The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 880 Double Violence

But mistakes don't just happen if you don't think about them, at least Lu Li isn't that awesome yet.

When another group destruction came, everyone was a little tired.

This time I really can’t blame anyone. The main reason is that the BOSS’s critical damage is too strong and the attack speed is fast. Once there are continuous critical hits, even two MTs will kneel down.

The two most common situations in which a group is wiped out in Dawn are one is when someone makes a mistake and causes a large number of people to die, and the other is when a team is killed.

In the former case, the person who made the mistake can still be held accountable, either by giving him a few words of reprimand, or by deducting some points. If the latter situation occurs, the team leader can only hold it in as long as possible, because MTs are all precious little things, as long as they are not the kind who spend all day long. Those who make mistakes will not be scolded if they can.

"Master Feng, take out all the MT equipment. Piao Ling, see if there is anything suitable for you. Pick two pieces. Master Feng, you should try your best to defend yourself. We have no shortage of output now," Lu Li summarized the previous two missions. After the experience of destruction, I still feel that I can’t bear it.

I'm afraid it's caused by the level gap, but the level won't rise for a while, so I can only increase my resistance as much as possible.

In fact, everyone has a few pieces of equipment that can reduce damage and add defense. In the game Shuguang, one set of equipment is not enough. Most professions need to buy as many pieces of equipment as possible and change them differently in different scenarios.

"Play more calmly. We have already killed the first few. No matter how fast the other guilds chase them, they can't do anything." Lu Li finally made some mental preparations.

You can't be stressed, and you can't be too relaxed. Being a team leader is such a hard job.

With the order, Piao Ling, who was usually nonchalant, became serious. This could be said to be the first time he took on an important role in the mercenary group. Such a face-loving person certainly didn't want to be destroyed to death.

It didn't go well at the beginning, and the two times it was knocked away were people from the outside.

Lu Li had to call everyone over and stand against the wall. Although he might be knocked back a little more, at least he wouldn't fall to death. There would be no blood loss from falling from a high place. As long as the damage reduction was used well, it would usually not happen. dangerous.

Then finally came the moment to face the violent rage. If anyone asked Piao Ling how he felt at this time, he would definitely tell you that he was very nervous.

"This is my anger," shouted loudly, and Mayor Barcellas was covered with a layer of fire-like things. He finally couldn't help but become violent, and his attack speed, attack power, and critical hits were greatly increased.

"One, two, ridicule!" Lu Li shouted loudly.

Azure Sea Breeze gritted his teeth and used the taunting skill on the BOSS. This time, he finally didn't miss.

In fact, warriors don't need many hit attributes. With the equipment level of Azure Sea Breeze, the possibility of missing a hit is extremely small. With such a small possibility, it can only be said that the character is too poor!

"Don't hold it back in March, don't pour it when the breasts are good," Lu Li endured, but still didn't let Ba Jiang use his move.

Bajiang's enlargement move is indeed foolproof, but this is not the last crisis after all. There may be a more critical moment later. If March Rain can't survive this stage, just give up on land reclamation and go back to upgrade.

"Phew," the BOSS's ultimate move ended, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're playing well, keep up the good work," Lu Li gave everyone a rare compliment.

Everyone likes to hear good words, especially when Lu Li, who rarely praises others, can say such words. The fatigue in everyone's hearts was immediately swept away.

There were no casualties in the two subsequent knock-downs. Even after Can Meng, a long-range fighter, was accidentally knocked away, she relied on her own operation to reduce damage and survived.

In the second violent rage, Piao Ling was attacked first.

As long as the MT's hatred is stable enough, even if the BOSS's hatred is disordered when the boss enlarges his moves, the MT will usually be the first to be attacked.

The advantage of Piao Ling as a T is that the BOSS usually won't hit him critically, and even if it hits him, it won't explode continuously. Therefore, when Sanyueyu and Xiaobajiang violently increase health, he can barely withstand the BOSS's attack. Wave attack.

It's just that the bloody light was a bit miserable. He was touched by the BOSS midway and was killed instantly.

Mayor Barthiras' health dropped to one-third.

Is it going to pass?

If you do the math, there are still two useless battle revivals, and Hachi-chan has a health-increasing ultimate move. Sanyueyu and Hachi-chan are not short of mana, and MT probably still has some damage reduction left...

As long as nothing unexpected happened, Lu Li couldn't help but start praying in his heart.

But whether there is an accident or not is beyond the player's control. In many cases, the last bit of blood from the BOSS may wipe out the entire team.

There are many people who smash gaming equipment because of this.

This kind of annihilation is normal in land reclamation, but it is also too torturous. It was a little late when I downloaded the dungeon today. Two more annihilations will call it a day.

After all, as the number of group annihilations increases, the people who open up the wasteland will become more and more tired and their condition will become worse and worse.

Lu Li asked others to be steady, and he asked himself to do the same, so he always restrained his attacks and never grabbed the MT's hatred, especially when the BOSS's hatred was disordered.

As time went by, the BOSS knocked out the people around him again and again.

Luo Ying recalled that she finally died without blocking her. Lu Li had to pull her up because the cooldown of her bloodthirsty skill was about to end. Lu Li was reluctant to let this skill lie down with its owner.


After a round of crazy attacks, the BOSS's health dropped rapidly.

"Don't wait any longer. Use all your abilities in one round." Lu Li started to explode directly. Anyway, the BOSS just used the knock-up skill. According to the usual performance of Mayor Barsselas, there is still a little time for the next skill. will appear.

Once Lu Li and his group broke out, they would be very efficient indeed.

Mayor Barthilas entered a state of residual blood almost as soon as the shaman's bloodlust ended.

Will it go berserk? Lu Li is actually not afraid of the BOSS being berserk. What he is afraid of is that the BOSS is berserk and furious at the same time. Once the BOSS goes berserk, the Xinxin Mercenary Group will be wiped out again.

"Roar!" As Mayor Barsselas screamed shrilly, his body began to glow with a blood-like color.

"The BOSS is violent, be careful when drifting. Work hard in March. Bajiang listen to my command and prepare to turn it up." Lu Li stared at the BOSS, paying attention to whether it would be violent for the second time.

Piao Ling has the experience from the last two times and has no problem dealing with ordinary rage, which is slightly weaker than violent rage.

"Fuck," just when he saw the BOSS's rampage coming to an end, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Mayor Barceras's expression. At the same time, he heard Lu Li yelling for Xiao Bajiang to turn up the volume, and then, floating The vision enters black and white state.

Under the double rage of the BOSS, he was finally killed.

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