The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 941 The best power leveling (please vote for recommendation)

Lu Li wanted to refuse directly, but he had to let someone finish what he said, so he nodded and signaled that the other person could make a request.

"I have an endorsement contract with the game official, which requires me to take some photos of the process of playing the game. I hope you can take me to practice lower levels, and I don't know anything about the game," Su Mei smiled sheepishly: "Speaking of which I’m not afraid of your jokes, I haven’t played games in my entire life.”

Lu Li's reason told him that this was unbelievable. How could there be people these days who had never played virtual games.

Even the elderly who are approaching death at the age of eighty will enter the virtual landscape and countryside like virtual games to cultivate their sentiments as long as their financial conditions permit.

However, Su Mei has a temperament that will never question her. Even the strong-willed Lu Li will be affected, but he is a rational person after all, so he quickly adjusted his mentality: "Sorry, I am usually busy. And I think starting without knowing anything may actually have better results.”

The communicator vibrated continuously.

Lu Li blocked almost all channels, and there were only a few people who could harass him at this time.

He glanced hastily and picked two more important ones to look at.

The most important thing is of course Lu Xin - this little girl is secretly playing games again. She really doesn't have a long memory if she doesn't play. I will definitely teach her a lesson next time.

Then there is Root Number 3. This guy and Lu Xin almost agreed and sent the same message: Promise her, promise her, if you don’t promise him, you will be dead. Of course, Lu Xin’s threat is more serious, she If you don't agree, I won't call you brother.

For someone, this may be more serious than death.

Although Lu Li was a very principled person, at some point he would forget what principles were, so he quickly changed his mind and said, "It's just that if it's particularly necessary, it's not impossible to consider it."

The audience was in an uproar.

These people have experienced three ups and downs in life.

First, Su Mei invited Lu Li to take her to play games. Needless to say, many people probably wanted to time travel to Lu Li at this moment, even if he didn't survive tomorrow morning, it didn't matter.

Then Lu Li refused. While these people scolded Lu Li for his ignorance of courtesy and his lack of understanding of style, they all gave him a thumbs up. Yes, buddy, you are so principled. Why do you value women so much in this world? Zhong, since you refuse, then we have a chance.

When Lu Li made a 180-degree turn, these people could no longer hold back their curses.

Damn you uncle, what about your moral integrity, what about your shame, the speaker of the dignified Sword of Judgment, the star figure in the gaming industry, why are you so shameless?

Su Mei smiled and bent down.

Her waist is very thin, and today's outfit may be able to highlight her waistline, so she looks very attractive from Lu Li's angle.

Don't look at anything inappropriate, Lu Li said goodbye.

He felt for the first time in his heart that this woman was really a fairy. He couldn't help but take out the water fairy and compare it.

"Then add a friend," Miss Su said.

There was no way to add friends, and Lu Li didn't want to delay on the awards stage like this. Tens of thousands of people were watching below, and the scene was live broadcast to all players. As a thief, it was better to lurk in the shadows.

Maybe it's time to get a prop that allows you to temporarily change your name.

Then he glanced at Su Mei's game name, and it was really Su Guliang. He had no idea that this was the nickname Su Mei was given by fans.

Su Guliang was obviously not a careless person. After Lu Li agreed, she handed the small gift box and trophy to Lu Li, and then she extended her hand...

Tong Yanwuji, who has been teleported to the outside, is very depressed. Although everyone calls him Brother Ji, he really likes women. Su Mei is also a otaku goddess. If there is a similar handshake treatment, Tong Yanwuji Will definitely not refuse.

Why didn't he have it, but Lu Li had it.

Then he thought evilly, maybe Lu Li would refuse, this guy was used to pretending to be a serious person.

In that case, Su Mei would definitely be unable to step down and would definitely hate Lu Li.

Although Lu Li has an eccentric personality, it does not mean that he is unreasonable, and after experiencing many things, people will always be a little more tactful, so he did not refuse to shake hands. It is not an easy thing to shake hands with such a fairy-like person. Something that makes people sad.

"Say hello to her for me, oh, by the way, her name is Water Elf in the game," Su Mei said softly.

Lu Li's hands shook. Why did he feel so frightened that he would be caught in bed?

It also comes with experience points and a skill point.

The experience value is not much, and it only allows him to reach about 20% of level 48, which is far worse than Tong Yanwuji. After all, the highlight of second place is the experience value, but the skill points are an unexpected surprise. The main thing is that no one else does.

The small gift box contained legendary equipment, and of course Lu Li would not dismantle it on the stage as everyone wanted.

He was very grateful that the game company did not announce the attributes. Except for the young man who kept the screen on all day long, no one wanted the attributes of his equipment to be announced to the world.

After being teleported out of the podium, he couldn't wait to open the small gift box.

It's a pair of shoes, this is something I've known for a long time.

Champion's Boots (Legendary): Armor 80, Agility +100, Constitution +50, Movement Speed ​​+25%, Groove 2, Special Effect 1: Kicking skill +1, certain probability of silencing legal targets for 3 seconds, Special Effect 2 : Shadow Step, escape into the shadows and appear behind the target. Within 10 seconds, the damage caused by your next ambush or chokehold will be increased by 30%, and your movement speed will be increased by 80% for 5 seconds. The cooldown time is 2 minutes. , Special effect 3: Lunge, use, instantly dash 15 yards away, and cause 200% attack damage to all targets in a straight line. The user is invincible during movement, cooling time is 3 minutes, equipment requirement level is 60, durability 375/ 375.

A string of small golden words at the bottom: This is to commemorate Mr. Lu Li’s outstanding performance in the first Shuguang Cup Marathon.

Seeing a series of attributes and special effects, Lu Li's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

Although the final requirement level of 60 made him disappointed, he soon became happy again. At worst, it costs a lot of money to drop a stone to reduce demand. I don't believe that Shuguang is so big that there are only a few lucky people.

If he wants to wear level 60 equipment at level 48, he must find a stone that reduces the required equipment level by 20%.

This is not difficult, but very difficult. Perhaps the official has lowered the drop probability of BUG-level gems like Reducing Demand, or the demand has suddenly become much larger. Anyway, it is rare to see Reducing Demand on the market. The stone, even 5% is difficult.

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