The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 770 High-end Commentary

Root Number Three is a man who knows how to deal with people. He expected that the commentator would ask Lu Li what he thought of the two guilds.

Theoretically speaking, Lu Li should of course prefer Wushuang City.

Wushuang City and Sword of Judgment are both allies of Weiyu Pavilion. Although the two guilds have no direct connection, the relationship has always been very good because of the existence of Weiyu Pavilion.

For example, if someone with the Sword of Judgment conflicts with others in the wild, the people in Wushuang City will definitely not sit back and watch, and vice versa.

Or kill the BOSS in the wild. People from Wushuang City and Sword of Judgment rarely fight to grab it. Everyone has a tacit understanding to kill other opponents. Then people from the two guilds work together to kill the BOSS, and the spoils are divided equally between the two families. Second, everyone is happy.

Everyone just has to burn the incense, chop the yellow chicken, and pay homage to the last step.

However, Ziyue Dongtian and the Sword of Judgment have no friendship at all. Instead, there is some hostility between Ziyue Dongtian and the Jiangnan nobles.

If Lu Li stands on the side of Wushuang City with great fanfare at this time, then his magnanimity in front of the public will not be very good.

That's why Root No. 3 asked him to use Xiao Miao, a stunning character, to fool this question. Most of the people who play the game are men, so they must empathize with Lu Li's answer and agree with it from the bottom of his heart.

But he didn't expect that one of the commentators would be Pure White Season.

Pure White Season is not a feminist, but she is intolerant of men's fickleness. She once angrily scolded a male racer who had two things in common in public, thinking that he had problems with his private life and character.

However, she was a very popular female commentator with countless fans. The male player who was angrily scolded by him was in a state of embarrassment for a while.

Lu Li's answer just now seemed to have violated her taboo.

But Lu Li was very confused. He asked stupidly: "What are you talking about?"

"Ahem, I believe Lu Li was just joking," Dark Color Rufeng came out to smooth things over. He didn't think there was anything wrong with what Lu Li just said. Xiaomiao is the cutest little girl on the stunning list, and she likes him a lot. .

Ziyue Dongtian also often uses her for promotion, attracting a large number of male players.

"Hmph, I think it's better for men to be more focused," Pure White Season said, so it's not too much. After all, this was in the commentary box, and Lu Li didn't really do anything too extreme.

"But I don't have a girlfriend yet," Lu Li felt aggrieved.

Because he had to take care of his sister, he didn't have the conditions to chase girls. Now, although he has the conditions, he knows that if he doesn't advance, he will retreat. He is busy improving his strength all day long, so he doesn't have the time.

"Aren't you and the water elf together?" Pure White Jiji asked.

As soon as these words came out, the audience became very excited. Those who gave Lu Li experience gifts were about to fly out. Some people just threw out all the gifts they had given when they entered the venue.

It can be seen how worried these people are about keeping the world in chaos.

Well, the rumor of a man and a woman has always been in the public eye, but this is the first time that it has been said publicly on such an occasion.

"..." Lu Li really couldn't say anything. He could only defend in embarrassment: "We are just friends. We don't have the kind of relationship you think. Hey, the game is about to begin."

Although he knew that this guy was changing the subject, Pure White Season did not pursue it further because the game really started.

"Dear friends in the audience, it is now the official competition time. Both sides have made strong lineups in the arena. The one from Wushuang City is Zhai Zhai Mosquito. He is known as the king of duels among the Dawn Hunters, while the one from Ziyue Dongtian is... It's Warlock Longcheng Guyan, you can imagine that this game will be exciting," the dark tone quickly introduced the situation on both sides to the audience.

"Dragon City Guyan and Mafengwo are the top warlocks, and Zhai Zhai Mosquito is also widely recognized in the circle. Who does Lu Li think will win?" Pure White Jiji probably feels that Lu Li's feelings for the water elf are not firm enough, and he is a little troublesome to him. mean.

In fact, Pure White Season and Water Elf are not only college classmates, but also very good friends in private.

In reality, they often go shopping and eat together. Although the relationship between Water Elf and Lu Li has not been confirmed by anyone involved, Water Elf has often mentioned this name recently, so Chunbai Jiji guessed that she might be interested in Lu Li.

However, considering the water elf's family background, she was not sure.

Even so, from the standpoint of a water elf friend, she didn't like Lu Li mentioning another girl in the same tone just now.

"Dragon City Guyan will win," unexpectedly, Lu Li did not avoid answering or using more ambiguous words to answer Pure White Season's question this time, but gave his own answer.

Lu Li concluded that Longcheng Guyan would win, why!

Even the Wushuang City guild players on the scene were a little bit complaining about Lu Li. I said, which side are you on? Why did you curse our players to lose before the game even started?

The mosquito that eats vegetables is called the king of duel, not only because of his good operation skills, but also because he has a very powerful spider pet.

This spider pet not only has control skills, poison damage skills, and acceleration skills, it has absolutely no friends in PK.

What's more, it is generally believed that hunters are more restrained than mages and warlocks.

"Why do you say that, Lu Li, can you explain it to everyone?" Dark-colored Rufeng felt that Lu Li would not speak freely. He was also afraid of saying unpleasant things to Pure White Jiji, who had objections to Lu Li, so he asked first.

"First, the spider web skill is not very useful for long-range professions. Zhai Zhai Mosquito is not a kite flow hunter, and he does not have props and skills to increase the attack distance, so it is difficult for him to distance himself from Longcheng Guyan. Second, Warlocks generally have high poison resistance and dark resistance, so the advantage of poison damage is not outstanding. Thirdly, I think everyone underestimates the warlock profession. In the arena competition, warlocks are really a bug," Lu Li said. A lot of private goods were shaken out.

Anyway, most knowledgeable people have already discovered the role of warlocks, so he simply stated it directly.

The game progressed little by little, and with Lu Li's explanation, everyone discovered various clues to the warlock's power.

"Does this mean that the spring of warlocks in the arena is coming?" Pure White Season also quickly entered the role. She is also a person with professional ethics and cannot let her personal emotions affect the commentary.

"This can be said to be true to a certain extent, but the competition is a very serious matter, and it is unlikely that a large number of clubs will train warlocks. There is no strongest profession, only the strongest players. I believe that various means of dealing with warlocks will soon appear," Lu Li said calmly.

His words were recognized by many people, and gifts came out one after another.

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