The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 892: Taking advantage of the situation (please vote for recommendation)

The two top thieves sandwiched the quasi-boss, and it was a completely crushing rhythm. Even if they occasionally couldn't control it, both Lu Li and the water elf could use damage reduction and resist a few times, and they also had ways to restore health.

In fact, this task is not absolutely necessary for Lu Li.

"Please wait," Kalif Skobistin threw away the weapon in his hand and stopped resisting.

What was going on? The dog man and woman, who had never encountered a similar situation, looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

There is no shortage of highly intelligent NPCs in the game. Some have high fixed IQs, such as Remulos, the guardian of the jungle, and Carolina of Shadow Valley. Others have short-term high intelligence, which can be used in specific plots. In certain situations, some NPCs' intelligence will be elevated to the level of ordinary people.

"I have decided to surrender. I am willing to be your servant. Please spare my life," Kalief Skobistin begged.

"Servant?" The water elf looked at this wretched-looking man with disgust, but felt that his strength was not bad. If he could level up with a copy, he would be very powerful. After all, it is a quasi-BOSS template, with both attack and defense. It's very powerful, and several skills are not weaker than those of players.

"Hand over your equipment and we will believe you," Lu Li said without changing his expression.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" If the other party really handed over the loot, it would definitely be a profit.

Kalif Skobistin lowered his head and seemed to be hesitating. After a while, he said hesitantly: "You must ensure my safety and you can't do anything to me again. Maybe you should make an oath first."

"Fuck, so much nonsense, kill him quickly," Lu Li seemed to be angry, he picked up the dagger and stabbed him.

Poor Kalif Skobistin had already discarded his weapon. How could he be Lu Li's opponent? His already low health volume had further declined.

"Wait, wait, I'll hand it over, can't I hand it over?" Kalif Skobistin was helpless and wanted to wait, but then he saw Lu Li raising his dagger again. He knew how ruthless this guy was. , that round just now stabbed him to death.

"Lu Li..." The water elf did not dare to say directly, but sent a message through the team channel.

"It's okay, I know what I know," Lu Li responded to her quickly, obviously knowing what she was worried about. This was not an ordinary monster fight. They had taken over the task of Ravenholdt Manor, and they would not be given food if they could not complete the task.

"I'll give you two daggers. You can take them from the ground. Is that okay?" Kalif Skobistin looked heartbroken.

"No, we need drawings or something, otherwise we have to kill you and take it ourselves," Lu Li flatly refused, leaving no room for negotiation.

It is impossible for this kind of quasi-boss to produce Tai Chi equipment, even gold equipment. The two daggers on the ground, no matter how top quality they are, are only silver equipment at best, which is meaningless to players of the level of Lu Li and Water Elf.

On the contrary, many formula drawings may be revealed from the quasi-BOSS, and there is a very small probability of rare materials.

"I didn't..." Before Kalif Skobistin could finish his words, Lu Li's figure flashed behind him and swished him a few more times. The health he had finally recovered was once again in jeopardy.

The water elf was horrified when she saw this. She had to admit that Lu Li was indeed a ruthless person, and he could happily kill a person who had no power to fight back and was about to surrender.

"Stop, I'll give it all to you," Kalif Skobistin was really scared this time.

"I call till three. If you don't see what I want, we will get it ourselves." Lu Li stopped his hand, but the dagger was not more than three inches away from Kalif Skobistin's neck, ready to continue what he had just finished. matter.

"Here you go!" Kalif Skobistin angrily took out a recipe.

Lu Li snatched it in his hand, glanced at it and felt very happy, because it was a very good enchanting formula.

Although Lu Li himself cannot enchant, most of his equipment has been enchanted. There are several specialized enchanters in the guild. As long as you give the equipment to them, they will have various materials to add corresponding attributes to the equipment.

Lu Li had previously obtained a blueprint for enchanting an evil weapon.

The effect of Evil Weapon is to permanently enchant a weapon so that it can curse the target, causing continuous shadow damage and reducing the target's defense by 10%.

The blueprint in his hand is called Demon Slaying. Its effect is to permanently enchant a melee weapon, giving it a certain chance of stunning the demon and causing additional damage to it.

Although Demon Slaughter may not be more superior than evil weapons, it is still a good enchantment solution, and Demon Slaughter has a flame-like effect, which is somewhat similar to Tibu's blazing sword that Piao Ling recently obtained. Its appearance is very beautiful. There must be no shortage of followers.

"There are two of us, how can we spend one thing?" Lu Li put the drawings into his backpack and continued to blackmail.

The water elf covered her face, feeling a little embarrassed for Lu Li. The blackmail monster could do so without any bottom line. It was an eye-opener for her today.

"You despicable elves, go to hell!" There was a loud bang, as if something like a bomb was detonated. In addition to damage, it also caused dizziness within the range. Water elves and Lu Li were stunned. , Kalif Skobistin ducked and escaped eight yards away.

At the same time, a group of mobs swarmed in from outside the camp.

There are Wasteland Wanderers, Wasteland Assassins, and Wasteland Dark Mages, all of a sudden protecting Kalif Skobistin in the middle.

Kalif Skobistin roared murderously: "Damn elves, do you really think I will surrender? Stop dreaming, I'm just delaying time."

Then Lu Li and the water elf looked at him like they were idiots. Didn't anyone know that this was just stalling for time, and even if he really wanted to surrender, Lu Li would find an excuse to kill him in order to ensure the completion of the mission.

"Kill them for me!" Unable to stand this look, Kalif Skobistin waved his arm, and the mobs swarmed forward.

Lu Li activated the special effects on his shoes, and instantly passed through the dense mobs to appear behind the BOSS. He used sneak attacks, backstabs... a series of skills were stacked on top of him. When the combo points reached the full value, he gave up and continued to output like this. It turned into a giant wolf.

This kind of burst, which would not be used easily at ordinary times, was used at this time. Kalif Skobistin, who already had residual health, could not withstand it.

When the mobs heard the last scream, they turned around and saw the male adventurer using a dagger to cut off their boss's head bit by bit, and then put it into his backpack, leaving only a headless body on the ground.

I had a party with my colleagues today and drank some wine. I feel very bad. Maybe there is only one update.

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