The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 928 Twilight Spy

Outside Stormwind City, the old knight lowered the griffin, and guards came over to guide the griffin to a special place.

There seems to be nothing special about Stormwind City today. Compared with the quiet Darnassus, it seems that it is always so noisy.

This kind of noise is not the noise of Iron Forge - although the dwarves find it pleasant, but it is indeed noise - the noise of Stormwind City is all players and NPCs, the most prosperous city on the continent. , there is no virtuous moment even late at night.

It seemed as if there had just been a burst of rain in the morning, and the air was filled with the smell of moist earth, mixed with the fragrance of grass roots.

There are many players setting flags on the grass at the city gate to duel.

Flag duel is a way to compete with the same camp. It is completely different from PK. Even if you are accidentally killed, you will not lose equipment or experience points.

The guards at the city gate will sometimes give them pointers. Don't underestimate these guards. Most of them have rich combat experience. If the players are lucky, they may even learn some rare skills from them.

Lu Li and the old knight entered through the city gate, still seeing the five familiar sculptures.

"There should be a position for the president here," the old knight said a little sadly, but he didn't feel any resentment. These five people were all people he respected extremely, and they were inextricably related to Lothar.

Khadgar, the image of an old man, actually did not grow old naturally, but was ruthlessly taken away by magic during that battle. However, he still used his wisdom and courage to win himself the title of the greatest magician in the alliance. one of the titles.

Under his sculpture there is an inscription by Antonidas: No one could have penetrated so selflessly into the darkest and most dangerous battlefields. Wherever you are, we wish you a safe journey, brave wanderer.

Ranger Alleria Windrunner, the first of the three Windrunner sisters, her inscription comes from her sister Queen Sylvanas.

It says: Your heart is like a sharp arrow, flying straight in the wind, my sister. You are the wisest warrior in our army and the most respected leader among our people.

The third one is Turalyon. Below his statue is the commemorative text written by Uther Lightbringer - "We defend our honor with blood, my friend, you are the embodiment of justice and virtue, your name It will be our eternal glory.”

During the Second War, Turalyon followed Lothar against the Horde and developed a mutual affection for the high elf ranger Alleria Windrunner.

After a series of battles, Turalyon's amazing fighting and commanding talents were honed, and he won the trust of Sir Lothar, Archmage Khadgar and others. Finally, in the tragic decisive battle at Blackrock Mountain, because the tribe leader Orgrim Doomhammer successfully killed Lothar in the duel, the shocked Turalyon angrily picked up Lothar's broken sword and took it from him. The powerful power of Holy Light was aroused in his body, and he fought back Orgrim.

The fourth is the dwarf gryphon knight Kurdran Wildhammer. The Wildhammer king Falstad Wildhammer wrote for the tribal warriors: We will hear the call of the gryphon in the wind, and we will hear the hammer of the war hammer. The sound of hammering echoes in the mountains. Face the difficulties bravely, my brother, the temple of your ancestors is calling you.

The last one is the militia captain of Stromgarde, Darnath Trollbane. The inscription was written by Thoras Trollbane, the late king of the Kingdom of Stromgard: My child, your experiences and sacrifices will forever be remembered. We remember that since the founding of our glorious empire, the blood of heroes has soaked the history of the entire empire.

These five people, collectively known as the Five Heroes of the Dark Portal, are also the most representative sons of Lothar.

Lothar's son is not Lothar's son. After the Battle of Blackrock Spire, the Alliance troops who participated in that battle all called themselves "Lothar's sons" in order to commemorate their late commander Lothar.

"I am here this time to investigate a person under the instructions of my mentor. I may need your help." Lu Li saw that everyone was about to go to the city and parted. He quickly put forward his request directly. Perhaps the reward he would get for completing the task would be More, but when it came to the Twilight's Hammer, he didn't want to risk his own life.

And he felt that even if this mission was not the main mission, it was at least a very important scene mission.

"Although I don't know who your mentor is, I agree to your request. The Iron Horse Brotherhood will serve you at any time." The old knight whistled a few times, and several fully armed Stormwind City guards heard the sound and rushed over.

Lu Li was overjoyed. He knew the strength of these Stormwind City guards better than anyone else, not to mention judging from the patterns on their chest armor, they were all members of the Storm Knights.

"Where are we going now?" asked the old knight.

"Do you know a Major named Samuelson?" Lu Li only knew the name, but he didn't know where this man was stationed.

If the rank of major were placed in a small place, such as a town outpost, he would definitely be the highest officer. But this is Stormwind City, the headquarters of the Alliance humans. It is not an exaggeration to say that "officers travel everywhere, and a major is not as good as a dog."

"Samuelson? What's your full name?" As expected, the old knight had never heard of it.

Lu Li shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he thought the task was too simple. Just one name was enough to find him for a long time.

"I know a Samuelson, but I don't know if he is the one you are looking for. It is said that his hometown was captured by ogres. He was transferred back to Stormwind City from Silithus a few years ago. He is usually a very low-key person. I don’t go out much, so I don’t think there’s anything worth investigating,” a knight stood up and said.

"Silithus?" Lu Li's expression changed slightly, and a lot of information about this place quickly came to his mind.

Lu Li has been to Silithus. In addition to the insects, there are also two major groups there: the elves of the Cenarion Circle and a group of Twilight's Hammer believers.

The members of the Twilight's Hammer believers there are mainly tribes and a few humans. They perform their own strange rituals there, or repeatedly dig through various ancient ruins, trying to find some information about the ancient gods.

"Yes, it's him. Please lead me to find him," Lu Li said firmly.

What he wanted to investigate was a spy from the Twilight Hammer sect. According to the information provided by Garona, this human officer who was absorbed into the backbone of the Twilight Hammer seemed to be responsible for some kind of ulterior danger.

Several people saw Lu Li's serious expression, and their commander didn't say anything to clarify Samuelson's innocence, so they could only take Lu Li and rush to Samuelson's camp.

Approaching the camp quietly, Lu Li planned to listen to what was going on inside.

I happened to hear someone reciting something inside.

At first, the abyss was dark.

When hatred breaks out, there is fire.

When the wound becomes scarred, it becomes soil.

The cry of pain gave birth to the wind.

What seeps down from the sky is an ocean of tears.

We are born into darkness.

The known heaven and earth are captivated.

It’s for the anger, hurt, pain, and sadness.

This seems to be a scripture often recited by Twilight's Hammer believers. Lu Li was also well-read in his previous life. He read similar content in the Gagar Camp on Mount Hyjal. This kind of scripture is called "Twilight" Bible".

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