The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 807 Ivy Staff (please vote for me)

System: Congratulations to the Sword of Judgment Guild. Under the leadership of Commander Lu Li, they completed the first kill of the Evil Priestess Hex, the Lord of Zinzaro. The Guild Level 1 reward was awarded.

If Hex's first kill was expected, then the award of Guild Level 1 was an unexpected surprise.

It is already very difficult for a guild to advance to this level. For each level after 100,000 people, the maximum number of people it can accommodate increases by 10,000, making it Level 2 and Level 1.

Lu Li's guild was originally Level 2 and Level 3, with a total membership limit of 130,000, ranking 19th overall in the Dawn of China region.

It’s not that they are 190,000 people behind the first place. In fact, they are only five levels behind the first place, Glory City. Now, Glory City is level 2 and 8, with a total of 180,000 members. .

Many of the seventeen guilds in the middle are on the same level, and there are four guilds that belong to the same second and third level as Sword of Judgment.

After the reward, it became level two and level four, and the number of people it could accommodate became 140,000. Their ranking also jumped to twelve, and they were only one step away from entering the top ten.

A plan that I had been hesitating about before began to grow crazily in my heart.

When he was making the dwarf chicken transformer, he once thought about using this prop to kill a BOSS, or to kill an NPC in the wild. If successful, it would definitely increase the guild level.

After all, the evil priestess Hex can do it, so there's no reason why that one can't.

Of course, not every BOSS can affect the guild level, only those lord-level BOSS, or someone who is somewhat famous.

If you are lucky enough to kill Thrall, you will definitely be able to, and the increase will definitely be more than one level.

The reason for his hesitation before was that he was not sure whether he could increase the guild level, and the difficulty of killing was not much worse than Hex. More importantly, there were no ready-made strategy props to use. If he used the dwarf chicken transformer to assist, this process The dwarf chicken transformer he consumed could almost bankrupt him.

However, it would be different if it could be confirmed that the guild level could be increased.

The value of the increase in guild level is difficult to estimate, and the popularity boosted by this first kill announcement must also be taken into consideration. I believe that the things dropped by the BOSS can also allow him to make up for part of his losses.

If Lu Li was an ordinary player, he probably wouldn't do that even if he knew the strategy.

The dwarf chicken transformer requires krypton gold ore, and krypton gold ore is currently the most expensive mineral. You will definitely lose money just relying on the BOSS output.

But Lu Li was not an ordinary player after all. He also had to consider expanding the guild's influence. Many guilds invested tens of millions in advertising and public relations fees every year.

Of course, the few dwarf chicken transformers Lu Li had made in the past few days alone were definitely not enough.

He needs more ingredients and time to make more gnome chicken transformers.

There is no need to rush these things. There is a BOSS that just died waiting for them to harvest. The guild will give out tens of thousands of points in this battle, plus the pension points for hundreds of casualties. If they don't get something good, Lu Li will probably burst into tears. They will all be unable to control themselves and stay.

As usual, Can Meng touched the corpse.

The Judgment Guild currently has a total size of 100,000 people, with 60,000 to 70,000 combatants. There are tens of thousands of people here this time, but I have never heard of anyone with redder hands than hers.

According to Dawn's various behavior patterns, the evil priestess Hex has a high probability of breaking out legendary equipment.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring at the petite girl next to the boss. Even the people who are resisting the mobs in the distance are also paying attention to the guild channel. If they touch something good, someone will definitely send it to the guild channel to let everyone know.

Ivy Staff (Legendary): Damage 56-92, Intelligence +50, Constitution +30, Critical Hit +20%, Slot 2, Special Effect 1: Magic Recovery Speed ​​+30%, Special Effect 2: Ivy Guard, use, for one Apply an ivy shield to a teammate, which can absorb up to 1,000 points of damage in the next ten seconds. The cooling time is 2 minutes. Special effect 3: Use, instant. Absorbs the vitality of nature and restores a large amount of health to the target. The maximum value can be Restores 50% of the target's health. It takes 24 hours to absorb full health. The equipment requires level 50. Durability 225/225.

"It seems to be legendary equipment. I touched the legendary equipment. I touched the legendary equipment." Can Meng was stunned for a moment, then jumped up happily.

Lu Li was naturally excited when he saw the equipment that only existed in legends in his previous life. However, he suppressed his excitement and posted a message on the guild channel: "In this event, we not only defeated the BOSS, but also obtained A piece of legendary equipment..."

"Did you hear that right? Legendary equipment. Are legendary equipment starting to be released now?"

"This shouldn't be the first legendary equipment in the game, right?"

"Boss, you are bragging again."

"Send it out, send it out so everyone can see what a legend is like..."

Ordinary players have limited horizons, and they don't know which master has legendary equipment. They always feel that someone of Lu Li's level has a few pieces of secret gold, which is great.

Lu Li's ring was never shown to anyone, and the legendary dagger Widowmaker on his hand came from the harvest of the secret world, and not many people knew about it either.

"I will give this piece of equipment to March Yu for use. After she is eliminated, it will be placed in the guild warehouse. The attributes will be kept secret for the time being for the competition. The guild will reward everyone with points," Lu Li said without asking anyone else's opinion. It was such a self-made decision.

No one objected to his decision, and everyone was satisfied as soon as they heard that there would be additional guild point rewards.

In fact, few people who participated in this event came with the intention of getting equipment. It is impossible to give equipment to a certain person in such a large-scale operation, and it is impossible to decide ownership by rolling.

If such equipment is given to someone, that person may be really stupid and willing to do the hard work. However, it is naturally unfair to other members of the Sword of Judgment. If this is done, the guild will not be far away from being disbanded. Okay, the Sword of Judgment is pretty good. Lu Li has never been a mean person. The equipment that other guilds get from such activities will not be shared with the people below at all.

After all, it is an obligation for guild members to participate in activities, and they have already received rewards.

Sword of Judgment organizes such an event, and the points squandered may be used to buy one or two pieces of legendary equipment. Of course, this type of event helps the development of the guild, and it is not just measurable by money.

Only Lu Li and Can Meng knew the properties of this ivy staff. He directly gave the equipment to Yue Yue so no one could see it.

Even Azure Sea Breeze and others were itchy, but everyone knew the importance. Since Lu Li didn't reveal his attributes, he had his own reasons, so they were sensible and didn't ask.

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