The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 714 Xingmeng Qingwu

Lu Li had always known that someone was wanted for him. In fact, most professional racers were wanted by all kinds of people.

Some people simply want to know their whereabouts by querying the coordinates, and some are adventurer mercenaries who are greedy for profit. They follow these guys with the best equipment and wait for opportunities.

When a group of skills hit his head, he just had time to activate Wind Step.

Seven percent!

Only 7% of his health is left. It's been a long time since he lost so much health. 20% is the warning line. If Lu Li's equipment hadn't been strengthened, this wave would have taken him away. .

Strictly speaking, his use of the Wind Step was really bad.

The long and boring grinding of leveling made him mentally numb. This was not his fault. It is impossible for anyone to maintain a high degree of mental concentration all the time. Research shows that the average time for mental concentration is forty-five minutes. This is why a class The reason why it took so long to arrange.

In any case, he is not dead.

These people's skills were almost released at the same time. They were a little surprised that so many high-death skills failed to kill him.

Then comes a new wave of skills, this time mainly instant skills and control skills.

However, Lu Li's Wind Step has been released, and he is temporarily invincible. Any information sent back to him by any skill released will be invalid.

An ordinary person might think that they are safe.

Lu Li was definitely not an ordinary person. The encirclements and counter-encirclements he had experienced and heard about in his previous life were beyond the imagination of this group of people.

So he did not run away, but rushed towards those who attacked him. The dagger protruded from the dark jungle and pierced the neck of a warlock like a cold light.

If the killing special effects are like a blockbuster movie, the blood spurting out forms a red mist.

This mist concealed the process of Lu Li sucking blood, but there was no doubt that his blood volume was increasing. These attacks restored his blood volume from 7% to 13%.

Then it skyrocketed from 13% to 38%...42%...50%.

The former is the special effect of Pamela's gift equipment, and the latter is the recovery effect of the advanced healing potion. The blood-sucking has not stopped while Lu Li is attacking.

You know, Lu Li was still in the activation state of the killing star equipment at this time.

The warlock player was killed without any reaction.

This has no impact on the overall situation. Under such heavy siege, there is no way Lu Li can kill someone in ten steps without leaving a thousand miles. This is the dawn, and it is not like any previous game where you can become a god just by spending money.

About seven or eight years ago, there was a hit game. A rich man spent tens of millions to get a complete set of top-notch games, and he could kill tens of thousands of people with a single sword. It's true that he was happy, but every game he played was basically ruined. The game company was greedy for the money of the rich, but forgot to set a bottom line for the game.

Dawn has such a bottom line.

If this group of people didn't underestimate Lu Li's equipment - in fact, they didn't underestimate it. So far, few people have enhanced all their equipment three times, and they have also collected a lot of information about Lu Li's equipment, skills, and various data. They all had a certain understanding and thought that he would definitely die if so many skills were thrown at him. As long as they added three or five more people to attack together, Lu Li might really fall to his knees.

All we can say is that it is not that our army underestimates the enemy, but that someone is too perverted.

Now Lu Li had to escape. He didn't know how many people would come to surround him this time, but he knew that as long as someone caught his attention, they would make a foolproof action plan.

He did not run away blindly, because he knew that the wild boar forest must be full of people now.

So he rushed forward in reverse direction and killed a person with lightning speed.

This was not revenge, Lu Li was just trying to suck blood, and with the blood recovered through other means, he had returned to half health, so even if he was hit by a skill stream arrow, at least he would not die so easily.

These people are not mediocre and they react quickly.

They dispersed while attacking. Lu Li stayed close to a shaman and activated damage reduction.

Sticking to people is a very practical method in group battles. This is a virtual game after all. Except for tracking skills, most of the skills cannot be turned around. Therefore, a considerable part of the skills aimed at Lu Li's attack are used on the shaman. Or the open space next to them.

But this is not a panacea. After all, this is a game. The system defaults to teammates not causing harm to each other, so they start to use group attack skills.

All this was expected by Lu Li. He would not underestimate any enemy.

After he used close walking to escape a certain distance, he immediately used White's third leg special effect and jumped forward eight yards, leaving all his skills behind him.

The blood volume continued to decrease, and in just a short time it dropped to 21% again.

The special effect of the cloak followed him like a shadow, and he accelerated towards the target. Lu Li chose a wild boar man. In fact, during field PK, don't limit your target to the enemy. You can use those innocent wild monsters and small animals to escape.

The Eleventh Young Master once charged small animals to escape, and was regarded as a classic skill teaching material by the soldiers.

The special effect of Van Cleef's Grip, thrusting, instantly approached a target within eight yards. The mage who had just popped up in front of him on the left was selected by Lu Li and knocked unconscious. With a few slashes, he was cut to death.

Two hundred percent of the attack is equivalent to two Lu Lis attacking at the same time, and does not require a set of skills at all.

"Stay," a figure suddenly flashed in front of Lu Li. Ice suddenly emerged from the ground, spreading to Lu Li's ankles and freezing him to the ground. This was not just any Frost Nova. From the timing and location of its activation, Lu Li It can be determined that this person must be a master of magician, at least at the level of a racer.

"Xingmeng Qingwu!" Lu Li had a good memory and he had heard this person's voice before.

In addition, there were only so many big guilds that would attack him. After screening, he immediately found the right one. They were the brothers and nobles, not the Jinyiwei or Xingyue Guild as he had initially expected.

"Hey, who is Xingmeng Qingwu? I am obviously Mo Wangfeng," the masked mage certainly would not admit it. He raised his hand and used an ice cone technique, which not only caused damage but also slowed down the opponent.


After breaking out of the ice, Lu Li activated another special effect of White's third leg. He instantly escaped into the shadows, appeared behind the target, and increased his movement speed by 80%.

This was a player who rushed over to besiege Lu Li, but unexpectedly provided Lu Li with an opportunity to escape.

Xingmeng Qingwu's flash skill had been used up, and the equipment's special effects were not activated that quickly. He could only barely watch Lu Li run away again. His water baby was still some distance away and could not reach to freeze Lu Li.

"Don't waste your energy. There are hundreds of people deployed in this wild boar forest. Why don't you run around? Come and let's compete. One-on-one, no one is allowed to cheat," Xingmeng Qingwu said from behind with a playful smile. I don't know if this is a tactic or if it's true.

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