The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 805: Taking advantage of the topic

As for why it appears six times instead of four, after all, it is impossible for the evil priest Hex to use such a big move when he comes up, and he cannot use it even if he wants to when his health reaches zero.

This still has to do with the ivy staff she holds in her hand.

When the person with the Sword of Judgment had gone through the baptism of two big moves, and the BOSS's health volume had reached less than 50%, then the BOSS suddenly waved the following staff.

This is a very common move. As a priest and a magic controller, many of her skills are realized through the staff.

This is the most commonly used action to transform into a frog, so everyone thought she was going to change into someone else. No one expected that the green ball of magic would fall on its head.

Full of blood!

"Why is the BOSS full of health?" someone exclaimed.

How is that possible? What a joke.

People who didn't pay attention to the BOSS's blood volume immediately thought it was nonsense when they heard this. How could the BOSS regain full health after defeating half of it, and not everyone was out of the battle.

The conclusion is ridiculous, but it is also very easy to verify. Just one glance is enough.

However, when they saw the BOSS's health, they were suddenly stunned: the evil priest Hex was actually full of health, and it seemed that the previous efforts had never happened.

But if that's the case, how should the friends who died during this period be counted?

"It's a bug, it's a real bug this time," everyone is not afraid of difficulties or challenges, but no one of them dares to go against the system. If there is an error in the system, it will be useless to work hard.

In addition to the elite group who are still waiting for the commander's orders, the formations of ordinary players are already messed up in some places.

Some of the mobs surrounding Zinsaro from all directions had already stood out from the crowd, and the white light of death kept flashing.

Lu Li was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his voice: "What are you all doing? Do you still have the qualities of a big guild member? Did I say give up?"

Yes, you have to listen to the commander.

The faces of the first group of people who were in trouble were burning and full of shame.

"This is obviously a system bug. So many people died without losing any health. Boss, even if you are the commander, you can't just deal with the levels of brothers like this." There are also those who are not convinced. Lu Li said on the guild channel: "Bureaucrat" Socialist style, the system is obviously wrong, why can't it be withdrawn first?

Lu Li didn't want to argue with such people at all. The team leader in charge of this profession started kicking people without even saying hello.

The number of players of Sword of Judgment has exceeded 100,000, and it is still increasing crazily every day. Of course, it is impossible for so many people to have high quality, and there are people who come out to commit suicide every day.

"There are many people here who are here to participate in guild activities for the first time." As the president of the guild, Root Hao San could only speak when Lu Li was not going to explain: "I must reiterate to everyone that at this time, it is necessary to judge this There are only two people responsible for the bug, one is the game company and the other is the commander, and until the commander doesn’t give up, even if the game company says so, it doesn’t count.”

There was an uproar in the guild.

Although everyone knew that Lu Li had absolute authority in the guild, this was the first time that Guild President Root Hao San had established this authority publicly.

"I know there are experts here, whether you are really an expert or you think you are an expert, but once you participate in guild activities, you must obey the commander. If today's commander is someone else, even I have no right to question it before the conclusion is made. ," Lu Li waited for Root Number Three to finish speaking before speaking.

"Our guild allows solo players to appear, and it is not mandatory to participate in the event. Everyone who participates in the event all agrees to obey the arrangements by default," Root Number Three and Lu Li sang in harmony.

Although it was a bit of an excuse, as soon as it happened, the two of them already had a tacit understanding and started to beat the newcomers of the guild.

The words were a bit harsh, and there was silence in the guild. Even the elders like Azure Sea Breeze didn't refute what Lu Li said. They were actually annoyed. They were almost wiped out in such a mess just now.

In fact, most of the people who made their own decisions without hearing Lu Li's advice were newcomers.

Lu Li's words were exactly what they wanted. If they didn't want to fight, just get out. Wouldn't it be fun to have everyone wiped out? These newcomers may not be high-level, but most of them elites have reached level 42. They would be heartbroken if they were killed once.

After such a small beating, the Sword of Judgment players who reorganized to fight were obviously much more organized.

The number of mistakes has been greatly reduced.

In fact, people from other guilds often reiterate the concept of the commander's supremacy, which is so devilish that you have to obey even if they give random orders.

Because the error tolerance rate of Sugon's BOSS battle is too low, even a small mistake may lead to the destruction of the Hundreds, so you are not required to have high output, but only to be obedient. This has become the most common sentence heard in Sugon union activities. .

And with the previous experience of dealing with the swarm of frogs and the ultimate move to bring out the inner demon, it was even smoother to reduce the blood volume of the evil priest Hex to less than half for the second time. Under everyone's nervous gaze, this guy finally stopped using it again. His blood volume returns to full.

This is why it is said that every time the evil priest Hex's blood volume is knocked out by 20%, the inner demon will appear once, and the inner demon stage will appear six times in total.

It takes a total of two times to go from full health to half health, which works out to exactly six times.

The second time you defeat the BOSS to 50% health, then you enter the P2 stage.

As soon as he entered this stage, the evil priest Hex changed his tactics. His new skill Shadow Blast can cause huge damage to players in a certain direction.

This hugeness is not an exaggeration of the adjective at all.

Even with a strong defense like Azure Sea Breeze, if faced with this ultimate move alone, he will die in an instant.

Of course, the game designers will not go too far. If they do that, the players will have no way to survive. There will not be so many people filling the BOSS pit. The turning point is that the players will gradually find that the damage can be shared.

People who stand with MT can each share 20% of the damage. In this case, MT only needs to bear the remaining 60%.

The way damage is distributed depends on hatred. The one with the highest hatred is the main damage bearer by default.

Of course, if it is not the deputy T, but a melee from other professions standing close to the MT, the evil priest Hex will not be polite to you, and you will still have to bear 20% of the damage.

Not to mention anyone else, even Lu Li couldn't bear it.

Look at the HP of these three MTs. You Xingtianxia in the middle took the main damage and almost lost HP. The two next to him on the left had almost no equipment and fell directly. The HP on the right was not better than that of the main tank. Fortunately, Lu Li called out in time. The T in other directions takes away the hatred, otherwise the remaining two will also have to die.

Therefore, in most of the BOSS battles in Dawn, being with the MT station is the most dangerous thing.

Lu Li never sides with MT unless necessary.

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