The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 943 Alternative Trading

However, not long after Lu Li hung up, Root Number Three came over again.

He asked Lu Li to go to Hyacinth Bar.

The name of this bar suggests that it was opened by a player. It is located in Ironforge, the main city of the dwarves, a place where Lu Li rarely sets foot.

Ironforge is the main city of dwarves and gnomes. It is located on the top of the snow-capped Dun Morogh - or in the center of the mountain. It is an expensive underground city. Here lives an ancient race of dwarves and quirky dwarves and their cousins, the gnomes.

Countless craftsmen, adventurers, miners and warriors gather here.

It is not as prosperous as Stormwind City, and not as quiet as Darnassus, but many players like the hustle and bustle of iron hammering here, the mellow wine of the dwarves, and the white snow of Dun Morogh.

Elves rarely appear in such a city, mainly because they don't like the environment here.

Lu Li actually didn't like it here either. He would rather drown himself in the crowded Stormwind City.

The Hyacinth Bar is located between two blacksmith shops, which is a very good location. The most important thing in Ironforge is a blacksmith shop, but most of the blacksmith shops do not provide services to players. They are arms workshops for the Alliance NPC army.

After walking in, I saw a lot of dwarfs.

There are mostly gnomes in the Hyacinth Bar, relatively few dwarves, and almost no humans, elves, or draenei.

Root number three brought Lu Li to find a little dwarf.

To be precise, she is a female dwarf. She is not very beautiful, but she is cute - most female dwarfs are cute. Many of them are not very old in reality and are used to being cute.

If a little girl hugs your thigh and calls you brother, you will probably be happy to take them to level up.

Don't underestimate the dwarf race just because this kind of thing happens more often.

"Jump Up and Hit Your Knees", which ranks seventeenth on the guild rankings, is a guild formed purely by dwarves and gnomes. This guild is actually very young. They have only experienced two games. In the last game, they They are all made up of the halfling race. In the last game, they were demon races with a height below a certain range.

It is difficult for an organization with a relatively monotonous racial composition to develop too strongly. Ranking seventeenth place is enough to illustrate their cohesion.

Because most of the people in this guild are from Ironforge, they call themselves Ironforge in the game Dawn, as if they are occupying Ironforge.

In fact, no matter how small the number of people in Ironforge is, there are still hundreds of thousands of people. Their number of people is simply not enough, but at least 80% of the others are stragglers, and there is no way to compete with such a large guild.

Lu Li nodded to the female dwarf and ordered a glass of rye wine.

"That's her. She has a piece of equipment with a demand level of -20%, but she doesn't want to sell it. I really can't convince her, so you should give it a try," Root Number Three shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"If you want this stone, I hope you can kill someone for me," the little dwarf's voice was very sweet, but the words he spoke were not sweet at all.

"If possible, we are willing to buy it at a high price," Lu Li said not wanting to waste time.

After the Nogfogg Pharmacy deal was concluded, he was more willing to use gold coins to solve the problem.

"No, I'm not short of money," the little dwarf refused very simply.

Lu Li looked into her stubborn eyes and could easily sense the other party's determination. He agreed directly: "Okay, we agreed. We will kill whoever we want, and how many times we need to kill him."

Murder should not be too simple, okay?

"Ironforge's Enchantment, he..." The female dwarf stared at Lu Li's eyes with a worried expression - only one pair of eyes of Lu Li's face was exposed.

The whole list behind them is all about why Zuixin should be killed, and how much Zuixin deserved to die.

In fact, it is very simple. The little dwarf's sister is attracted by Zuizhen, so she pursues her. Opposites attract each other as a matter of course.

Unfortunately, I got the wrong script about the domineering president falling in love with me. The little dwarf’s sister didn’t like this kind of reckless man, so she became angry because of the shame and sent people to harass me in various ways. The little dwarf’s sister was so angry that she deleted her account and stopped playing.

"Zui Xin..." Lu Li did not show any fear or even fear as she imagined. He just repeated the name once and then nodded in agreement.

"It's intoxication," the female dwarf emphasized.

"I know, the warrior master who jumped up and hit you on the knee has level 47 defense. He is used to using a one-handed hammer and shield. He is taking a route that combines defense with output, right?" Lu Li winked at her.

"Aren't you afraid of him?" The little dwarf felt that he was living in a dream.

Zuixin is a high-level member of the guild in "Jump Up and Hit Your Knees". He has high levels and good equipment. He brings at least a small team of ten people for protection whenever he comes in or out.

He jumps up and hits you on the knee to show off his power in Ironforge. Although his behavior is not too arrogant, it definitely offends a lot of people, and there are many people who want to clear their minds. Unfortunately, I haven't heard of anyone killing him yet.

"Xiao Hei, are you there?" Lu Li called someone he hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Brother Li, why did you think of coming to see me?" Xiao Hei's voice made him particularly surprised.

Xiao Hei and Chong Zi are Lu Li's real-life brothers. After Chong Zi was framed and had an accident, Xiao Hei asked Lu Li for help. Lu Li helped them get out of trouble, and then funded them with a batch of gaming helmets to enter the game.

At first, they only knew that Lu Li was very good as a thief, so they all chose the thief profession.

Unless we continue to recruit people for this kind of professional composition, we will definitely have no chance of joining the dungeon.

Later, under the guidance of Lu Li, they all joined the small camp of Death Ghost Hands. Although this small camp was mostly composed of thieves, they were different from MI7 and Ravenholdt Manor in that they belonged to a darker killer organization.

Some people believe that they are affiliated with the mercenary union and specialize in assassinations.

Since then, these dozens of people have stayed away from dungeons and battlefields, except for leveling up and taking on assassination missions all day long.

They can complete tasks to obtain equipment experience, and occasionally get some funding from the Sword of Judgment, so they are living a relatively comfortable life. Not only do dozens of them have reached level 45 or above in the game, but they also collectively rented it in reality. A house with good conditions can help everyone escape poverty and settle down.

Except for Root Hao San and Lu Li, no one in the Sword of Judgment knew of their existence.

"Do you know the drunken heart, the drunkard heart of Ironforge?" Lu Li went straight to the topic. He didn't like to have many contacts with these old friends. As for arranging these people to do things, it was to give them a chance to return his favor.

People who are on the road are more concerned about cause and effect. If you don't return this favor, the cause will not be safe.

"You know, a very arrogant person who is anti-war, has he offended Brother Li?" Xiao Hei was originally dedicated to collecting intelligence in this small group, and it was no exception after entering the game.

"He didn't offend me, but I still ask you to hang up on him once and send me the video later," Lu Li said.

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