The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 836 The King of Paladins (please vote for monthly recommendations)

"It turns out to be Dathrohan," Lu Li murmured.

There was a sense of powerlessness rising from his heart. As the saying goes, the invisible enemy is the most terrifying. He did not expect that there was such a black hand hidden behind all this.

"What's wrong with Dathrohan?" Tirion Fordring noticed something different in Lu Li's expression.

"With the invasion of the Undead Scourge and the betrayal of Prince Arthas, the Lightbringer Uther died in Andorhal, and the Knights of the Silver Hand collapsed in an instant..." Lu Li did not answer directly, but was minding his own business. Tell.

Tirion Fordring knew all this, but he just didn't understand why Lu Li brought up old things again.

"The surviving Commander-in-Chief Dathrohan proposed that Stratholme should be recovered first. At this time, High Lord Alexandros Mograine returned from Ironforge with the Ashbringer and reached an agreement with Dathrohan. Silver The remnants of the Knights of the Hand quickly gathered their troops to launch a general attack on Stratholme. Do you know what happened next?" Lu Li asked.

Tirion Fordring shook his head. He was a smart man and knew that if Lu Li asked this question, there must be something he didn't know.

"The power of the Undead Scourge in Stratholme exceeded their imagination. Dathrohan, who was eager to achieve success in the melee, broke away from the large army and encountered the fear that was thought to have been wiped out in the firefight between the Scourge and the Forsaken. Demon King Balnazzar..." Lu Li looked at Old Fording with sympathy.

"He...he..." Old Fording looked pale.

A terrifying conspiracy seemed to be unfolding in front of him.

"Yes, facing the weak Dathrohan, Balnazzar easily absorbed the life of the Paladin and took over his body. Lord Tirion, you are encountering the Dread Lord, not the little one he once was. Contradictory old friends," Lu Li sighed.

"How could this happen..." Old Fording almost didn't dare to accept it.

"Dathrohan was actually dead a long time ago. Balnazzar, who had taken over Dathrohan's body, began to secretly carry out his plan to corrupt the Scarlet Crusade. The first target was Alexandros Mograine. ," Lu Li didn't mind letting Old Fording know everything.

He suddenly hated these things that were destined to happen, although for him who was reborn, the destined future was full of opportunities.

"Alexandros was not killed by Dathrohan. He did not have that ability. The power of the Ashbringer is unstoppable even to me," Old Fording shook his head.

"Yes, High Lord Alexandros Mograine is a paladin with powerful strength and firm faith, who is difficult to kill and corrupt," Lu Li said with a sneer: "But Balnazzar secretly induced him to The eldest son, Renault Mograine, gradually twisted his awe and admiration for his father into crazy jealousy. In the end, Renault secretly colluded with the Scourge to kill his father. Mograine, who was betrayed by his closest relatives, and the Ashbringer degenerated into Nanar. The most powerful death knight in Xamath. After that, Balnazar even bewitched Isenlien..."

Afterwards, Balnazzar led the most elite troops of the Scarlet Crusade as Dathrohan, entered Stratholme again, and began a "fierce battle" with the Scourge that lasted for several years. He was selected through continuous war elimination. The most powerful crusaders come to carry out his next evil plan.

Everyone thinks that he has been fighting on the front line, but they don't know that he has long been a member of the enemy.

In short, Dathrohan, or Balnazzar, is a scheming bitch.

"So that's it," Old Fording closed his eyes, and the past of his close friend, Lord Alexandros Mograine, was still vivid in his mind.

"Now that he has killed Isorien with the help of your hands, his next target is obviously you. I am afraid that you will no longer be his opponent after being completely defeated," Lu Li said deliberately.

Heroes should die on the battlefield, not in mourning.

The old knight picked up his son and said with emotion: "I have wasted too much time, spent in chaos and pain, feeling sad for things that may have happened, or things that should have happened but did not..."

"Your Excellency, where are you going?" Could it be that you are going to seek revenge on Dathrohan.

"I hope that tomorrow will give rise to a new dream, a dream that can help people survive nightmares and panic. This kind of dream can no longer be covered up by interests and humor. Young man, I swear to you!" Old Fording's steps became firmer. , he threw something over with his backhand without looking back.

"I hope I can see that day," Lu Li reached out to take the thing and shouted, "I have many knight friends. If possible, I hope to be taught by you."

"Let them come to me, you know the place," Old Fording said without any intention of refusing.

Lu Li left a very good impression on him. How could such a person be so bad as a friend?

In order to use this broken body to do something that should have been done but has never been done, he now needs a lot of manpower, and he doesn't mind more adventurers joining him.

Small camp, mentor!

This is Lu Li's harvest today, a very rich harvest.

In the near future, Darion Mograine, the beloved youngest son of Alessandro Mograine, holds the fallen Ashbringer and leads a group of death knights under the command of Arthas. , a huge legion of ghouls and plague giants attacked the Light's Hope Chapel.

Under the powerful attack of the army of death, the Silver Dawn troops in the Holy Light's Hope Chapel were almost completely wiped out in a short time.

At that time, Tirion Fordring will appear magnificently, killing all the undead creatures in an instant.

He obtained the fallen Ashbringer, and the surging power of holy light instantly purified the artifact. He chose the owner of the artifact, and he became the third owner of the Ashbringer.

That time, the Lich King Arthas would also appear, but he underestimated the old Fordring who had already controlled the Ashbringer.

Lafayette showed his might and directly repelled Alsace.

The old knight who mastered the artifact became a veritable king of paladins, and countless paladins found new leaders to lead them forward.

Tirion Fordring announces the merging of the Silver Hand and the Argent Dawn into the Argent Crusade and vows to defeat the Lich King - who must pay for what he has done!

For players, the Silver Crusade small camp is a very powerful small camp and is the most desirable place for Paladin players.

Players of Sword of Judgment have the opportunity to worship the King of Paladins as their mentor. This treatment is comparable to putting a bunch of legendary equipment in front of Lu Li, and it has a huge impact on the strength of Sword of Judgment.

Of course, not all paladins meet the requirements, and Lu Li hasn't gotten carried away yet.

He stood on this battlefield full of blood and holy light. The cold wind passed by, bringing the songs of the dead, like a requiem. May all souls return to peace. He prayed silently.

This mission was fruitful, but he really couldn't be happy.

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