will probably be in the past two days. After all, the game is about to start, and she always has to fight with the team. Get used to it.

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