The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 922 Opportunity (please vote)

"I'm almost out of mana," despite Hachi-chan's magic tide being at the bottom, the healing profession has still reached its current embarrassing situation.

The output without magic may still have some combat effectiveness, but the treatment without magic value is nothing!

"Feng Shaoying Escape, Piao Ling, Ba Jiang gives him blood," Lu Li decisively launched a scapegoat, although he also knew that Piao Ling wouldn't last long, and it would be good if he could use up all his damage reduction skills.

"You'd better be careful," Piao Ling sneered.

If Azure Sea Breeze was pushed up to die, he would definitely say "You are my uncle" and pretend that nothing happened afterwards. But Piao Ling is different. He won't be too excited, but if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely not mind repaying the favor. one time.

"I'll give you more points later, so go ahead with peace of mind," Lu Li waved his hand, not taking his threat to heart at all.

Although Piao Ling is not the main tank, and he doesn't tend to be a defensive class with some outfits, he is a plate armor class after all, and he also has a few bottom-of-the-box damage reduction skills. Although this guy is not good at it all day long, he can be more serious when he should be. Not ambiguous either.

So as soon as Lu Li issued the order, he took over from Azure Sea Breeze to defeat the BOSS.

"Blood, I need blood!" Such a line from Zhong Er obviously did not meet Piao Ling's original intention, but when he turned on the special effects of the helmet, he couldn't help but make such a hoarse voice, and the originally handsome Piao Ling suddenly seemed to be enveloped. Like a thick layer of blood mist.

"Whenever you get the equipment, you will be really lucky." This is the virtue of Azure Sea Breeze. He only pays attention to the wind but not the wind, and never pays attention to the attributes of the equipment first.

Blood mist often floats around Lu Li's body. It's the blood-sucking effect on his ring. After strengthening it three times, it already has 35% blood-sucking effect. However, it's far behind compared to the effect on Piao Ling's hat, and the blood-sucking effect is not as good. Same.

At this time, Piao Ling's blood volume fluctuated up and down, which was obviously not just due to Hachi-chan's increased blood volume.

It cannot be said that his hat is better than Lu Li's legendary ring. After all, the blood-sucking special effect on this hat can only be used once a day, while Lu Li's ring does trigger the effect, which takes effect almost every few minutes, and blood-sucking is only one of the effects on Lu Li's ring. Just special effects.

"Should I take it easy? I feel like this guy can't hold on any longer," Huadi Liqing was not that trusting.

The scene in front of me can easily remind people of one word - three-plate axe.

"It's okay. Just keep doing the damage. Master Feng should be almost recovered." Lu Li still had something to say in his heart. If Piao Ling couldn't hold on, then Huadi Liqing, who had grabbed the hatred, would take the blame.

"Pull it away quickly, pull it away quickly," Piao Ling is really going to die. After a top-notch blood-sucking special effect, even if he uses damage reduction, he may not be able to resist a few hits.

"March, are you ready? Give him a few more bites first," Lu Li said helplessly.

"I can hold on for a while, but it's a pity that the Shadow Demon won't be able to wait any longer." Sanyueyu recovered some magic points. Just as the potion cooling time passed, he poured another bottle of top-quality magic potion, and then began to add blood to Piao Ling.

"The bloodthirst is over," Luo Ying recalled shouting.

The cooldown time of bloodthirsty is eight minutes, so it can be used multiple times in a battle like this that lasts too long.

"Let it out, everyone, attack harder, use whatever means you have now," Lu Li was overjoyed. After Luo Ying recalled turning on the bloodthirsty, he instantly transformed into a giant wolf and burst out at the BOSS, regardless of whether it was possible or not. OT.

It’s impossible not to fight now.

Once the MT dies, no one can hold back Balnazzar, who has transformed into a demon. He will fall down when the damage reduction from Floating Ling runs out, so while there are people taking advantage of the BOSS, of course everyone must use try best.

"Remember to tell me when you're done with floating damage reduction, Mr. Feng is ready to pick up the monsters," the giant wolf said in a human voice.

"My damage reduction hasn't cooled down yet," Azure Sea Breeze held a one-handed sword and inflicted weak damage to the BOSS. At least it showed that he was not idle and was working hard to help everyone fight the BOSS. But why did Lu Li come to him again? He did.

He didn't want to die at the last minute. It was too hard to live without experience.

"If you don't want to go to someone else, please stop talking and don't let Piao Ling die." Lu Li didn't care who among them died, as long as he killed the BOSS.

MT must have the awareness to block shots for his teammates at all times.

"Sir, why did I die first again? My experience, brother Lu Li, you can't give up on me. You can fight me back later, okay?" Azure Sea Breeze was about to cry.

"I just used Zhan Fu, it's useless even if you call me," Lu Li was helpless. Brother Lu Li's words made him shiver all over. It would be better for this guy to die as soon as possible. It's just disgusting to be alive.

"Bajiang, Bajie," Azure Sea Breeze took over the BOSS in fear, and one huge amount of damage after another made him turn blue.

"You are Zhu Bajie, call me daddy," Xiao Bajiang is so tough and tough that it makes people speechless.

"Uh... the baby really can't scream," Azure Sea Breeze really cried.

Lu Li's transformation effect ended, and Balnazzar still had more than 20,000 health points. He glanced at Sanyue Yu's remaining magic points, and he couldn't say he was in a good mood.

"Bajiang, do you still have the scroll like before? Take it out and tear it up quickly." Canmeng also realized that the situation was not good. All the pets she could summon to fight had been killed. Now even the magic value of resurrecting the pets was None.

"Go away, you think it's a radish from the market," Hachi-chan was speechless.

"Goodbye, everyone," Azure Sea Breeze said.

Piao Ling rushed forward to taunt Balnazar without saying a word, but the BOSS slapped him to death with only two slaps.

"Kill, kill," Azure Sea Breeze roared while lying on the ground. The object he called was the moonlight. The berserker's killing skills can cause a lot of damage when the target's health is less than 5%, but if the target is a BOSS If so, not only the amount of damage will be reduced, but the probability will also be cloudy.

"It's cooling, I just used it," Yueguang said calmly.

Huadi Liqingbie Balnazar caught up with him and killed him instantly with a critical strike, followed by Can Meng, who ran as fast as he could on his two short legs...

"Fake your own death!" Lu Li shouted.

"Oh, yes," Can Meng then remembered that he still had the means to escape from the hatred immediately, and fell down instantly.

After Balnazar was confused for a while, he decisively gave up on the little hunter and pursued the healing profession, because the hatred ranking of the healing profession was not low. After the high-output profession died, it was their turn.

Lu Li had used escape skills twice before to eliminate hatred and was not selected. At this time, he was attacking frantically while using escape skills.

Like the moonlight, he was actually waiting for a miracle to come.

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