The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 810 The Troll’s Treasure

Some plants grow in relatively soft mud, while others like to take root in relatively hard places. Of course, other situations are not ruled out.

The vast area of ​​Hidden Stone will never be lovable. In addition to the disgusting appearance of the ooze monster, there is also the harsh environment here. There are thousands of large and small quagmires scattered here. If you fall into it, you will be dead. In the end, even teammates who had mastered the resurrection technique were helpless. Some people believe that this mire is the lair of the ooze, the place where this strange creature was born.

"Everyone, follow me. It's best not to wander around..." His reminder was obviously a little late. A hunter's feet went weak and he was about to be swallowed by the quagmire.

"Don't panic when an emergency like this occurs, because panic can't solve the problem. Don't let go," Lu Li quickly took out a junk staff from his backpack and handed it to the hunter.

Anyone would be frightened when encountering this situation, and the hunter was no exception. He started to dance after losing his balance. Later, he heard Lu Li's calm voice, and while struggling, he grabbed the life-saving straw handed over by Lu Li, and then he Lu Li dragged him out of the quagmire.

People No. 100 turned pale as they looked at the quagmire that had not yet been closed, like a giant mouth.

"Don't be afraid of this. In fact, as long as you deal with it calmly, it's nothing. If you are really worried, you can find a rope to tie yourself to others. Then you don't have to worry about falling and being unable to get up," Lu Li said while He switched weapons to a crossbow and shot an arrow into a ball of mud.

The ball of mud was attacked and immediately squirmed, slowly turning into a monster with eyes. It was the ooze monster that lived in this swamp-like environment.

The level 50 ooze monster has high attack and defense, as well as two skills: spitting venom and splitting. In addition, it is good at camouflage. If a lone player is attacked, it is really possible to hang here.

Lu Li's arrow only caused a dozen points of damage, which was lower than he expected.

But he still had teammates, and when a shower of skills came out, a large area of ​​dozens or dozens of damage appeared on the head of the ooze monster, rarely more than a hundred, and it died before it could rush in front of Lu Li. , after all, it’s just an ordinary monster.

"Boss, whiteboard equipment," Canmeng didn't come. A player who usually had good luck went up and touched the body. As expected, the result was very bad.

"It doesn't matter. Let's continue. There is no need for so many people. Groups of twenty can form freely. Be careful not to fall into the quagmire," Lu Li began to assign tasks.

"I feel like five people can handle it," because Lu Li is easier to talk to. In this case, some people also expressed different opinions.

"Most ooze monsters have a splitting skill. If they cannot be killed in a short time, they will split into many mobs. The mobs have low health but their attack power is not low. If you are not careful, you will die. It is better to fight faster when there are more people. Safety," Lu Li explained.

"The boss knows better."

The terrain here is said to be a basin, but it is actually not flat. There are many boulders scattered around, most of them are covered with mud, and some are exposed to a large extent, blocking the line of sight, making it difficult for people to see what is in front of them, and the treasure chest can be refreshed. There are many places, such as the back of a boulder, the middle of two big rocks, or a small cave accidentally formed by a pile of rocks.

Generally speaking, designers will not design treasure chests in the mud. That is not called concealment, but it is called making things difficult.

The troll elder said it was a treasure, but Lu Li actually disagreed. He was just an elder from a declining tribe, and he was taken as a prisoner. How could there be anything good? He just hoped to find it quickly and go back to level up. If he asked No. 100 people to accompany him for a day, it would be a huge favor.

So, as time slowly passed, Lu Li finally couldn't help but said: "Forget it, this is too hard to find. Everyone, please go back. Thank you for today."

"Boss, are you kidding me? I've been looking for this for so long. How can I give up like this? We don't have anything important to do. Killing monsters here is the same as leveling up." Lu Li didn't want to waste everyone's time and wanted to give up. The people were not happy anymore.

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed, because leveling here is a joke.

The rewards for killing monsters at Dawn are not generous, and the experience of twenty people sharing one monster is much worse than in other places. They said that they can also level up just to comfort Lu Li.

Others also said it was okay.

Lu Li had no choice but to continue killing monsters and looking for treasure chests.

"Boss, come and look over here. I seem to have seen a treasure chest," someone said. In addition to the monsters that had not yet been killed, everyone present rushed over and looked through the entire Hidden Stone map. They also killed all the mud monsters. Unfortunately, after searching for several hours, they found nothing. Everyone even began to suspect that Lu Li had been tricked by the troll elder.

Lu Li looked around for a long time, but couldn't find any treasure chests. In front of them were two boulders that were almost connected together, or a hill. There was a slit in the middle, and you couldn't squeeze in even if you were a girl. , unless it is relatively average. Unfortunately, the game can be fine-tuned, so there are no girls who are that average.

"This is my position. Boss, please stand here." The player gave up his position.

"I'll go, it's really secret." According to the angle pointed by the player, Lu Li finally saw the location of the treasure chest.

If the sun hadn't just shone on the golden treasure chest along the gap and reflected a little light, no matter how good the angle was, it would have been so dark inside that I might not have been able to see anything.

Now the question comes, how to open the treasure chest?

First of all, he must be a thief, and then he must have level 4 lock-picking skills, and finally he must be able to squeeze into this gap. Everyone looked at each other a little dumbfounded.

Most of the players here are considered elite players in Dawn, but there is nothing they can do about it.

"I'll give it a try," Lu Li activated the Son of the Forest skill and turned into a golden little leopard, which could get through the gap. In fact, his newly acquired belt has a mist effect on it, which allows him to travel through the gap. Impenetrable terrain would obviously make it easier to open treasure chests, but that would be overkill and there was no need to expose another of his abilities.

Lu Li squeezed in with difficulty. After entering, he realized that there was a different world.

The boulder was hollow, like two bowls buckled together, forming a space that could accommodate a dozen people. There were decayed bones everywhere, and the light little leopard kept making creaking sounds when he stepped on them.

There was a golden treasure chest in the center, which was Lu Li's target.

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