The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 925 Call from afar

Perhaps most people would think they were weak, but only Lu Li knew that these skeletons were not weak, at least not as weak as people thought.

The level of the summoned skeleton is the same as the level of the carrier. The level 47 March Rain summons the level 47 skeleton. As the level increases, the health, attack, movement speed and other aspects of these skeletons will change. The strength will increase accordingly.

The second secret is that these skeletons have skills.

Before level 50, the skill they carry is called heavy attack, which can cause slightly higher damage to the target than normal attacks. What is more powerful is that heavy attack has a certain probability of stunning the target. If I have to say that the probability is too low, then if four Skeletons together.

That's right, the Book of the Dead summons skeletons, one every minute, and each one exists for five minutes. The time difference is significant - the previously summoned skeleton will not disappear because of the appearance of the new skeleton, it will always exist until Killed or expired.

This is the secret of the Book of the Dead,

This means that March Rain can at least keep four skeletons around to fight for her.

In fact, the second secret has an extension, that is, these skeletons not only know skills, but as their levels increase, fifty, fifty-five, and sixty, they will also learn new skills.

When the priest gets this piece of equipment, he immediately changes from being powerless to a professional with certain combat capabilities.

And this method of summoning skeletons also makes players crazy about this equipment.

It's a pity that the legendary equipment is so vague that Lu Li has never heard of the second person owning this equipment. After all, it is possible to obtain such legendary equipment only by refreshing the dungeon record or killing for the first time.

In fact, there is also a legendary staff in March Rain's backpack - the Ivy Staff. It has been idle because she could not find a suitable stone before. But in comparison, this Book of the Dead is obviously more favored by her. After all, she has it in her hand. It has been too weak for too long, and the Book of the Dead is more biased towards the endurance of the legal system.

Besides, the Book of the Dead limits occupations, so it can only be used by March Rain.

The ivy staff will not be wasted. It can be used by Hachi-chan, a healing druid. If you encounter a special scene, March Rain can also temporarily borrow it.

Hachi-chan's equipment is not bad, but no one would reject a piece of legendary equipment. After receiving it, I couldn't be happier.

Lu Li happened to have a stone in his backpack that reduced the equipment level, but the reduction was a bit small, only 8%. However, it was more than enough to put here. He, a senior caster, casually inlaid the stone on it.

"It's a pity that I don't have a main hand weapon," Sanyue Yu took off the staff originally equipped and replaced it with the Book of the Dead, sighing regretfully.

The staff is a two-handed equipment and cannot be equipped with the off-hand at the same time. When equipped with the off-hand, the priest can only choose a one-handed hammer, dagger, and a good horse with a good saddle. With the best off-hand, it would be uncoordinated without a good main hand.

"You are really not satisfied. Go back to the guild warehouse and find one to use first. This off-hand equipment alone is better than your staff," Lu Li said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you get a top-quality master hand," Huadi Liqing vowed. His sister got good equipment. The only person here who is only happy without any regrets is probably him.

"Mengmeng, I will give you a red envelope later." Giving it later means that the gold coins in the backpack are not enough to express my feelings.

"Sister March, no need. I have a lot of gold coins now, and I can't spend them all. I didn't even thank you for making me a bag. If you talk about gold coins again, I'll be angry." Although everyone often said that Can Meng is a little Money obsessed, in fact, she herself is a person who has no clear concept of money.

A few bags, a piece of legendary equipment; a thousand gold coins, a mount worth ten thousand gold, as long as she feels they are equal, there is absolutely no problem.

After giving up the idea of ​​Sanyue Yu giving her gold coins, Can Meng continued to squat down and touch the equipment.


Stop wowing me again. Lu Li felt that his heart was beating a little fast, and he was about to boom from being wowed by this girl.

"Sister March, it's yours again this time, who are you?" Can Meng was very happy, not having any regrets that the equipment was not his own. But isn't this little girl a little too single and stupid? You hold a dagger and actually ask others if they know what happened.

Gifts from the elf mage, dark gold daggers, legal weapons, and special effects are all very powerful.

One of them is quite unique. It is said to be able to store a skill of the wearer. Although it must be used within half an hour, it does not take up the skill cooling time and does not consume the user's magic value.

This is useful in both PVE and PVP.

Now that he has both the off-hand and the main hand, Sanyue Yu's equipment level has jumped a lot. Without the Supreme Ring as a foundation, Lu Li really wouldn't dare say that he can be better than Sanyue Yu's equipment.

In fact, Lu Li also wanted to change weapons. Although his Defiler Fragments were top quality, their level was a bit low after all.

However, after experiencing the battle in Balnazar, he gave up this idea.

It was no accident that Balnazzar was instantly killed in the end. The critical blow of the Defiler Fragment Special Effect 3, when the target's blood volume is less than 20%, has a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect. This effect is very important when fighting mobs. The advantage is not obvious at the time, but once it is triggered when fighting the BOSS, it can determine the victory of a battle.

In his previous life, he knew some clues about the upgrade of the Defiler Fragments, and he planned to take the time to try it out.

It would be better if this probability could be increased a little more.

"Which of you wants the Grand Crusader's helmet, dark gold, and plate armor?" This time it's no longer a priest's equipment. Can Meng actually looked a little disappointed. The little girl is too biased. Didn't she just do a lot of things for you? Is there any money for a bag?

"I don't want it," Piao Ling said without hesitation.

"Isn't this a legendary helmet?" Azure Sea Breeze reached out to touch Floating Ling's head. Not to mention, this helmet not only performed very eye-catchingly in battle, but also had a particularly stylish look.

"Although it's not a legend, it's almost there," Piao Ling said reservedly, but Dese's expression couldn't be concealed.

If you don't want Piao Ling, it belongs to Azure Sea Breeze. Although this dark gold is not as good as the previous two produced by Balnazar, it is a level 50 dark gold after all. The armor value alone gives Azure Sea Breeze no reason to refuse. , not to mention the addition of two damage reduction special effects.

"Dragon's tongue, golden leather armor, brother Lu Li, do you want it?" Can Meng showed the attributes.

Lu Li shook his head, indicating that he was not interested.

Although he is still wearing gold equipment now, it is a voodoo suit. The attribute bonus of the suit is very powerful. This kind of ordinary gold equipment cannot be detected by him even if it is level 50.

"Recipe: Refined Mixture of Wisdom," Canmeng shrugged and threw the leather armor into his backpack, intending to throw it back into the guild warehouse, then bent down and pulled out a blueprint.

"Good stuff, here are glutinous rice balls." Lu Li was quite satisfied with this drawing.

Refined Wisdom Flax: Increases the player's maximum mana by 2000 points for 2 hours. Only one such buff can be obtained at a time.

The effect is very good, but the materials are relatively precious and cannot be afforded by ordinary people. The Xinxin Mercenary Group, which shoulders the heavy responsibility of opening up wasteland for the Sword of Judgment, is not included in this. This investment is still necessary.

From now on, legal professions with the Sword of Judgment can fill a bottle in advance every time they fight a big BOSS.

Finally, there is a rare material and a synthetic stone. At this point, the two-year Stratholme copy is truly over.

Back in the city, before he could repair his equipment, he felt a summoning force. This force was very gentle and was pulling him away from the space of the main city to other places little by little.

Lu Li blinked in confusion. Who was calling him?

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