The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 933 Strengthened Shadow Attack

"But I still think there may be something wrong with the king," Lu Li couldn't help but remind him in a subtle way.

They were not friends, but they had fought side by side after all, and Marshal Windsor was a very upright person, and even people who had nothing to do with him would respect him.

"Young man, you really like to be smart. I have something else to do, so let's end it today," Reginald Windsor changed his face as soon as he said it, got up and left angrily.

Lu Li didn't feel too surprised. He had actually expected such an ending.

Maybe it's fate. Reginald Windsor will always take that path. In fact, the fantasy prophecy he saw in Karazhan is actually the ending designed for him by the game. All outsiders who try to change this ending Strength will be corrected.

As a reborn person, Lu Li knew what would happen.

Reginald Windsor did not find his destiny in the Burning Plains. The Council cut off all his supplies under the leadership of the countess. Then he would be captured by the Blackrock dwarves and imprisoned in Blackrock Tower. One day he would He was rescued by adventurers, and then he discovered the truth with the help of adventurers.

Windsor returned to Stormwind City with the truth and tried to expose the true face of the Countess. He did succeed, but the price he paid was to fulfill the words-die at the claws of the black dragon.

"Goodbye, Marshal Windsor," Lu Li took out a few gold coins and threw them into the wine glass. After pulling on his cloak, he added, "See you at Blackstone Tower."

After Lu Li applied to be summoned, he soon met Garona again.

"Sit down," Garona did not stay in her cave at this time. What appeared in front of Lu Li was the vast night sky.

He couldn't tell where this place was for a while. After all, it was a high mountaintop, so after sitting down, he asked simply: "The scenery here seems to be very good. Instructor, what is this place?"

"Deadwind Pass," Garona replied, not intending to say more.

Lu Li didn't want to say much. In fact, what he really wanted to ask was, standing on the hill on the Adverse Wind Trail, instructor, should you look at Karazhan on the left, or at the Dark Portal on the right side of the mountain.

Karazhan was Medivh's mage tower, and Garona also met Medivh here, and the Dark Portal was the passage for the orcs from Draenor to Azeroth. Back then, Garona followed the orc army with trepidation. The feeling of walking through that unknown road.

This has been a long time, and I have never gone back since then.

"I guess your mission has been completed. Tell me how it went," Garona finally spoke.

"If, I mean if," Lu Li was afraid that this mentor would stab him to death, so he took precautions in advance: "If I had been a step late, King Varian would have probably been killed. After the faceless man died, A small piece of limb fell off the body, I suspect it is part of the ancient god."

"Part of the Ancient God?" Garona glanced at Lu Li strangely: "How do you know that it is part of the Ancient God?"

"The energy is too huge, mentor. To make a young major officer become so powerful in such a short period of time, only the energy of the ancient gods can do it." Lu Li was just pretending to be a noob. He had to make Samuel Sen described it as more powerful, otherwise the mission rewards would definitely be shabby.

Although this task is not time-consuming, it is definitely not easy. So far, he has not seen a single copper coin, nor gained any experience, let alone equipment skill points.

"If it's really as powerful as you say, then Samuelson is indeed a person with fanatical beliefs. Okay, let's talk about Varian," Garona changed the subject. It seemed that she really didn't want to listen to her disciple's nonsense.

"Well, Varian is very abnormal, that's how I must describe him," Lu Li said honestly.

"Besides being defeated by the Faceless Man, what else is wrong with him?" Garona's expression changed. In fact, this was what she really wanted to know. As for Varian's safety, even without the intervention of Lu Li and the old knight, No other accidents will happen.

"There is also a bit of a problem with his character. I don't think he behaves like a tough monarch. Hmm... I don't know whether to describe him as stable or cowardly," Lu Li thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, your mission is accomplished," the half-orc hugged his knees and looked into the distance, which was neither Karazhan nor the Dark Portal.

"Since everything is alright, let me leave first," Lu Li said helplessly towards his mentor, who was by no means a kind one. So what if she didn't give him a reward? How could he still have the guts to turn against him?

"Take this with you, I hope you can find your own direction," Garona threw out a book.

Lu Li grabbed it with his hands, glanced at it and grinned.

"Enhanced Shadow Attack"!

His most commonly used skills have been with him since he entered the game of Dawn. Unfortunately, as the player level increases and the blood volume increases, even if he can deal three times the damage, it is not enough to cause fatal damage to the target. The damage, in the final analysis, is that the basic damage value is too low. Especially when fighting BOSS, because the judgment value of such a skill is too low, there is a very small chance of a critical hit.

Now that he finally had the enhanced skills, even Lu Li, who was not used to losing his temper, couldn't help but laugh.

I guess Yue Buqun from The Swordsman felt like this when he got the evil sword manual.

"Thank you, mentor. I will definitely learn it at the most appropriate time and will not let you down." Lu Li bowed deeply and disappeared in the white light of the city return stone.

After returning home, the first thing he did was to find a place to practice Shadow Attack. He has relatively strict standards for this skill. No matter when others learn to strengthen the skill, he will only consider learning it after the Shadow Attack is stabilized and completed at 100%. Strengthen skills.

Anyway, even if he doesn't learn to strengthen the shadow attack, he still has the confidence to face anyone.

Shadow attack is a frontal attack skill for thieves. If you want to practice it, you must find a monster with high defense, low attack, the best movement speed and not so abnormal.

Lu Li thought for a while and decided to choose Timbermaw Fortress.

Timbermaw Fortress is the junction of Moonglade, Winterspring and Felwood.

He's certainly not asking to kill the Timbermaw furbolgs there - a mistake many uninformed players make.

They either had a purpose or they attacked the yellow-named neutral Timbermaw furbolgs here as they pleased. As a result, their reputation with the Timbermaw clan became negative. This result became very serious after some players' Timbermaw clan's reputation increased. .

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