The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 910 Being beaten to death by the strategy

Lu Li asked four people to stand in the first row, three in the second row, two in the third row, and one in the fourth row, which was exactly the space for ten people.

When the people in the front row can't hold on anymore, they can retreat to the back row to rest, while the people in the back row go to the first row to take the injuries. The two healers don't need to take the injuries, they just need to increase everyone's blood.

"This guide is too crude, it has no technical content at all," Piao Ling couldn't help complaining. He felt that even a three-year-old child knew how to do it.

"Simple does not necessarily mean easy to think about. Everyone likes to complicate problems." Lu Li and others are still at a lower level. Many of the methods in the guide are inappropriate. This is the only one that is safe and has no toxic side effects.

As for this seemingly naive strategy, if it weren't for Lu Li, it would have taken more than a month before someone had an "inspiration" to come up with it.

"Life itself is meaningless. Only death can let you understand the true meaning of human nature..."

The long battle made Baron Rivendell no longer look like a nobleman, but the words coming out of his mouth were still full of philosophy.

After persisting through this wave, the overall situation was basically decided. The only trouble later was that his mount also participated in the battle. Lu Li asked Piao Ling to hold the mount, while the others kept dealing damage to Baron Rivendell, and quickly concentrated fire on the mount to deal with it. Lose.

At this point, the strongest BOSS in the undead area has been completely conquered. Even if it did go berserk in the end, it only reduced the number of two team members.

In order to let them share experience, Lu Li pulled them up even though he already had enough manpower to kill the BOSS.

"Actually, sometimes, death is the best relief..."

"Goodbye, Azeroth!"

The undead light in Baron Rivendell's eyes gradually extinguished, and this elegant noble undead died again. Although he will obey the Lich King's power and get up again soon, that has nothing to do with Lu Li and others today.

These few words before his death made everyone almost forgive him for his depravity, but unfortunately this was not enough to let him go.

Huadi Liqing has reached level 47, and Lu Li still has a little more experience. It seems that he has to kill a few people in the bloody area before he can reach level 48. But luckily, he and Sesame Filled Rice Balls this time Both men received skill points.

It depends on what Can Meng can touch when eating soup and eating meat.

There is a very strange phenomenon, that is, no one else is as nervous as Lu Li. Lu Li, who has always been calm and calm as usual, is now moody and angry, but the others are more stable than before.

In fact, it’s easy to understand if you think about it carefully.

Baron Rivendell was defeated so smoothly. Who could have imagined that such a well-known level 50 BOSS could be defeated in one go. At least in terms of strategy performance, it was no worse than the previous two, so they subconsciously did not feel this at all. What good stuff can this guy come up with?

As for his mount, Lu Li had been vaccinated several times before.

"Change, change..." Canmeng put on a funny expression, movement, and lines, and pulled out a sword in his hand.

"Could it be legendary equipment!" Azure Sea Breeze shouted. This dungeon has only released some dark gold equipment so far, and the legendary equipment has not been released yet. Even if the dungeon BOSS is not as gold-rich as the wild BOSS, this is still the first kill.

Lu Li was also very excited, because the Rivendell Sword of Baron Rivendell was indeed a legendary equipment, and it had pretty good attributes and a very cool appearance.

For those players who come here to get a mount, if they don’t get a mount, if they get a sword, it’s considered a consolation prize, at least they don’t leave empty-handed. There are also some people who have already gotten the death horse but still have to get the sword before they’re willing to do it.

However, Lu Li quickly gave up his happy thoughts.

This is indeed the sword exploded by Baron Rivendell, but it is not the sword of Rivendell.

This sword is a one-handed sword, the blade is much narrower, and it does not have the deep light of the Sword of Rivendell. It is far inferior in terms of appearance, and its attributes are even weaker. level.

"The Iron Bone Sword is just dark gold equipment. Which one of you wants a one-handed sword?" Can Meng asked.

In fact, this thing is not bad. After all, it is dark gold equipment, and the special effects are not bad enough that no one cares about it. It is just because everyone signed up for the legendary equipment that the hope is naturally not so satisfactory.

There are many people here who use one-handed swords, but after asking around, no one took over.

It was not a good habit to force someone, so Lu Li simply kept the equipment and threw it back into the guild warehouse to exchange it for points and distribute them to everyone.

Now that the dark gold equipment has passed, what can be found next? Everyone is not very hopeful.

"Ghost mist leggings, dark gold...suit!" Can Meng immediately became excited. With her current vision, it was not difficult to see the value of the dark gold suit. Sure enough, as soon as she heard the word suit, everyone immediately gathered around.

"What profession is it? Is it mine?" Azure Sea Breeze also wanted a suit.

"The warrior's suit starts with courage. Don't worry about it. Ghost Mist is the warlock's suit." Lu Li then started to explain: "The warrior's suit is called courage, the priest's is the piety suit, the knight's is called the lightcast suit, and the hunter's is called The beast stalker suit, the shaman's is called the element suit, the druid is called the heart of the wild suit, the mage is called the savant, and the rogue's swift shadow suit..."

This is a set of equipment that is not kept secret. It is often mentioned by NPCs. There are also some books that record it and even draw its style.

"Thank you Mengmeng," Tangyuan with sesame filling happily took the suit parts and obediently offered twenty gold.

Don’t think it’s unreasonable to often reward Can Meng with gold coins. In fact, there are many people out there who ask Can Meng’s little red hands to touch corpses. Last week, with Lu Li’s consent, Can Meng helped Wei Yu Pavilion kill a level 50 monster on an island. BOSS, finally found a legendary piece and three pieces of secret gold. According to the agreed agreement, Weiyu Pavilion paid the Sword of Judgment a full 1,600 gold coins.

Even if she leaves the Sword of Judgment, as long as she kills the OSS, Can Meng can become a little rich woman.

There are so many guilds out there that want to attract her, and even her parents, including some business partners, are often harassed.

"Synthetic stone, magic damage increased by 5%," the next one is a good thing. Although it is a small amount, it is a full improvement. It would be embarrassing if I didn't bring out a magic weapon with a dark gold or above. Use such good stone.

"The skill book is called "Cold Bloodline"," Can Meng took out the fourth thing. Except for Huadi Liqing, who was a mage, everyone else was like a deflated balloon.

Cold blood, instant, speeds up your casting speed by 20%, and is immune to the casting delay effect, lasts for 20 seconds, has a cooldown of 30 minutes, and the current level is 0/5.

It is a good explosive skill. The most important thing is that it can be turned on when there are a lot of mobs or the BOSS is in a group attack. This can avoid casting errors and release delays caused by being attacked.

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