The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 812 Woking Battle Flag

On the surface it looks very inspiring, but in fact Lu Li also has his share of hardships to complain about.

The biggest difficulty is not how fast the BOSS moves or how dominating his momentum is, but that his four hooves keep slipping - there is mire and mud everywhere.

If you are not careful, you may be in danger.

Although he was using all his energy and will to escape, Lu Li also knew that he had little hope of escaping.

The worst thing is to hang up once.

However, as long as the end of the road is not reached, Lu Li's character will not let him have the thought of giving up, even if he fights to the last drop of blood.

"Ma Bi, save the boss," a player who usually served as the captain roared, and rushed back from the mud of the Hidden Stone. Following him were all the members of the Sword of Judgment present.

No one backed down!

"Fuck you, you guys are so stupid, get the hell back here," Lu Li yelled angrily in the team channel.

He was really frightened. These boys really didn't find it difficult to level up, right? How could they, number 100, expect to be able to defeat the big guy behind them?

However, no one paid any attention to him this time. Even the few who usually obeyed him didn't seem to hear what he said.

One by one, they raised their weapons and rushed towards the BOSS past Lu Li with red eyes.


Lu Li cursed bitterly and speeded up as much as possible. Only by getting out of the mud could he possibly save a few people.

The loss was huge now. The 100th person sent over like this was probably not enough for the boss to stuff his teeth into. He was swearing, but his eyes were a little moist. Many times, it is difficult for people to be rational all the time, and they will always be reckless for something.

But it is precisely because of this that there is friendship that can be fostered in the game. Otherwise, why would we have formed a brotherhood if we were strangers.

When you were worried about a task, he knew it and immediately put down what he was doing and ran over to help; when he heard that your body was being guarded in the wild, he walked across several maps to help you without saying a word, and then stayed with you. Shou Zhi; You are still short of gold coins to buy a piece of equipment. When your friend heard that you wanted to borrow money, he secretly sold several sets of materials in your backpack to get enough gold coins, and told you to wait until you have money; when you are depressed , there is always someone who will listen to you and then accompany you to complain about the unhappiness in real life...

The ooze monster BOSS was almost catching up with Lu Li. It had an absolute advantage in the mud.

However, there are always some annoying little bugs attacking it. It doesn't want to pay attention to it at first. All it can see is the little leopard rolling and crawling in the mud and trying to escape. But a good man can't resist the wolves. There are hundreds of these little bugs. Letting them attack would also cause a lot of damage to the BOSS.

It finally couldn't help but sprayed at the attacking bugs beneath it. A white light lit up, and at least a dozen people were killed instantly.

The pleasure of killing made the BOSS a little dizzy, so he took another breath.

Lu Li looked back and saw a dozen of his teammates turning into white light. He had the urge to turn around and go back to join the battle. The risk was that he would die, so it didn't matter if he had the urge once.

However, he must consider why these brothers died.

What's more, he had already glanced at the properties when he took out the items from the treasure box. This item was not for him, or for any profession, but Lu Li had to take it away.

At any cost!

The troll elder was right, this thing is indeed a treasure, it should be said that it is better than the Killing Star Bracer.

The Killing Star Bracer is too targeted and is not suitable for many situations. After all, it is a low-level piece of top-quality equipment, but the thing lying in his backpack now is completely different.

Because it is a battle flag!

And it was a very good battle flag. Lu Li couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw it.

Wo'jin Battle Flag (Special): Place a Wo'jin Battle Flag. The battle flag can increase 50% attack and 50% defense for teammates within 100 yards for 60 seconds, and restore 5 to all allies within the range every 2 seconds. % of the maximum health, lasts for 30 seconds, has a cooling time of 6 hours, and will be lost upon death.

Even three years after the game is released, this battle flag will be the best item that everyone in the big guilds will fight over.

A 50% attack and defense increase is already very good at this stage, but if this effect is not targeted at a single player, it will become a super best, and the Wojin battle flag in Lu Li's backpack has been expanded to a hundred yards. .

What is the concept of one hundred yards? It is enough to encompass a group of one hundred people.

What's more, there is also the special effect of adding blood to the group. Each of these two attributes alone constitutes a top-quality battle flag. When they are concentrated on a battle flag, this battle flag is not just a top-quality battle flag.

Vol'jin is the new leader of the Darkspear clan after Sen'jin. Like other trolls of the Darkspear clan, he also lived in Stranglethorn Vale in the south of Azeroth.

Perhaps this is the only reason that can explain why this battle flag fell into the hands of an elder of the Maltooth Troll.

Don't underestimate Vol'jin because you think that the trolls in the new tribal composition are vassals of the orcs.

Vol'jin became famous for giving many constructive suggestions to Chief Thrall, and the cunning troll took over the political status of the original forgotten one and entered the stage of history.

Even if you take a step back, he is far behind people like Thrall and Malfurion, but for players at the current stage, such an NPC hero is simply a god-like existence, and he can get a battle named after him. The flag definitely exceeded the limit that Lu Li expected. He had thought that it was a piece of gold or dark gold equipment, or even legendary equipment, but it was not as powerful as the shock that this battle flag brought to him.

Of course, all battle flags have a common problem, that is, they will fall when they die.

If you die while carrying this battle flag in your backpack, unless you have teammates around to help you pick it up, or you can pick it up before the battle flag is picked up by your opponent or before it is refreshed by the system, otherwise you will be dead forever. This battle flag has been lost.

This battle flag was too important to the Sword of Judgment. He could only grit his teeth and not look at the tragedy of his teammates behind him.

Run, run. When the system prompted him that he was out of the battle, he looked back and saw only the back of the BOSS who had no choice but to turn around and retreat because he was about to emerge from the mud. In addition, there was a mess on the ground.

Not one of his hundred or ten teammates survived.

Because of this, Lu Li was not too excited to get a battle flag that was comparable to legendary equipment. He just felt that the battle flag in his backpack was heavy and filled with the blood of his teammates.

Fortunately, after the BOSS left, he could sneak back quietly and use the battle recovery skill on a dead healer.

Soon the dead teammates were resurrected, the dropped equipment was picked up, and the experience points were reduced by half.

I have been back to my hometown for the past two days. I am coding on my mobile phone. There are not many updates. Please be considerate. Please recommend monthly tickets. If you have the conditions, come to to host the official version. It only costs a few yuan a month. Online games need to be taken care of. . . .

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