The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 739 Transform into a werewolf

The experience value was off the charts, and Lu Li could almost see himself holding a legendary weapon at level 45.

The difference is more than 80% in experience. If you calculate it, it will still take about a week to complete, but at least it is much earlier than expected.

Obtaining the friendship of the Bloodfang Werewolves is a bit tricky. This friendship mainly comes from the three hundred first-generation Sickleclaw Druids in front of you. Of course, even if the other Bloodfang Werewolves are not grateful to him, at least they will be grateful to him for this name. Very friendly.

He has, after all, solved the major problem of a werewolf losing his sanity after his transformation.

Being rational and being irrational are two completely different concepts. Fighting without reason can only rely on pure instinct, and instincts often fall into the trap of experience.

Reputation still has its due meaning, and the more of it, the better.

"Many things were lost on the battlefield. They have not been seen for many years and have not been replenished. Here is a copy..." Kruger said a little embarrassed.

Martial arts secrets?

Lu Li's eyes lit up as he watched the NPC hand over a skill book.

"Enhanced Transformation into a Werewolf"!

It was actually an enhanced transformation skill book. Lu Li's eyes immediately lit up. When he took it and saw the attribute description of the skill book, he couldn't help but drool.

Enhanced Transformation into Werewolf: Instant cast, transforms into werewolf form, increasing movement speed by 10%, attack speed by 10%, making the caster immune to transformation effects, and reducing fall damage, lasting for thirty minutes, and cooling time of one hour.

After completing the Werewolf Curse mission, players will learn a werewolf form conversion skill book that can convert between the original race and werewolves.

If Lu Li remembered correctly, the additional attributes should be 5% movement speed, 5% increase in attack speed, and doubled the effect of enhanced skills.

Of course, there are pros and cons. After transforming into a werewolf, professional skills can be used, but racial skills and props cannot.

For example, Lu Li's Shadow Escape after his transformation was basically useless.

Anyone can add a werewolf form to their race, but not everyone will use it. If Lu Li didn't have Vanish, Wind Step, and the powerful invisibility special effects attached to his equipment, he wouldn't be willing to give up and immediately leave the battle and enter. Sneaky Shadowmeld.

This type of race conversion does not require players to abandon their original race, so the werewolf form can be regarded as a second race.

The reborn Lu Li also knew that in the future, there would be a new tribe of Pandaren to choose from. Like werewolves, they also needed to complete an opening mission. Unfortunately, there was a lack of similar opportunities, so it would be difficult to experience level up again.

Lu Li decisively studied this skill book.

He tried using it, and in almost a blink of an eye, he changed from a night elf to a werewolf. In the virtual environment, Lu Li could experience the changes that occurred after the body was transformed.

The werewolf's movements are not beautiful, but they are very suitable for running attacks.

The increase in movement speed is not too obvious, after all, his speed is already fast enough.

In fact, what Lu Li values ​​​​is not the increase in movement speed and attack speed. What he values ​​most is making the caster immune to the deformation effect.

For him, this effect basically eliminated the possibility of being hit by the mage's transformation spell. Lu Li could already imagine the scene of Mo Wangfeng, Xiao Mo and others kneeling down in front of him and begging for mercy.

If the thief teases the children with his sap, then the mage's transformation spell will definitely make the children burst into tears.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency, High Lord," Lu Li thanked him with satisfaction.

Just one level of experience can satisfy him. He has never been a greedy person.

"We should thank you. The Bloodfang Werewolf will always welcome your arrival," Kruger tapped Lu Li's shoulder with his finger. There was a canine-shaped red blood mark where the Moon Girl's sacrifice and blessing had originally been.

Blessing of the Bloodfang Werewolf, under the moonlight, the movement speed is increased by 20%, and can be teleported to the Bloodfang Ruins, sharing the cooldown time with Hearthstone.

Shoes add 10%, badges add 10%, and werewolf transformation adds 10%. If it is in the moonlight environment, add 20%. Lu Li's running speed is scarier than most people who use acceleration.

Of course, under the moonlight, this condition is quite awkward.

Saying goodbye to the Bloodfang Werewolf, Lu Li followed Remulos and left this place. He received an extremely warm invitation from Remulos.

In the Temple of Remulos in Moonglade.

Lu Li tasted the legendary Jungle Flower Wine for the first time. It was said that it was brewed by the Dryad, the sister of the Jungle Guardian, using more than a hundred kinds of flower dew.

In his last life, Lu Li saw this thing at a private auction house.

Jungle Flower Wine, drinkable, all attributes +10, only effective for first time users.

"Can I take this glass of wine away?" Lu Li was reluctant to drink it.

"Of course not," Remulos shook his head: "Everyone has their own circumstances. Since your friends can't sit with us, it means they don't have such circumstances."

"Okay, thank you, Lord Guardian," Lu Li raised his head and drank the Jungle Flower Wine. As expected, the system notified him that he had received a bonus of ten points for all attributes.

"You deserve this. You are better than I thought," Remulos said with emotion.

"For this success, I attribute it to luck. I happened to know that there is such a formula, and I also happened to know where to find Moon Night Grass. With the idea of ​​giving it a try, I completed this mission bizarrely," Lu Li must be modest. Just once.

"You didn't act as unconfident as you do now," Remulos waved his hand: "Now that the Bloodfang Werewolf matter has been resolved, this is a good thing. Our strength has increased. I hope we can still resist the Burning Legion. The next attack, the work of the druids over the years has finally improved, and I don’t want to fail.”

"Is there anything I can do?" Lu Li asked quickly.

Generally speaking, in this case, there is no room for players to intervene. You just need to ask for the task. In fact, the NPC is waiting for the players to volunteer.

"Your strength is still too weak," Remulos glanced at Lu Li, unsure.

"I will keep working hard, and I hope you can tell me what kind of mission it is, so that I can prepare early," Lu Li looked solemn. It looked like it was a very difficult mission. It was probably the same as last time. The level of the abyss.

Remulos pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "Do you know Thrall?"

"Of course," Lu Li straightened his back and said with some respect, "That is the chief of the tribe. He was a slave and is well known to the world for unifying the tribe."

Thrall is the chief of the tribe, and Lu Li is a member of the alliance, but this does not prevent him from being full of respect for this orc hero.

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