The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 832 Tyran Fording

According to the strategies he read in his previous life, those who are lucky will have a long time and can complete tasks leisurely. If they are unlucky, the time may be so short that it is too late to run.

"You only have a quarter of an hour, if you are sure you are ready, just tell me," Melanda said.

There was only a quarter of an hour, and Lu Li had a headache. The time was indeed tight enough. But fortunately, he has a mount, so it's really too late to replace him with one without a mount.

Lu Li summoned his mount and rode on it, signaling to the witch Melanda that it was time to start.

Mylanda cast a spell and soon turned Lu Li into a Scarlet Crusader. Unexpectedly, Lu Li was riding a mount, so his headless horseman's horse was naturally disguised as a Crusader-style knight's horse.

"During this quarter of an hour, you cannot dismount or fight, otherwise you will lose your disguise," Meranda warned.

"I see. If there's nothing else, I think I'm in a hurry." Lu Li shook the reins. He had only a quarter of an hour, so he had to take action.

"If you see Fording again next time, please tell me something." The witch turned around and walked towards Uther's tomb: "Even if he is, we must believe that Captain Uther's spirit will last forever. He has been watching us. , even as darkness envelopes our fallen land. His light is the guiding light for all mankind - as long as we believe in honor as he does, nothing will wither..."

The words were a bit vague, but Lu Li could smell a hint of helpless sadness in them.

Perhaps, witches have the ability to predict the future.

Galloping wildly, Lu Li rode the Headless Horseman's horse straight towards the Scarlet Crusade fortress in Hearthglen. There were Scarlet Crusaders knights of around level 50 everywhere along the way.

If Lu Li was allowed to fight his way in on his own, it would be nothing more than a dream.

The smell of alcohol inside the Scarlet Crusade Fortress was overwhelming, and the filthy air was nauseating. It was impossible to imagine that this was the base camp of the Paladins. The Scarlet Crusaders in Hearthglen could no longer compare to the Crusaders who were still fighting the natural disasters outside.

The Crusaders who were fighting the natural disasters outside may have become extremist because of their wavering beliefs and began to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But they have not forgotten their mission to resist the Scourge. Their extremeness does not affect the use of the Holy Light, and at least they will not kill people for no reason.

Along the way, Lu Li had seen several corpses of massacred civilians.

The Paladin degenerated at an alarming rate.

Fortunately, these knights would not cause trouble for him - most of them would not provoke a real knight. Lu Li's horse symbolized his status as a high-level knight.

Lu Li came to the Hero's Castle - this was a castle built for Old Fording.

Tyran Fordring is here, with four high-level elites guarding the door, two knights, a mage, and a priest.

"I brought information about the Plague Land and wanted to see Lord Tailan," Lu Li said to the guards at the door, his tone urgent but full of arrogance.

"Why don't you go see the Grand Prosecutor?" the guard asked suspiciously.

The main reason is that such a situation is too rare. In the Scarlet Crusade headquarters in Hearthglen, almost no one regards Tyran as the real leader, so even if there is an emergency military situation, no one will come to see this puppet leader.

"I just came back from the Grand Prosecutor," Lu Li said as he drove his horse forward forcefully.

At this time, he is definitely strong on the outside but weak on the inside. As long as he attacks him, his true form will appear. Four level 50 elites can randomly come out and take his life away.

However, the four guards had to retreat. After all, they didn't know that Lu Li was an impostor.

Lu Li drove his horse into the castle and headed straight for Tyran Fordring. He saw Tyran drinking alone in the administrative hall. The former paladin looked tired and was in a very bad mental state.

Many game analysts believe that at the beginning of Dawn, the Paladin was the weakest profession.

Positioning is a panacea. In fact, whether it is doing T, milking or output, it is a bit unprofessional, and due to skills, it greatly limits the display of personal strength. Many of these Paladins in the game background are confused. and in depravity.

It is currently difficult for Paladins to find a mentor.

After their faith was shaken, the strength of the Paladin NPC was greatly reduced. Unless they followed the path of the Scarlet Crusade and took the extreme path, no player would dare to contact the Paladin mentor who took the extreme path.

"What's the matter?" Tailan asked angrily.

"Are you still awake now?" Lu Li sat on his war horse and looked down at the son of a hero.

Tyran paused, smashed the wine glass on the table in front of him, and yelled: "Who are you? What do you mean by this? Who allowed you to speak to me in such a tone?"

"Taylan Fordring, do you swear to always abide by the laws and honor of the Silver Hand?"

"Do you swear to invoke the grace of the Light and spread its wisdom among your followers?"

"Do you swear that no matter when and where you discover the existence of evil, you will crush it without hesitation and use every drop of your blood to protect the weak and innocent?"

"Who are you?" Tyran Fording's face suddenly changed when Lu Li asked him, and he stood up suddenly.

The three questions Lu Li just asked were the oaths taken by recruits when they swore to join the Silver Hand. Uther personally presided over the ceremony for Tailan. At that time, he held Tailan's shoulders and said with emotion: "Become like your father. Man, my child.”

"I brought something that maybe you might be interested in," Lu Li threw a few things over.

A delicate little hammer - it is full of a father's love and expectations for his son.

A broken banner of glory, which was once abandoned by a desperate paladin. From that moment on, he lost his mentor and his faith.

His father died early, leaving him with nothing but Hearthglen and a grieving mother.

It was the old man who taught him the way of knighthood and led him on the path of following the Holy Light. He became stronger day by day. He dreamed that one day the Holy Light would cleanse the land of Lordaeron and eliminate all natural disasters. Nothing to hide from.

However, everything came to nothing.

"And this thing, I think you might be equally impressed," Lu Li handed over the scroll that made Old Fording cry.

"This... this... this is impossible, but these things..." Stunned and surprised expressions appeared on Tailan's face, and then he knelt down on the ground as if he had been hit hard, supported only by the giant sword in his hand. Body.

Tailan knelt there without moving, and time and space seemed to have stopped with his silence!

"My father is still alive..."

"Sir, what happened?" Perhaps disturbed by the movement inside, four guards guarding the door rushed in.

Thanks to Wanshang for his poor hospitality, and to Niu and other friends for their support.

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