Garona was a little surprised. At this stage, adventurers seek mentors, isn't it to strengthen their skill books?

Lu Li was probably the first person to ask a mentor to personally guide him. In most people's minds, NPCs and players are completely different systems, and games are still games after all.

"Okay then, in thirty seconds, I will limit my strength to your level," Garona took off her cloak.

This cloak that could distort vision seemed to be very special. Even she could not limit the cloak's ability. After taking off the cloak, Lu Li saw Garona for the first time.

Garona is a hybrid, a mixture of orcs and draenei.

She probably didn't even know who his father was, and her mother actually came from a famous family. As far as Lu Li knew, Garona's uncle was Maldra, a draenei.

Maldra is no ordinary character.

He "witnessed many worlds' infinite wars against the Burning Legion" and was a role model among the draenei. With his unparalleled combat skills and thunderous means of safeguarding justice, he was respected by the entire Alliance camp.

The weapon in his hand, the Hammer of the Naaru, is one of the ultimate artifacts of the Paladin profession.

Garona, a hybrid of draenei and orc, has obvious orc characteristics, but is much softer.

She was once thought to be a hybrid of human and orc, because the tribe at that time did not know the existence of Delaney, which shows that her appearance and characteristics should be closer to humans.

After Lu Li looked at it, his expression remained normal and he was not too surprised, even though it was his first time to see a mixture of Draenei and Orc.

Garona has long passed the age of caring about other people's opinions, and her slightly red eyes are somewhat inquisitive.

This new disciple was a complete surprise.

Lu Li had already caught her attention before he asked to see her through his contact person.

Garona has a high status in Ravenholdt Manor and has not been exposed to the world for many years. It was impossible to pay attention to a weak adventurer. However, Lu Li was the first to enter Ravenholdt Manor and possesses the Demigod Ring, so Almost all the top leaders of the organization have paid attention to this person.

Although Cenarius is only a demigod, he is the son of Elune, the only true god in the world of Azeroth, and the adopted son of the Green Dragon Queen.

One of his two rings made Malfurion a more powerful person than an ordinary demigod, and the whereabouts of the other one naturally attracted much attention.

There are actually many people who want to be Lu Li's mentor, and one of those who has made it clear is McNeil Thermaplugg, once the most powerful tinker in the dwarf clan, and the ultimate assassin who has almost entered the realm of demigods—— If he were not worried about Cenarius' revenge, he would probably kill Cenarius's son, the jungle guardian Remulos.

But Lu Li chose Garona.

After careful consideration, mainly for the sake of Cenarius, Garona agreed to give this potentially promising thief some indispensable help.

Enhanced stealth is her signature skill and has never been taught to anyone.

After giving the book to Lu Li, she asked herself whether she was at least worthy of being the first mentor.

Now Lu Li asked for more complicated instructions, but she did not refuse. Instead, she pulled out her own weapons from her waist, a dagger and an axe. Rogue players cannot use axes, and Garona completely ignored this game rule. .

"Be careful, I hope you won't die in one move," Garona came.

Lu Li originally thought that Garona might sneak up to compete with him, or sneak up behind him and launch a sneak attack, but he didn't expect that she would suddenly pounce in front of him.

Raise your hands to block!

It was a completely subconscious action. Lu Li had cultivated this conditioned reflex through countless battles. He was always successful in previous battles. His blocking skills were textbook-like in the entire Dawning thieves circle.

"It's too rigid. Sometimes your eyes can deceive you." Along with the Orc Grand Master's mocking Chinese language, the small ax accurately cut Lu Li's neck, causing an astonishing critical hit damage. Fortunately, the previous defense was 0 The HP 1 state has disappeared, otherwise he would have died as soon as he started taking action this time.

"I obviously saw you attacking here," Lu Li couldn't believe his eyes because of the failed block.

However, he didn't care about the entanglement, and cut Garona with the dagger in his hand, using his most skillful sneak attack. Garona did not block, but made a simple straight thrust, accurately hitting Lu Li's elbow. medial position.

32% complete!

With just such a slight scratch, Lu Li set a record for his lowest completion level. Even when he first entered the game, he had not been this low.

"Skills developed on wooden stakes will never reach the level of elegance," Garona reminded.

With one wrong move, she not only dodged Lu Li's next attack, but also hit him on Lu Li's back, as if Lu Li had deliberately sent him to attack him.

This was extremely high damage, and Lu Li suspected that the completion rate of the attack he received had exceeded 100%.

"You see, moving is not simply for attacking and avoiding," Garona would tell Lu Li some truth every time she beat him up. These things may sound common at first, but because he has reached a bottleneck at this time, Lu Li pointed out the direction.

Lu Li actually persisted for thirty seconds because he could increase his health and have damage reduction skills.

"That's it for today. If you want to find me next time, you can come directly." Garona was not surprised. She did not show her due strength at all. Even if she was suppressed to the same level as Lu Li, there were countless ways to bring him down. Just seconds.

But she was very satisfied with Lu Li's attitude and the understanding he had shown in a short period of time.

So she reached out and tapped Lu Li's shoulder. A dark green circular mark flashed away, and Lu Li received a system prompt saying that he had received Garona's blessing.

Garona's blessing gave Lu Li a 5% agility bonus.

In addition, it also has two teleportation abilities, one of which can be summoned by Garona at any time, and the other can apply to be summoned in front of the mentor. The former can be summoned anytime and anywhere, while the latter has a long cooling time, which is enough That's a lot for a week.

The game pays attention to balance, and it is impossible to let a great master guide you with skills all day long.

"Okay, you can leave," Garona began to chase Lu Li away.

Lu Li had gained a huge amount this time, so he had no reason to continue. He nodded and turned into a crow, flapping its wings and flying away. Because he had been thinking about today's harvest, he didn't see Garona's shock after seeing the crow. expression.

The dark red blood raven is still different from the druid's raptor state. It belongs exclusively to the great prophet Medivh.

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