The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 775 The secret no one knows

The same thing is to transform the target, which is the so-called control. It doesn't matter whether it turns into a chicken or a sheep. What is important is that after the transformation, the magician's transformation spell will gradually restore the opponent's health to full during the transformation period, while the chicken transformer will not. .

Many mages don't like to use the Sheep Transformation Technique for this reason.

After finally crippling the target, once it transforms into a sheep, its health will be restored immediately.

In addition, the mage's transformation spell targets humanoids, while the chicken transformer can act on most types of targets, including humanoids, beasts, undead, demons, etc., and even a very small number of BOSSs.

The reason why Lu Li was eager for this kind of thing was because he planned to use it to kill the BOSS.

If a BOSS's ultimate move is repeatedly interrupted by the dwarf chicken transformer, then he is basically equivalent to a toothless tiger.

Moreover, the dwarf chicken transform is instant, which is more convenient than the mage's sheep transform spell that requires 1.5 seconds to read.

The last thing is the duration. The mage's sheep transformation lasts for a long time, but once transformed, the time to transform into a sheep for the second time begins to decrease. However, the dwarf chicken transformer does not. Theoretically, as long as one has a dwarf transforming into a chicken, device, the target will always be in the form of a chicken.

It's a pity that it cannot be used on the field.

Of course, the dwarf transformer also has disadvantages. The same dwarf chicken transformer needs to cool down for five minutes, but the sheep transformer does not.

What's more, the dwarf chicken transformer has a number of uses. A dwarf chicken transformer does not count the crafting fee. The materials alone cost at least dozens of gold coins. One of the materials is called krypton gold ore, which is a very rare high-grade mineral. .

There is almost no production in the wild, and you can only get one occasionally when doing tasks.

There are only 13 pieces of Sword of Judgment in the guild warehouse shared by tens of thousands of people. For this rare krypton gold mine, Lu Li didn't expect any surprises.

Lu Li planned to go on a mission to see if he could get a top-quality small carving knife.

There are many places where small carving knives can be used in engineering. Carving knives and wrenches, like hammers and stoves used in casting, are essential life skills.

The mission might be more troublesome, but when he thought about the waste of krypton gold mines if it failed, Lu Li felt that no matter how much time he spent, he would know it.

This mission is called "The Secret No One Knows". It's not that difficult, but it's very cumbersome.

The trigger point was in Un'Goro Crater, and Lu Li found the small lake easily.

A destroyed small boat stranded on the shore. It is unknown why there was a small boat stranded here, but judging from the marks on the trees, the water level here is not always constant.

A fragmented map will be found on top of the stranded boat.

Different people trigger different tasks, and the locations displayed on the map are also different.

Lu Li followed the instructions on the map and dived under the lake near the boat. He found the leather bag among a pile of gravel on the bottom of the lake. The system will ask you whether to accept the mission.

After confirmation, you can pull it out of the water.

If you don't accept the mission, even if you find the bag, you won't be able to open it, and naturally you won't know what to do next.

After accepting the mission, you will see a prompt saying that there are some lost travelers in the Marshall camp. Maybe you can find more clues there.

After arriving at the Marshall camp, all clues will point to a dwarf NPC who has lost his memory—his name is Link.

"You see, I have no idea why I am here. No one knows - it is a secret to everyone! I can't remember anything..." Link said, covering his head.

"There may be something in the backpack that can help you remember," Lu Li reminded him.

If Link wasn't the only one who could open the backpack, Lu Li wouldn't be so careless about picking up gold.

Link opened his backpack and observed these things carefully. He frowned and said: "The things you brought me really reminded me of something, my sword! I remembered that I was going to strengthen it. , but I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry I can’t tell you more information because I really can’t remember anything!”

"Winterspring Valley is a long way away, but I can help you, Link. All you need to do is give me that little carving knife," Lu Li's eyes lit up.

"Young man, this is my little carving knife. I like it very much and don't want to give it to you," Link said reluctantly.

"My friend, I found this for you. Without me, you would never see this backpack. It might be taken away by jackals, or it might become a trophy for forest trolls," Lu Li quickly persuaded road.

Damn it, is my charm so low?

The guide says that there is no problem at all. If Hachi-chan is here, he probably can get this little wrench without having to do any follow-up tasks.

"Maybe I can give you this big compass. You see, it always points in the same direction. How interesting." The little dwarf took out the rusty compass from his backpack.

The small carving knife had been under the water for an unknown amount of time, and it was still shiny. It was obviously not an ordinary product.

Link just has amnesia, he's not stupid.

"Forget it, give me that sword. If you like the small carving knife, leave it to you. I really didn't expect you to be such a person. I think I should refuse to return the backpack to you," Lu Li pretended Look unhappy.

"Oh no," this is a very nice sword - also not rusted, and very beautifully decorated.

"You have two choices now. The first is to give me the sword, otherwise I will take this backpack away. The second is to give me a small carving knife. I am a senior engineer and I happen to be short of a carving knife. Let me I can spend some money to buy it." Lu Li now wanted to trample this little dwarf to death.

I really don’t understand why those female players find these little guys so cute.

"Okay, okay, I agree to your conditions in principle. You can help me deliver the sword to Donova Snow Mountain in Winterspring Valley. You can find her next to the hot spring, and she will use the spring water from the hot spring to infuse the sword with Power," Link reluctantly compromised.

"Will she agree to inject energy for you? Do you need any tokens?" Lu Li asked.

"No need, this sword is a token. She will not refuse it when she sees it. Although I don't remember it clearly, I think I have done a lot of things for her to get such a reward," the little man said impatiently. Waving his hands, it meant that Lu Li could get out.

"We agreed, right? When I bring the sword back, you will give me the small carving knife," Lu Li was a little worried.

His charm value is too low, and I don’t know if the NPC will break his promise.

After Link repeatedly assured that this was a deal that had been agreed upon, Lu Li took the dwarf sword to Winterspring Valley.

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