The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 916 The Dark Duke

When they met again, the boss Galford no longer remembered the combination of Lu Li and Erha.

He was looking contentedly at the shelves full of books around him. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately became energetic and said in a hoarse voice that turned into an undead: "Fire is really a scary thing, burning the flesh and blood of all living things." Hope, now it’s your turn to feel this despair!”

A big fireball flew over and hit Erha hard on the head - who let it go in front?

Darling, this guy's hatred range is really terrifying. Lu Li was extremely glad that he didn't take the risk of entering the archives directly last time because he had enhanced stealth.

Erha turned around and ran away with a strange scream. After running a few steps, he whined and died tragically on the spot. This guy was also a tragedy.

The blue sea breeze raised a large shield to block the second big fireball.

This is actually called Pyroblast. Compared with fireballs, it not only has more terrible damage, but also has a certain burning effect. It is a disaster for people who are not good at making fire.

Fortunately, he is not yet a super boss. As long as Azure Sea Style blocks it timely and accurately, at least it will not cause fatal damage to him.

Archivist Galford's ultimate move is called Burning Wind, a group damage skill, and it also has a certain stun effect. It's also very simple to deal with this move. Create a human wall in front of the BOSS and don't let the wind blow to those behind. Just remote and therapeutic.

Because there are no instant-kill skills, as long as they hide from the flames in a good place and don't stand in the fire pit and continue to burn, it is not difficult for Lu Li and others to be file administrators.

Therefore, this BOSS also happened once. In the middle, only Luo Ying recalled being knocked unconscious in the fire pit. The badge was used again before, and she was helplessly burned to death. However, in order for her to gain experience, Lu Li still used Zhan Fu to pull her out. got up.

After killing the Archivist, pick up the loot.

The knowledge book, the legal assistant, and the best dark gold equipment were exchanged for the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls with not too high points.

Off-hand equipment is equipped when using a magic sword or a magic dagger. You cannot use the off-hand when equipping a two-handed weapon such as a staff. Off-hand equipment generally has skill special effects, and the worse ones have a skill. The better ones are like this knowledge book. There are three, and the best deputy like Dark Chronicle even comes with five very powerful skills.

The reason why no one competed with him was also very simple, because both Huadi Liqing and Sanyue Yu used magic staffs, and they were extremely high-quality ones.

The second piece is also dark gold, but it is a set component - the Pious Gauntlet.

The devotional suit is the Priest T0. There was one component before March Rain, and now there are two. After making it, you can see the first set effect of the suit.

You can get two pieces in one copy, so don’t think that the probability is small.

Looking at other professions, everyone is drooling eagerly. The priest can get two pieces, which is an explosion of luck.

Finally, there is a piece of golden leather armor - ash-covered boots. This is equipment used by thieves and can also be used by druids. However, neither Lu Li nor Xiaobajiang are very fond of it, so they were probably thrown into the warehouse in exchange for points. Life.

In addition, it is an orb of justice.

After touching the equipment, everyone did not leave immediately.

One of the tasks shared by Hachi-chan was Duke Nicholas Serenhoff from the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

Duke Nicholas Serenhof is a wise linguist, and he is also a noble whose home territory was destroyed. What needs to be noted here is that his territory was not simply destroyed by the undead, but also acted as an accomplice. There is the Scarlet Crusade, so most of the tasks he issues are to kill the fallen officers of the Scarlet Crusade.

Now he turned his attention to his old friend, now archivist Galford.

There are only two kinds of people who know you best, one is your best friend, and the other is your enemy. The former best friend and now the enemy, Duke Nicholas Serenhoff knows very well how to make Galford taste the most unforgettable pain.

He asked Hachi-chan to burn all the materials in the archives - these materials were copied bit by bit by Galford after the original ones were burned.

Even after becoming an undead, Galford has always been unable to give up his own job, which shows how passionate he is about archive management. Because of this, Duke Nicholas Serenhoff viciously asked the player to burn his archives.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even though he lost his territory, Duke Nicholas Serenhof is still a wealthy man, and his mission is rich in rewards.

Therefore, this task must be done!

Seeing the files that he had finally saved turn into ashes in the blazing flames, Lu Li knew that they were about to gain a batch of rich experience, which was so rich that it was scary.

The dungeons are independent of each other and refreshed on each CD, but the files in this archive are not like this. After Lu Li and the others burned it this time, what the second team of players who fought against Galford saw was Lu Li and the others. After they burned it, they were burned again. Archival material transcribed by Galford.

Therefore, the first kill can burn a lot of files.

Duke Nicholas Serenhoff's reward is related to the number of files burned. With a room full of files burned, one can imagine how generous the reward will be.

Lu Li decided not to participate in the experience distribution for this task. Huadi Liqing, Luoying Memories, and Sesame Filled Rice Balls were all higher-level people who would not participate. As long as those who participated in the experience distribution were Can Meng, Yue Yue, In Azure Sea Breeze, either the students have less time to play, or the treatment MT makes it difficult to level up.

As for Hachi-chan, she is a task master and her level is not low, but she accepted this task, so it can’t work without her.

In the end, there was only one BOSS left, the boss of the Blood Zone - the Dread Lord Balnazzar.

Before going again, Lu Li and the others had to face groups of mobs with an astonishing density. The number was mind-numbing, but the items they dropped were pretty good.

"Be conservative, if you don't want to die," Lu Li patted Azure Sea Breeze's shoulder and motioned for everyone to step back. Once this guy pulls too many monsters, they obviously have no intention of sharing the joys and sorrows. If one MT dies, millions of people will be happy.

"Damn it, how tortured am I to play MT?" The blue sea breeze beat its chest and stamped its feet, shouting in vain.

The mobs here can drop many kinds of drawings, but most of them are relatively popular. What Lu Li wanted was an engineering drawing. The things he made were just average and of no great use. The materials needed were relatively cheap and could be used to wash them. Skill.

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